ENCN493-13W (C) Whole Year 2013


30 points

Start Date: Monday, 18 February 2013
End Date: Sunday, 10 November 2013
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 3 March 2013
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 1 September 2013


Engineering Research Project

The third professional year project is very different to all other final year courses. It is not based on formal lectures, laboratories and tutorials, but instead allows you to explore a problem that interests you under the close supervision of an academic staff member. The vast majority of students who undertake a project find it a very rewarding experience.

Students who are wishing to pursue future postgraduate study will see the project as an excellent opportunity to sample the postgraduate research environment, and to explore possible avenues for their future research.

In 2013, when the new undergraduate curriculum based on 15 point courses will be fully implemented, the third pro project will become a compulsory course for all civil and natural resources engineering students. For the majority of you it will be a full year course (ENCN493W) that makes up 25% of the final year of study. If you are undertaking a study exchange in the first semester of your final year then you will most likely undertake the project in a compressed format in semester 2 (ENCN493S2). The EFTS value of the one semester project is also 0.25.

All projects, with a few exceptions due to special circumstances, will be undertaken in pairs. This approach has a number of advantages. Firstly group projects enable more ambitious projects to be tackled; secondly, the skill of working as part of a team is seen as very important by future employers; and thirdly the number of projects (and accompanying resources) that need to be made available is substantially less than if the projects were done individually.

The culmination of the project will be the CNRE Research Conference to be held over a half day at the end of the academic year. This conference will attempt to emulate the type of environment you would encounter if you attended a conference either as a professional engineer or as a researcher. You and your partner will present the results of your work to an audience of your peers and you will have the opportunity to hear about the research of your classmates. In keeping with our intention to emulate a real conference there will be an invited keynote speaker to launch the conference and the conference will end with a conference dinner. An optional poster competition will also be part of the event.

Learning Outcomes

  • The third professional project is designed to provide you with an opportunity to:

  • undertake a substantial and challenging engineering project,
  • experience working in a research environment,
  • develop independent research and problem solving skills,
  • derive an appropriate methodology for a particular problem,
  • plan and undertake a project as part of a team,
  • manage a project with time and budget constraints,
  • analyse and interpret data from the literature, modelling, or experiments,
  • experience a typical engineering conference, and
  • sharpen your communication skills through writing and orally presenting a conference paper.


Completion of Second Professional year or Subject to approval of the Director of Studies.


ENCI493, ENCI494, ENCN494

Timetable Note

Project milestones are given below. These deadlines are firm and failure to meet them will lead to a mark of zero being allocated for the particular assessment item. If sickness or other valid personal circumstances prevent you from submitting by the deadline you must contact the course coordinator as soon as possible to arrange an alternative deadline. Please note that lost data, computer files or computer system failure, or academic pressures from other courses are not adequate reasons for a late submission.


18 February, Project briefing – Lecture theatre C2 - Attendance is compulsory

31 May, Extended abstract submission - Submit extended abstract to Louise (2 hard copies) and upload electronic copy to Learn by 12pm.

4 October, Abstract for oral presentation - Submit one page abstract for oral presentation to Louise by 12pm.

7 October, Poster submission (optional) - If you intend submitting a poster to the Poster Competition submit it to Louise by 12pm.

11 October, Conference paper submission - Submit conference paper to Louise (2 hard copies) and upload electronic copy to Learn by 12pm.

12 October, CNRE Research Conference 2013 - Oral presentation in allocated conference session. Full attendance at the conference is compulsory.


8 July, Project briefing – Lecture theatre C2 - Attendance is compulsory

16 August, Extended abstract submission - Submit extended abstract to Louise (2 hard copies) and upload electronic copy to Learn by 12pm.

4 October, Abstract for oral presentation - Submit one page abstract for oral presentation to Louise by 12pm.

7 October, Poster submission (optional) - If you intend submitting a poster to the Poster Competition submit it to Louise by 12pm.

11 October, Conference paper submission - Submit conference paper to Louise (2 hard copies) and upload electronic copy to Learn by 12pm.

12 October, CNRE Research Conference 2013 - Oral presentation in allocated conference session. Full attendance at the conference is compulsory.

Course Coordinator

For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering Head of Department


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Communication ability 30%
Professionalism 10%
Research quality 60%

Assessment of the project will take a number of forms and will involve the supervisor, an independent assessor (someone not on the supervisory team) and you and your partner (if the project is undertaken by a team of two). In general terms the assessment is designed to address three key areas: research quality, communication ability and professionalism. Some of these aspects will be judged on the team’s performance while others will be based on individual performance.

The supervisor will provide the marks for the professionalism component based on their observations and interactions with the project team over the duration of the project. The communication component will be judged by the supervisor and assessor based on the final written conference paper, and by the panel of judges present at the oral presentation based on that presentation. The research quality component will be judged by the supervisor and assessor based on the conference paper.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,617.00

International fee $9,100.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering .

All ENCN493 Occurrences