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Integrated design of complex civil engineering projects; professional and teamwork analysis; economic, environmental, and bicultural issues; life-long learning.
Integrated Civil Engineering Design is an essential course in your Civil Engineering education. Unlike the majority of your lecture courses that focus on providing you with the fundamentals of engineering science, whether it be in geomechanics, transportation, materials, hydrology or any of the other disciplines covered in your programme, Integrated Design aims to provide you with a realistic design experience, where only little new knowledge is taught and the focus is on application of knowledge and development of professional design skills.
At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:Identify constraints and requirements given a client-focused design brief (including appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations). (Washington WA6)Identify information requirements and select appropriate information from open literature and other resources. (Washington WA2), (UC EIE3, EIE5) Creatively develop and then evaluate systematically evaluate alternative solutions in all relevant contexts to select the most suitable solution. Develop the most suitable solution to the preliminary design level. (Washington WA1, WA2, WA3)Formulate the most suitable solution in coherent and concise written form, with appropriate client focus; (Washington WA9), (UC EIE2)Demonstrate to function effectively within a diverse design team in a multi-disciplinary setting under engineering consulting practice conditions; (Washington WA8), (UC EIE1)Apply engineering management principles to a design project; (Washington WA10)Apply economic decision-analysis processes for a design project. (Washington WA10)Demonstrate an ability to be bi-culturally competent and confident in a project typical for civil and natural resources engineers. (Washington WA6), (UC BCC7)Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability for independent learning and life long learning. (Washington WA11)
This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:
Employable, innovative and enterprising
Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers that can be used in a range of applications.
Biculturally competent and confident
Students will be aware of and understand the nature of biculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand, and its relevance to their area of study and/or their degree.
Engaged with the community
Students will have observed and understood a culture within a community by reflecting on their own performance and experiences within that community.
EMTH210, ENCI199, ENCN201, ENCN213, ENCN221, ENCN231, ENCN242, ENCN253, ENCN261, ENCN281, ENCN301, ENCN371
ENCI313, ENNR313
Hamish Mackey
Daniel van der Walt
Roger Chen
A number of academic and industry tutors are also involved in this course.
- design reports are interlinked, and therefore time spent on one may also contribute to another of the related assessments. - team reports will be given as a group mark, and adjusted according to individual contributions based on the teamwork reflection reports.- grades for late submissions will be reduced as follows: 0-1 h: 5%, 1-6 h: 15%, 6-24 h: 40%, 24-48 h: 70%; 48+ h: zero grade.Special Considerations Any student who has been impaired by significant exceptional and/or unforeseeable circumstances that have prevented them from completing any major assessment items, or that have impaired their performance such that the results are not representative of their true level of mastery of the course material, may apply for special consideration through the formal university process. The applicability and academic remedy/action associated with the special consideration process is listed for each assessment item below. Please refer to the University Special Consideration Regulations and Special Consideration Policies and Procedures documents for more information on the acceptable grounds for special consideration and the application process. Special Consideration for Individual Design Reports An extension will be granted for evidence-supported requests. Extensions will typically be for up to one week, but the duration will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students seeking an extension must contact the course coordinator as soon as possible with evidence of their situation, and preferably before the due date. Where an extension is not possible, a student may be assessed based on their work to date against expected degree of completion at that stage of the semester. Students submitting requests after submission, when an earlier application could have been made may be denied.Special Consideration for Team Design ReportsTeam reports will be evaluated excluding the expected contributions that have been impacted from the person under special consideration as to not affect team members. A derived mark based on performance relative to the class on all assessment items will apply to the student under special circumstances consideration.Special Consideration for Teamwork Reflection Report and Continuing Professional Development ReportAn extension will be granted for evidence-supported requests. Extensions will typically be for up to one week, but the duration will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students seeking an extension must contact the course coordinator as soon as possible with evidence of their situation, and preferably before the due date.Moderate Impact: A derived mark based on performance relative to the class on all assessment items will apply.Note: All communication associated with the arrangement of equivalent alternative assessments will be conducted using official UC email accounts. The offer to sit an alternative assessment will come with a list of potential dates/times. Students will have a clearly specified amount of time to respond to the offer to undertake the alternative assessment. If the offer is declined or no response is received in the specified time frame, the original assessment mark will be used to compute the course grade.
Domestic fee $2,393.00
International fee $12,000.00
* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.
For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering .