ENGR102-17S2 (C) Semester Two 2017

Engineering Mechanics

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 17 July 2017
End Date: Sunday, 19 November 2017
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 30 July 2017
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 15 October 2017


A course for students advancing in Engineering programmes that requires in-depth analysis of components and structures, ENGR102 reinforces concepts of free-body diagrams and the mechanics of real life applications (both statics and dynamics).

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding (in simple, basic terms) what it means to codify real-life observations (relating to statics and dynamics) with the help of mathematic-mechanical expressions.

    Students will:

  • calculate the resultant of force systems acting on rigid bodies.
  • draw the free body diagrams at a point, a rigid body or for a group of rigid bodies
  • calculate the moment of a force and couple vector in 3-D space using vector algebra.
  • develop and solve the equations of equilibrium in 3-dimensions at a point, on a rigid body or a group of rigid bodies
  • calculate the internal forces in engineering structures composed of simple trusses, frames, and machines.
  • have developed basic skills in kinematics, mass distribution of rigid bodies and dynamics, as well as have gained understanding of methods in classical mechanics
  • have developed and be able to demonstrate basic skills to derive and to analyse the equations of motion for simple structures



Course Coordinator

For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering Head of Department


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Dynamics 37%
Labs 6%
Quisses 20%
Statics Test 37%

Homework & Tutorials:
There is one tutorial question set at each lecture a total of 4 questions per week.  Assistance for the weekly tutorial problems will be provided in each of the tutorial sessions. The tutorial time is an opportunity to receive one on one assistance with the weekly problems and to receive help with your specific questions.   Each weeks homework problems will be posted online in the Homework section  

Preliminary quiz - This quiz is compulsory although no marks are given for the quiz.  The quiz is designed to show students the expected level of prior learning in math and physics that are required for ENGR102.  The quiz has the added benefit of demonstrating how the weekly quizzes will work on Learn.  It is your responsibility to know how the Learn quiz tool works and this is an excellent opportunity to try quiz tool before the formal quizzes start in Week 2. The quiz includes trigonometry, vector addition, and 1-D motion.  It is suggested that students that do not perform well should do extra review during the first week or risk being left behind before we even start.  A number of online video resources that can help with your review have been identified on YouTube and a list of these resources can found on Learn in Lecture Material-Other Learning Resources.

Weekly Quizzes - There will be weekly online quizzes as part of this course.  The quizzes are intended to reinforce your learning and to provide formative assessment.  The quizzes will be given through Learn and will include numerical and multiple-choice formats.  The quizzes will open on Monday morning at 9:00AM and close on Wednesday at 10:00pm.  Once you start the quiz you will have 90 minutes to complete it.  While you are taking a quiz, your internet browser will be locked so you cannot search online.  All quizzes are compulsory.  No special considerations will be given for quizzes that are missed for any reason including illness, human error on your part, technology problems, etc.  Any appeal regarding the quizzes must be submitted in writing to Professor Fleischmann within 48 hours of the quiz closing.  Typically, the statics quizzes will include 4 problems, 2 of the problems will be taken directly from the homework with only the variables being changed in the problems.  The other 2 questions will be new questions that you have not seen before. With two problems taken from the homework, it is critical that you complete homework and be sure you understand the material before attempting the quiz.  The dynamics quizzes will contain two 3-part questions drawn from the lecture content of the week prior.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $919.00

International fee $5,000.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering .

All ENGR102 Occurrences