ENCI336-24S2 (C) Semester Two 2024

Behaviour and Design of Structures 1

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 15 July 2024
End Date: Sunday, 10 November 2024
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 28 July 2024
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 29 September 2024


Concrete and steel as structural materials. Design of members for tension, compression, shear, and flexure. Welded and bolted connections. Limit-state design concepts. Serviceability.

The objective of the course is to introduce the students to the use of concrete and steel as structural materials and to the principles of structural design.

It builds on the acquired knowledge of mechanics of materials, metallurgy, and structural design and analysis for statically determinate elements covered in previous courses.

Learning Outcomes

  • At the end of the course, students are expected to:

  • Describe the behaviour of structural steel and reinforced concrete elements, and explain key design concepts for such elements. (UC graduate attributes: EII2, EII3, GA3, CE3) (WA graduate attributes: WA5)
  • Be able to apply the principles of mechanics to calculate the resistance of reinforced concrete and steel structural elements subject to tension, compression, shear, flexure actions and/or combinations of these.  (UC graduate attributes: EII2, EII3, E114) (WA graduate attributes: WA1, WA2, WA3, WA5, WA6)
  • Explain the limit-state design approach, including serviceability and ultimate limit states as it applies to steel and concrete structures. (UC graduate attributes: EII2, EII3, GA3, CE3) (WA graduate attributes: WA5, WA10)
  • Be able to apply design methods and techniques for a variety of welded and bolted connections. (UC graduate attributes: EII2, EII3) (WA graduate attributes: WA1)
  • Be able to picture graphically reinforcement detailing requirements for basic RC members. (UC graduate attributes: EII2, EII3) (WA graduate attributes: WA1, WA10)
  • Observe international experimental testing and research practice and critically reflect on ability of engineering theory to describe behaviour of RC and Steel Structures. (UC graduate attributes: EII3, GA1, GA2, CE2) (WA graduate attributes: WA1, WA2, WA4, WA5, WA10).



ENCI332, ENCI333

Timetable Note

Laboratory Components

Two laboratory sessions are held in this course; one for the Steel and one for Concrete. As these sessions are held in the structures laboratories, it is essential that you wear proper footwear to these sessions, or you will not be allowed to participate in the experiments for safety reasons.

Structural Steel laboratory (CW) 3 hrs/student
The Structural Steel laboratory exercise will take place in the Model Structural Laboratory and consist of two experiments:

Experiment 1 allows students to determine the strength and deformation of ductile members, considering effects of local buckling. In experiment 2, students will test a C-section member. Section properties are obtained as a distribution, based on a range of measurements. This results in a distribution of response that will be compared with experimental results. The member shear centre is also found experimentally.

Reinforced Concrete laboratory (TS) 3 hrs/student
The RC laboratory exercise will take place in the main Structural Laboratory and consist of demonstration tests on reinforced concrete columns. The class will be divided in two streams and actively participate to the testing until failure of two different reinforced concrete column specimens (the first in RC Lab 1 and the second in RC Lab 2) under quasi-static cyclic lateral loading.

A laboratory report, in which students describe the test set-up, compare experimental force-displacement and moment-curvature results with their predictions and discuss/explain the observed behaviour, will be required at the conclusion of both labs (see lecture schedule). In addition, each student will be required to predict, prior to the RC Lab 2 test (see lecture schedule), the force-displacement response of the column elements.

Course Coordinator

Ke Jiang


Gregory MacRae


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Assignments 15% LO1, 2, 4
final exam (concrete only) 35% LO1, 2, 3, 5
Reinforced Concrete Lab report 5% LO6
Steel Laboratory report 5% LO6
Spot quizzes 5% WA graduate attributes
Mid term test (Steel only) 35% LO1, 2, 3, 4,

For the spot quizzes and assignments, some flexibility is already made in the grading schedule as described above. Also, significant time is provided for the laboratory sessions, so no special consideration is available for these.

For the mid-semester test or final examination, students who have been seriously and significantly impaired by significant exceptional, and/or extreme, unforeseeable circumstances may apply for special consideration through the formal university process. At the time of application for special consideration to the university, the student must also independently inform the course lecturer and coordinator. Students must take an equivalent alternative test/exam assessment within 10 days after the original assessment. This will likely be held shortly after the test/exam considered and students are to be available for this. For students whose special consideration is approved the alternative assessment grade will replace their original mark. Students will not be permitted to see their original test mark. All communication associated with the arrangement of equivalent alternative tests/exams will be conducted using official UC email accounts. If the offer to take the alternative assessment is declined, or no response is received in the specified time frame, the original assessment mark will be used to compute the course grade.

Textbooks / Resources

Recommended Reading

Collins, Michael P. , Mitchell, Denis; Prestressed concrete structures ; Response Publications, 1997.

Gorenc, B. , Syam, A., Tinyou, R; Steel designers handbook ; 7th ed; UNSW Press, 2005.

Park, R. , Paulay, T; Reinforced concrete structures : R. Park and T. Paulay ; Wiley, 1975.

Wight, James K. , MacGregor, James G; Reinforced concrete : mechanics and design ; 5th ed; Prentice Hall, 2009.

There are course readers for the different parts of the course, as listed below. There are also texts listed (available in library) that can be referred to for additional reading and information.


Standards New Zealand (SNZ), Steel Structures Standard (and Commentary), NZS 3404 1997 with Amendments 1 and 2. (2007)
    The Standards NZ Online database may be used to access all standards:
- Access via the library - UC Databases > Databases S, or
at https://go.openathens.net/redirector/canterbury.ac.nz?url=http://shop.standards.co.nz/IPCheck/login.jsp

Additional Course Outline Information

Course Communication

Announcements about the course content and organisation may be made in class, in tutorials, via EMAIL, or on LEARN. Students can contact the course coordinator via email with general queries. If there are specific questions related to the course material or homework assignments, students should bring these to the office hours. In unusual circumstances, they can also contact the teaching assistants directly via email.

Teaching is based on the assumption that all students attend all their classes/tutorials. If, according to university policy/conventions, some courses are recorded and made available to students, this is conducted by the university. In the past there have been issues with the availability, and the quality of, recordings. Any issues regarding these should be addressed directly to the university. Also, if for some special reason students are unable to attend a particular class/tutorial and good recordings are not available, students should have alternative arrangements for obtaining the information presented.

Repeating students and changes to the course this year

Repeating students may apply to the lecturer in change of the appropriate steel or concrete part of the course to not retake the related laboratory components. The request should come by email and be copied to the course coordinator, no later than the second Monday of the respective Term (i.e., T3 for steel ad T4 for concrete). Acceptance/rejection of the application is at the discretion of the appropriate lecturer.

Course re-organisation in Response to an Emergency

In the case of an emergency that affects the entire course, the Course Coordinator may change the nature, weighting, and timing of assessments in consultation with the Dean. For example, the test may be cancelled with a corresponding increase in weighting for the exam, or the date/nature of the test may need to change. Under certain circumstances, assessments may need to be held outside the prescribed course dates.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,059.00

International fee $6,000.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering .

All ENCI336 Occurrences

  • ENCI336-24S2 (C) Semester Two 2024