ENCI646-24S2 (C) Semester Two 2024

Flood Analysis, Modelling and Management

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 15 July 2024
End Date: Sunday, 10 November 2024
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 28 July 2024
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 29 September 2024


Extreme value statistics; Flood modelling and uncertainty assessment; Flood protection; Risk assessment; Damage cost estimation.

Flood analysis, modelling and management is an integral part of integrated river basin management and aims to reduce the likelihood and/or the impact of floods. The course will cover all flood types in theory, but fluvial and pluvial flooding will be the focus. Techniques and tools available for analysing, modelling and managing floods will be introduced in this course, followed by flood damage estimation. The development of flood management programmes incorporating prevention, protection, preparedness, emergency response, and recovery & lessons learned will also be covered. Consideration of risk and uncertainty are underlying themes of this course.

Learning Outcomes

  • To gain theoretical knowledge and to develop practical skills in the analysis, modelling and management of floods.

    More specifically at the completion of the course, you will have acquired the following knowledge, skills and personal attributes. You will be able to

  • explain differences in flood types.
  • apply advanced statistical methods to analyse, assess and categorise floods.
  • describe current theory and practice of flood modelling.
  • develop hydrologic and hydraulic models and apply these to a flood modelling case study.
  • discuss measures to reduce flood risk.
  • contrast and critique flood protection strategies.
  • discuss socio-economic issues related to flooding.
  • explain uncertainty issues associated with flood management and be able to communicate this uncertainty.


Subject to approval of the Head of Department or the Programme Director. The expected level of previous experience is detailed in the course outline.

Timetable Note

The course is delivered in block mode. During two blocks of two days each the course material will be taught face-to-face. Reading materials and step-by-step modelling exercises will be provided online to the students before attending class. This mix of in-class teaching and students working through some materials online frees up time for in-class exercises, and computer labs.

Block 1
14 August (Wednesday), 09:00-17:00, E15
15 August (Thursday), 09:00-17:00, E15

Block 2
18 September (Wednesday), 09:00-17:00, E15
19 September (Thursday), 09:00-17:00, E15

Course Coordinator

Tom Cochrane


Markus Pahlow

Tom Cochrane (coordinator)
Room E407 - Open door
03 369 5074


The assessment for this course will comprise two components – an assignment in four parts and a final exam -

Assessment breakdown

1 Flood statistics

2 River flood modelling

3 Flood inundation mapping

4 Flood damage assessment

5 Exam


1. All assignments must be submitted by the due date. Each assessment describes the penalty for a late submission. If a student is unable to complete and submit an assignment by the deadline due to personal circumstances beyond their control they should discuss this with the lecturer involved as soon as possible.

2. Students in this course should first consult with the course coordinator before applying for aegrotat consideration (i.e. application for special consideration). The course coordinator will inform the student regarding the academic remedies that apply.


While working on the assignments you will be encouraged to talk with others and exchange ideas. This exchange of ideas is important and valuable. However, the work you submit must be your work and contributions from other sources clearly acknowledged. Taking others’ ideas and presenting them as your own is stealing, and is a totally unethical practice. Such practices will be severely dealt with in this course.

Subject to approval of the Director of Studies.

The following knowledge is expected:
• Sound knowledge of undergraduate engineering mathematics, hydrological principles, fluid mechanics
• Working knowledge of basic extreme value statistics
The following skills are useful:
• Spatial analysis using GIS
• First experience with hydrological and hydraulic modelling

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,197.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering .

All ENCI646 Occurrences

  • ENCI646-24S2 (C) Semester Two 2024