Greek Mythologies

15 points

Not offered 2024, offered in 2018, 2019

For further information see Humanities


This course focuses on one of the great mainstays of Western culture that has endured for over 3,000 years: myths told by the Greeks in their literature and art to explain everything from the origins of the cosmos to the end of the heroic age. Themes include: the rise of Zeus and the Olympians to power; Demeter and Dionysos; Prometheus and the origins of human technology; heroes such as Heracles, Oedipus, Achilles, Odysseus as well as figures such Medea and Helen of Troy. In addition to analysis of ancient material, there will also be discussion of the vast influence of Greek myth on subsequent western art, literature and film from Botticelli and Byron to Brad Pitt and more.


CLAS102, CLAS103, CLAS107