BIOL377-25S1 (C) Semester One 2025

Global Change Ecology and Biosecurity

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 17 February 2025
End Date: Sunday, 22 June 2025
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 2 March 2025
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 11 May 2025


A discussion of major concepts in community and ecosystems ecology in the context of anthropogenic changes to the environment and pressure from invasive exotic species.

The general aim of the course is to discuss major concepts in community and ecosystems ecology in the context of anthropogenic changes to the environment including pressure from invasive exotic species.  The central focus will be on the interactions of organisms with their physical and biotic environment, and the ways in which ecological principles can be used to predict responses to global change and to maintain biosecurity.  Global change phenomena are often dealt with as independent problems or special cases.  We will highlight the interdependence of these threats, and explain their effects on organisms using general ecological principles.  We will also discuss biosecurity issues in the broad sense, including how to maintain the integrity of our ecosystems, maintain food supply, and protect human health.

Additional reading of recent books and scientific papers will be an essential adjunct to the lectures, and development of the ability to evaluate such readings is an important objective for the course.

Lectures will largely entail a discussion format, such that attendance is compulsory and not substitutable with online content alone.

An understanding of basic ecological principles is assumed.  If at any stage you feel that you do not understand the assumed basics, refer to the general reference materials listed below or seek help from the lecturer concerned as soon as possible.

Goals of the Course
To introduce the methodology and principles of investigation into human impacts on ecological processes at the community and ecosystem level, to develop an understanding of the interdependent relationship between human well-being and ecosystem function, and to provide skills in research and data analysis.

Learning Outcomes

  • As a student in this course, I will develop the ability to:
  • Apply concepts from community and ecosystem ecology to evaluate how the various drivers of global environmental change affect ecosystems and human wellbeing (assessment task: final exam). (Graduate Attribute 1: Critically competent in the core academic discipline; Graduate Attribute 5: Globally Aware)
  • Evaluate the importance of direct vs. indirect pathways through which human activities drive community and ecosystem change at multiple scales (assessment task: final exam). (Graduate Attribute 1: Critically competent in the core academic discipline).
  • Apply an understanding of scientific practice and of global change biology and ecology to the generation of new testable hypotheses (assessment task: project report). (Graduate Attribute 1: Critically competent in the core academic discipline; Graduate Attribute 2: Employable, Innovative and Enterprising)
  • Synthesise primary scientific literature to generate a clear and concise argument in support of a perspective (assessment tasks: project report & final exam). (Graduate Attribute 1: Critically competent in the core academic discipline; Graduate Attribute 2: Employable, Innovative and Enterprising)
  • Synthesise primary scientific literature to provide necessary background and context for understanding and interpreting experimental data (assessment task: project report). (Graduate Attribute 1: Critically competent in the core academic discipline; Graduate Attribute 2: Employable, Innovative and Enterprising)
  • Reflect on how one’s actions result in ecosystem change, and relate this to the social and economic trade-offs that underpin environmental decision making (assessment task: final exam). (Graduate Attribute 3: Biculturally Competent and Confident; Graduate Attribute 4: Engaged with the Community).
  • Reflect on the impact of colonisation and changing social and environmental conditions on the relationships between indigenous peoples and their environment. (assessment task: mid-course test). (Graduate Attribute 3: Biculturally Competent and Confident).

    Transferable Skills / Pūkenga Ngaio
    As a student in this course, I will develop the following skills:
  • Synthesising information.  In everyday life and in many job situations you will be required to read information from different sources, construct your own understanding and shape your own viewpoint. In lectures and tutorials we will discuss recent research papers in a group environment and this will develop your abilities to identify the essential elements of research outputs - you will then use in report writing. (Graduate Attribute 2: Employable, Innovative and Enterprising)
  • Generating data. Important for research and in governmental and non-governmental organizations. We will conduct research activities to provide both the real-world context for lectures and to develop hands-on skills in data generation and manipulation. (Graduate Attribute 2: Employable, Innovative and Enterprising)
  • Analysing data. Important for research, as well as in a number of private-sector organizations. This skill will be further developed when we assist you to analyse and present the data we generate in the research workshop. (Graduate Attribute 2: Employable, Innovative and Enterprising)
  • Writing a report on findings. Clear written communication is essential for most professional careers. We will provide instruction on the elements of successful reports and help you identify these elements with clear marking rubrics through peer and self-assessment. (Graduate Attribute 2: Employable, Innovative and Enterprising)


Timetable Note

Lectures/tutorials / Akoranga
There will be a total of 24 lectures/tutorial topics in this course - two per week. There will be a mix of lectures, question times, and discussions on readings and homework. These have been included in the course to allow for in-depth group discussions on topics/papers of interest, and to enable you to be more effective in the course and in the future.
Our teaching philosophy is that students need to be actively engaged in learning – it is important that you do more than simply turn up to class and receive instruction from us. You will be given clear instructions on what preparation is expected before each class – please come to class prepared to make best use of the time. [Students should note that in the Science Faculty that the average student is responsible for 10-12 hours of study per credit point – this equates to approximately 4 hours of additional study for each hour of class contact at the 300-level].
Research Workshop
The 2-day research workshop is COMPULSORY will be on campus (see timetable for exact dates).”
During our hands-on research activity this year we will focus on key topics in global change science:
1. How can species-species interactions influence population and community dynamics? We will extend a simple multi-species model to understand (i) how the addition/removal of a species (e.g. an invader) can influence other species in a community and (ii) the degree to which external disturbance can change community dynamics.
2. How might species interactions change in a future world?
There will be a formal independent project report assessed from this workshop.
[We will also run an optional ‘help clinic’ during the lecture period in week 8 to assist you with project analysis and write-up].

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Ian Dickie


Jason Tylianakis and Daniel Stouffer


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Final exam 37%
Peer-feedback on a class-mate's project 5%
Project write-up 30%
Quizzes 10%
Mid course test 18%

Textbooks / Resources

There is no required text. During the course you will be directed to various books and
scientific papers, some of which are provided as booklets of readings by the lecturer.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,036.00

International fee $5,188.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Biological Sciences .

All BIOL377 Occurrences

  • BIOL377-25S1 (C) Semester One 2025