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Mana Atua will explore and analyse kaupapa Maori perspectives of wellbeing ensuring all dimensions; tinana, wairua, hinengaro, whanau and whakapapa are explored. Responding to learner needs and interests in reference to inclusive education models and indigenous pedagogies will be explored. Language development, language acquisition and language revitalisation; centralising Maori and indigenous forms of language transfer will be explored.
On the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:1. Analyse principle ideas in development in children from years 0 - 12 and explain how these learnings can be used by kaiako in various learning environments (tinana, hinengaro, wairua, whānau).2. Select and critique frameworks, models and indigenous pedagogies that can be used to respond to, foster and celebrate individual and collective diversity (whakapapa, whānau, tinana, hinengaro). 3. Articulate theories, pedagogies and approaches to teaching and learning that influence an ethical and professional teaching philosophy (whakapapa, whānau, hinengaro).4. Explore language learning development, acquisition models and language revitalisation methods and approaches (hinengaro, whakapapa).
AKOM191 and AKOM192
Kay-Lee Jones
Attendance and Engagement Requirements (Campus students)Full attendance and participation in campus intensive programmes, Tiriti o Waitangi workshops, and noho marae are compulsory requirements of the programme. Students are required to attend all scheduled course workshops and lectures. Students are also required to actively engage with course content including readings, online modules and related activities, and any other requirements specified by the course coordinator, in order to meet the learning outcomes of the course.Students are expected to notify lecturers in writing (e.g. email message) prior to their absence, with an explanation. For extended absences (3 or more days), students should apply to the course coordinator. Extended absences must be accompanied by supporting evidence, e.g. medical certificate. Alternative tasks that demonstrate engagement with course content missed due to absences must be completed to a satisfactory standard if provided. Attendance issues and/or lack of engagement with course content and activities may impact your ability to pass the course and/or complete the 'Teaching Professional Practice' associated with this course.
Domestic fee $844.00
International fee $3,950.00
* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.
For further information see School of Teacher Education .