ENGR403-19SU1 (C) Summer Jan 2019 start

Fire Engineering

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 7 January 2019
End Date: Sunday, 10 February 2019
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 13 January 2019
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 27 January 2019


Introduction to Fire Engineering. Fire ignition, flame spread and flame height. The performance of construction materials and fire resistance. People movement and behaviour during fires. Fire detection, suppression and smoke extract systems. Wildland fires, fire investigation, fire-fighting.

Fire engineering design of buildings is a large, complex and rapidly expanding multi-disciplinary subject. This course provides a general introduction to fire science and engineering. The course aims to:

(a) provide an understanding of the hazards of fires in buildings and the dynamics of fire development;
(b) describe the performance of building materials and structures in fire;
(c) develop knowledge of the active and passive fire protection measures available to building designers;
(d) examine how people behave in fire situations and
(e) cover other fire science and engineering topics of interest such as wildfires, fire investigation etc.

Learning Outcomes

  • Topics will include:
  • Fire ignition, flame spread and flame height;
  • The performance of construction materials and fire resistance;
  • People movement and behaviour during fires;
  • Fire detection, suppression and smoke extract systems;
  • Wildland fires;
  • Fire-fighting operations; and
  • Introduction to computer modelling.


Subject to approval of the Director of Studies

Timetable Note

The course will be run as a four-week programme that includes two weeks of self-study time and a two-week on-campus block session. Full attendance at the block session is compulsory and it will consist of tutorials, laboratory work etc. Students will be expected to come fully prepared for the block as there will not be time to catch up. The course will be predominately run by Dr Anthony Abu, Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering who is the fire programme course director at the University. Other experts will contribute to the course to cover specific topics.

The course runs from 07 Jan to 01 Feb 2019

Block course from 21 Jan to 01 Feb 2019.

Course Coordinator

Anthony Abu


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Assignments 30%
final test 50%
Block session test 20%

A 45-minute test will be run on the Monday of the block session and a 3-hour formal test will be run on Friday 1st February 2019 at 9.00 am. The block session test will cover your reading in the first two weeks of the course (self-study period). Note that as a result of delays to the refurbishment of the Civil Engineering lab wing lab classes are yet to be confirmed in this summer course. The final test will cover all of the course material. The final test will be run on campus.

The course will also be assessed through three to four assignments (to be confirmed). These can be completed individually or in pairs. If students elect to complete assignments in a pair then the same grade will be given to both people except in exceptional circumstances. Students do not have to work in the same pair for each submission and can elect to submit some assignments individually and some as part of a pair. Working in groups larger than pairs is not permitted and the rules regarding plagiarism remain in place. The correct use of English, appropriate units etc. will be required.

1. A student must achieve a minimum of 40% in the final test to pass the course.
2. Late submissions will lose 20% of the total mark per day or part of day.

Repeating students must complete all assignments and the tests unless otherwise agreed by the course co-ordinator.

Textbooks / Resources

Students will be given free access to an electronic copy of the “Fire Engineering Design Guide”, 3rd edition which is published by CAENZ. In addition students are expected to have access to “Principles of Fire Behavior” by J. G. Quintiere, Delmar Publishing, Copies are available from the Engineering Library but distance students should obtain their own copies. Lecture handouts and online podcasts will be made available during the course.



General Safe Conduct in the Laboratory:

(i)     Bare feet, jandals, sandals, or other open footwear are not permitted in laboratories;
(ii)    Smoking is prohibited in laboratories;
(iii)   Eating and drinking are prohibited in all laboratory areas and near computer terminals in the Computer Suite;
(iv)   Running or any form of ""horseplay"" or ""skylarking"" is not permitted in any of the laboratories as they are potentially very hazardous;
(v)    Long hair is to be adequately constrained;
(vi)   Loose  clothing  that  could  get  caught in equipment or machinery should not be worn. Neckties can be particularly hazardous in this regard).

Specific Hazards in the Fire Engineering Laboratories:

(a) Prior to fire experiments:

(i)    Trip hazards such as cables, tubes, equipment etc.
(ii)    Flammable gases and liquids
(iii)   Electrical equipment and sparks

Be  careful  what  you  touch  and  where  you  walk  in  the laboratory. Use appropriate safety equipment (gloves, safety glasses, etc.) where necessary before, during and after any fire experiment.

(b) During fire experiments:

(i)     Equipment noise
(ii)    High temperatures and thermal radiation
(iii)   Direct flame contact
(iv)   Toxic smoke

The laboratory can get noisy during an experiment so listen carefully to any instructions. There are manual and automatic sprinklers installed in the laboratory. There is also manual fire-fighting equipment.  If  you  feel  threatened  or  even  just uncomfortable during the experiment due to the fire or smoke then you should move to a safe place. In the unlikely event of something going wrong, you should evacuate the building by the most appropriate safe route.

(c) Post fire experiments:

(i)     Hot surfaces
(ii)    Soot and debris

If you get soot or debris on your skin use soap and water to wash it off.

Additional Course Outline Information


The course will be useful for engineers, architects, Building Control Authority and fire service personnel as a starting point for those who wish to become professional fire engineers through a combination of further education and experience. The course is generally required for anyone who is looking to pursue the fire engineering post-graduate qualifications.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,080.00

International fee $5,250.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering .

All ENGR403 Occurrences