EDUC102-18S1 (D) Semester One 2018 (Distance)

Child and Adolescent Development

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 19 February 2018
End Date: Sunday, 24 June 2018
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 4 March 2018
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 20 May 2018


This course establishes a foundation in theory, concepts, processes and factual knowledge of infant, child, and adolescent development within the context of family, school, and community. Students will acquire an understanding of the developmental processes that take place within and across physical, cognitive, emotional, and social domains, and their associations with developmental outcomes.

How do infants develop into children and how do children develop into adolescents? How does the combination of genetic/biological and environmental influences shape our developmental outcomes? Are early risk factors always detrimental for child outcomes? How does our social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development overlap?

These are just a few of the interesting questions that will be addressed in EDUC102: Child and Adolescent Development. Together we connect research and theory to education, emphasising the importance of development to teaching and learning, educational psychology, philosophy, and policy.

Learning Outcomes

1. Students will be able to describe principal ideas of a developmental approach to understanding infants, children and adolescents.
2. Students will be able to describe the pathways of cognitive, social, emotional and physical development.
3. Students will be able to outline the process of language development from infancy.
4. Students will be able to describe the principal ideas of a range of developmental theories.
5. Students will be able to discuss the impact of health and health- related issues on infant, child and adolescent development.

University Graduate Attributes

This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:

Critically competent in a core academic discipline of their award

Students know and can critically evaluate and, where applicable, apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.


TEDU110, EDUC121, TEDU150, TEDU102

Equivalent Courses

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Valerie Sotardi


Myron Friesen and Jacqueline Tither


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Flexi-Quizzes 35% Across the semester, students have six opportunities to complete a FlexiQuiz (fortnightly). These quizzes include 15 multi-choice items and take place via LEARN, our UC Moodle platform. Each quiz is worth 7% each, and we keep only the the 5 highest quiz scores.
Academic Essay (Early Draft) 25 Mar 2018 20% 400-word (minimum) draft of our Academic Essay. This is due before 11:55pm on 25 March 2018.
Academic Essay (Final) 08 Jun 2018 45% The Academic Essay measures students' knowledge and communication of three developmental dimensions (physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional) and their respective connections to education based on a chosen age/stage (early childhood, middle childhood, or adolescence). The final essay is 2,000 words in length (+/- 10%; excluding full references at the end), and is due before 11:55pm on 8 June 2018.

Textbooks / Resources

Required Texts

Santrock, John W; Child development ; Fourteenth edition;

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $746.00

International fee $3,038.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment .

All EDUC102 Occurrences

  • EDUC102-18S1 (C) Semester One 2018
  • EDUC102-18S1 (D) Semester One 2018 (Distance)