AKOM194-24YC2 (D) Year C Second Half 2024 (Distance)

Te Puna Marautanga 1

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 8 July 2024
End Date: Sunday, 10 November 2024
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 21 July 2024
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 29 September 2024


This course provides a foundation for developing knowledge, pedagogical approaches within the early childhood curriculum, Te Whariki: He Whariki Matauranga mo nga mokopuna o Aotearoa as well as an introduction to Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and the matapono o Te Aho Matua. This course will support pre-service kaiako to develop understandings of Maori medium contexts and relevant marau and begin to help them notice the central role of whakapapa, tikanga and uara to nurture relationships and foster talents and interests.

Learning Outcomes

On the successful completion of AKOM194, students will be able to:
1. Examine and explain the significance of the mātāpono and hononga within the various marau in establishing and maintaining strong connections with tamariki, ākonga, whānau, hapū and iwi.
2. Articulate the moemoeā of the bicultural structure and intent of Te Whāriki and Te Whāriki, Te Kōhanga Reo.
3. Articulate the moemoeā of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and Te Aho Matua in regards to their distinct nature and whakapapa Māori.
4. Understand and articulate how these marau can be used to see, hear, feel and notice the pūkenga and pūmanawa of mokopuna, tamariki, rangatahi.

Course Coordinator

For further information see School of Teacher Education Head of Department


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Kauhau 50%
Tuhituhi 50%

Attendance and Engagement (Distance students)
Full attendance and participation in the on-site intensive programme, Tiriti o Waitangi workshops, and noho marae are compulsory requirements of the programme.

Students are required to actively engage with all course content and activities including Zoom workshops, lecture recordings, readings, online modules, and any other requirements specified by the course coordinator, in order to meet the learning outcomes of the course.

Students are expected to notify lecturers in writing (e.g. email message) prior to their absence, with an explanation. For extended absences (3 or more days), students should apply to the course coordinator. Extended absences must be accompanied by supporting evidence, e.g. medical certificate. Alternative tasks that demonstrate engagement with course content missed due to absences must be completed if provided.

Attendance issues and/or lack of engagement with course content and activities may impact your ability to pass the course and/or complete the 'Teaching Professional Practice' associated with this course.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $844.00

International fee $3,950.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Teacher Education .

All AKOM194 Occurrences

  • AKOM194-24YC2 (C) Year C Second Half 2024
  • AKOM194-24YC2 (D) Year C Second Half 2024 (Distance)