ENEL200-24W (C) Whole Year 2024

Electrical and Computer Engineering Design

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 19 February 2024
End Date: Sunday, 10 November 2024
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 17 March 2024
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 25 August 2024


This course will introduce you to fundamental tools and techniques for designing electrical and computer systems, and give you hands-on practice applying those tools and techniques to a variety of different design projects.

Topics covered include:
• Processes, tools, and practices used in electrical and computer engineering design
• Design and assembly of electronic circuits and Printed Circuit Boards
• Design and implementation of simple embedded software systems
• Mechanical analysis, drawing and design
• Documenting and communicating designs

Design involves applying technical engineering knowledge to solve real problems people face in the world. It is an essential part of why engineering exists as a profession. For this reason, you will find design courses, in some form, offered in the curriculum of every engineering discipline.

The goals of this course are to help you learn how to understand what a design needs to accomplish, how to make effective and efficient design decisions, and how to clearly and concisely communicate your design, so that you can formulate well-defined design problems and synthesize good hardware and/or software designs that solve those problems.

Because design is a practical skill, the course includes direct experience with design problems ranging in size from tightly-specified combinations of a few components up to open-ended design of reasonably complex electronic systems. These design problems will be posed during lecture sessions, labs, and in projects. At the end of this course students will participate in the design and build of a product prototype, using the tools and techniques introduced in the course.

We have one lecture and one 3-hour lab timeslot per week. Many of the lectures will be “lectorials” that include pencil-and-paper design activities performed in groups. Some labs will involve structured activities to practice specific skills. Other lab timeslots will be unstructured time for you to work on your projects.

Learning Outcomes

  • By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • LO1: Analyse small real-world design problems, and design effective electrical and computing systems that can demonstrably solve those problems (WA1, WA2, WA3, WA4, WA5, WA6, WA7)

  • LO2: Use verbal, written, and diagrammatic means to communicate the context and objectives of your design, the design you have developed, and your reasoning for the design, in a professional manner (WA6, WA7, WA8, WA10)

  • LO3: Work collaboratively to complete small design projects (WA9, WA11)

  • LO4: Improve your designs and your design approach through critical evaluation and reflection (WA9, WA10, WA11, WA12)
    • University Graduate Attributes

      This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:

      Critically competent in a core academic discipline of their award

      Students know and can critically evaluate and, where applicable, apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.

      Employable, innovative and enterprising

      Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers that can be used in a range of applications.

      Engaged with the community

      Students will have observed and understood a culture within a community by reflecting on their own performance and experiences within that community.

      Globally aware

      Students will comprehend the influence of global conditions on their discipline and will be competent in engaging with global and multi-cultural contexts.


Subject to the approval of the College of Engineering Dean (Academic)



Timetable 2024

Students must attend one activity from each section.

Lecture A
Activity Day Time Location Weeks
01-P1 Wednesday 09:00 - 10:00 Rata 222 & 223 Drawing Office (21/2-20/3, 24/4-8/5, 22/5-29/5, 16/7-20/8, 10/9-15/10)
E5 Lecture Theatre (27/3, 15/5)
19 Feb - 31 Mar
22 Apr - 2 Jun
01-P2 Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00 Rata 222 & 223 Drawing Office
15 Jul - 25 Aug
9 Sep - 20 Oct
Lab A
Activity Day Time Location Weeks
01-P1 Wednesday 13:00 - 16:00 Rata 216 CAD Lab (21/2-27/3, 24/4-29/5, 16/7-20/8, 10/9-15/10)
Rata 342 CAD Lab (21/2-27/3, 24/4-29/5, 16/7-20/8, 10/9-15/10)
Elec 109 Automation Lab (21/2-27/3, 24/4-29/5)
Elec 210 Electronics Lab (21/2-27/3, 24/4-29/5, 16/7-20/8, 10/9-15/10)
19 Feb - 31 Mar
22 Apr - 2 Jun
01-P2 Tuesday 13:00 - 16:00 Rata 342 CAD Lab (21/2-27/3, 24/4-29/5, 16/7-20/8, 10/9-15/10)
Rata 216 CAD Lab (21/2-27/3, 24/4-29/5, 16/7-20/8, 10/9-15/10)
Elec 210 Electronics Lab (21/2-27/3, 24/4-29/5, 16/7-20/8, 10/9-15/10)
15 Jul - 25 Aug
9 Sep - 20 Oct
Optional A (Optional)
Activity Day Time Location Weeks
01 Tuesday 13:00 - 15:00 Rata 342 CAD Lab
1 Jul - 7 Jul
Presentation A
Activity Day Time Location Weeks
01 Monday 14:00 - 18:00 Elec 110 Electrical Machines Lab
19 Feb - 25 Feb
Presentation B
Activity Day Time Location Weeks
01 Thursday 14:00 - 17:00 Elec 110 Electrical Machines Lab
19 Feb - 25 Feb

Course Coordinator

Allan McInnes


Yilei Zhang


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
ECE Design Labs 8%
ECE Design Project 17%
CAD Tutorials 12%
CAD Project 13%
Product Design Labs 6%
PCB Project Layout 1%
PCB Project Report 6%
PCB Project Demo 7%
Final Project Review 8%
Final Project Report 22%

This is a project-based course. There are no tests or exams. You're expected to develop your design knowledge and skills through various labs and tutorials, and to demonstrate those design skills in a practical context during your projects. To be eligible to pass ENEL200 you must:

• Complete all Term 1 and Term 3 labs to at least the "meets expectations" standard
o You can resubmit once per week until you achieve that minimum; submissions beyond the third attempt cannot earn anything higher than "meets expectations"
• Achieve a mark of at least 50% in the Mechanical CAD section of the course
• Achieve a weighted average mark of at least 50% on the Semester 2 projects

Some other important things to be aware of when it comes to assessment are:

• Project submissions made after the due date or a previously agreed extension date will be penalized 10% per day over the due date, where the number of days is calculated as hours_over_due/24 rounded to 1 decimal place. Example: a project submitted 37 hours late is considered 37/24 = 1.5 days late, and will receive a mark that is (100% - 1.5 × 10%) × mark_without_penalty, or 85% of the unpenalized mark.
• Although we release raw assessment marks throughout the year to give you some feedback on how you're doing in the course, the raw marks may be subject to scaling at the end of the year when your final letter grade in the course is determined.

Textbooks / Resources

Required Texts

Allan McInnes; ENEL200 Learn Page ; (There is no required textbook for ENEL200. The key information and notes for the course are provided on AKO | LEARN. Several of the LEARN sections include pointers to relevant external resources and readings).

Recommended Reading

Alexander, Ian , Beus-Dukic, Ljerka; Discovering requirements : how to specify products and services ; Wiley.

Ford, Ralph M. , Coulston, Chris S; Design for electrical and computer engineers : theory, concepts, and practice ; McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Fowler, Kim R; Electronic instrument design : architecting for the life cycle ; Oxford University Press, 1996.

White, Elecia; Making embedded systems : design patterns for great software ; O'Reilly Media, 2012.

Additional Course Outline Information

Mahi ā-Ākonga | Workload (expected distribution of student hours, note 15 points = 150 hours):

Contact Hours

Lectures: 22 hours
Tutorials: 18 hours
Workshops: 0 hours
Laboratories: 21 hours

Independent study

Review of lectures: 0 hours
Test and exam preparation: 0 hours
Assignments: 89 hours
Tutorial preparation: 0 hours
Laboratory calculations: hours 0

Total 150

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,238.00

International fee $6,179.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Electrical and Computer Engineering .

All ENEL200 Occurrences

  • ENEL200-24W (C) Whole Year 2024