ENGR409-22S1 (C) Semester One 2022

Design of Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 21 February 2022
End Date: Sunday, 26 June 2022
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 6 March 2022
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 15 May 2022


Project-based design for water and wastewater treatment. Water quality, design flows and loadings, physical primary treatment, biological secondary treatment, disinfection. Drinking water laboratories.

This course will introduce topics in the environmental engineering area of water and wastewater treatment. Successful students will demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes used in water treatment, and be able to produce a process design of municipal water and wastewater treatment systems. Those working in New Zealand on drinking water and wastewater engineering have a mixture of chemical and civil engineering BE degrees, and the mixture of backgrounds of students in this course will prepare students for the mixture they will encounter in the workforce.

The course is taught as two halves; with one half being on potable water treatment and the other half being domestic/industrial wastewater treatment plant design. The course will be taught through lectures and tutorials with laboratory exercises.

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to…

1. Analyse and solve problems in drinking water and domestic/industrial wastewater treatment using mass balances, reaction kinetics and separation process principles.
2. Design drinking water and domestic/industrial wastewater treatment systems.
3. Measure, through laboratory experimentation, drinking water treatment design parameters.


ENCN281 or completion of Year 2 of Chemical and Process Engineering degree requirements.



Course Coordinator

Ricardo Bello Mendoza


Susan Masten (Michigan State Univ) and Reuben Bouman (BECA)


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Design Report. Drinking Water Treatment Plant Design 15%
DeWastewater Treatment Plant Desig 25%
Drinking Water Laboratory 10%
Test: Wastewater Treatment 25%
Exam: Drinking Water Treatment 25%

Emergency provisions: In the case of an emergency that affects the whole course, the Course Coordinator, in consultation with the Dean, may change the nature, weighting and timing of assessments. For example, a test or examination may be replaced with assignments of the same weight or different weight at a different time and/or date (which, under certain circumstances, may be outside the prescribed course dates).  The ‘Special consideration’ process will also be used for unforeseen circumstances that adversely affect the academic performance of students individually. The usual grounds for this are described in the UC policy ‘Special Consideration Procedures and Guidelines’, and personal circumstances due to a wider emergency event may also qualify.

Textbooks / Resources

1. Course Readings

1.1. Occasional extra readings may be posted on Learn. However, students are also advised to consult the many good environmental engineering textbooks in the library and read in and around the subject areas during this course. These books cover many of the principles and processes that are discussed so that if you wish to do extra reading, have a look at the indexes and table of contents of the various books and you should be able to easily find more information about your subject of interest.

2. Other Materials on Learn

1.2. Other materials will be provided on Learn.  This includes the syllabus and assignments as well as files related to the Lab Session, Design Projects, etc.

3. Course Notes

A modified version of the course notes will be placed on Learn for download. You are expected to attend lectures and; where appropriate, fill in blanks at the appropriate places. If you miss a lecture, you are expected to get the missing information from your classmates and/or from the Echo recording. Complete lecturer notes are not available.


For Chemical and Process Engineering students, the course relies on understanding of engineering chemistry, mass balance, and reactor kinetics covered in 200 level courses.

For Civil and Natural Resources Engineering students, the course builds on material in ENCN 281 Environmental Engineering.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,002.00

International fee $5,625.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering .

All ENGR409 Occurrences

  • ENGR409-22S1 (C) Semester One 2022