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The course is designed as an introduction to the process of post-1945 European integration for students who have never studied the European Union previously. The course is divided into four blocs: EU Identity and Values; EU Institutions; EU Policy Sectors; and EU Enlargement.
This course introduces students to the processes of EU integration and its wider consequences. The EU is the world's wealthiest region, biggest development aid actor and NZ's 3rd largest trading partner. Yet, the EU is often misunderstood in NZ, requiring a unique and multi-faceted teaching approach. Four lecturers from a variety of disciplines and academic backgrounds teach into this course: Dr Serena Kelly is the course designer and coordinator and provides lectures and tutorials to students. Other lecturers include Prof Martin Holland, Assoc Prof Natalia Chaban and Dr Milenko Petrovic.The course is delivered on-campus via one 2 hour weekly lecture recorded professionally and available online. On-campus students attend a 1 hour tutorial. STAR and Distance students participate in SKYPE tutorials.
At the end of this course, students will display a good understanding of the structure and function of the European Union, its key challenges and its role and impact in the world, particularly in the Asia-Pacific. The teaching approach is designed to maximise student learning objectives. Combining formal lectures with more informal tutorials and online discussion forums, strong student interaction and analytical thinking is highly encouraged. Multiple lecturers ensure a broad scope of topics covered, with each lecturer introducing students to world-class research on the processes of European integration. Because of the strong online component, necessary resources are available to students at all times, and there are clear goals and tasks set each week.
Serena Kelly
Martin Holland , Natalia Chaban and Milenko Petrovic
Although there is no set text for the course, supplementary readings are provided by the lecturers to be discussed in that week’s tutorial. Readings will be made available to students via the course page on LEARN. In addition, students are encouraged to keep up to date with what is happening in the EU on a day to day basis, particularly through a news feed from
Library portalLEARN The full Course Outline is available on LEARN (only for students enrolled in this course).
Domestic fee $697.00
International fee $2,913.00
* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.
For further information see Language, Social and Political Sciences .