EURA101-17S1 (C) Semester One 2017

Global EUrope

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 20 February 2017
End Date: Sunday, 25 June 2017
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 5 March 2017
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 21 May 2017


What is the European Union? How important is it in Global Affairs? Why is the EU expanding? Through the use of traditional and online teaching methods, this course introduces students to the identity, structure and function of the EU, its key challenges and its role and impact on the world, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.

Established after the end of WWII, the EU has grown in size, welcoming very diverse countries into the Union. Once again International Relations in general are in a state of flux, with nations such as China and India increasing in economic and political importance while other regions are engulfed in civil or political wars. In the midst of this change and upheaval, the European Union remains one of the world’s most important economic, political and social leaders. However, it finds itself needing to react to pressures both within its Member States as well as those outside.

But what actually is the EU? Does the EU really matter to us, in New Zealand and the Asia Pacific? Do EU decisions and policies affect economic, social or other aspects of New Zealand? Is there a benefit for New Zealand to work with the EU? What about the negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement? What has shaped Māori-Pākehā relations?

Particular attention is paid to understanding EU-Aotearoa relations through a bicultural basis to the challenges of a multicultural global society. Te Tiriti O Waitangi has both historical and contemporary importance in Aotearoa, the repercussions of which will be explored in some key lectures and tutorial sessions during this course. Some of the key Kaupapa addressed in this course is how Māori values such as Tikanga, fit in with European norms and values.

The course offers an innovative pedagogical approach in its approach to bilculturalism – through the use of interviews and interview preparation. Given that the interviewee will be a senior iwi member, Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho is also acknowledged (Intergenerational Transmission of Knowledge).

These and other questions will be discussed from a multi-disciplinary angle. The Course Coordinator, Dr Serena Kelly has received a prestigious Jean Monnet grant for this course. Professor Martin Holland, Professor Natalia Chaban, Professor John Hopkins, Dr Antonio Viselli, Dr Nick Smith, Thomas Gillman and Jeff Willis are leading or emerging experts in their field and also contribute to the programme.

The course is delivered on-campus via one 2 hour weekly lecture recorded professionally and available online. On-campus students attend a 1 hour tutorial. STAR and Distance students participate in SKYPE tutorials.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course students will demonstrate an understanding about how and why the European Union was created, how the EU works and what competences it has been assigned by Member States. In addition, students will be able to discuss the EU’s enlargement prospects as well as critically analyse conceptions of European identity.

The inclusion of biculturalism will result in the students being competent in engaging in multiple perspectives of society, both locally and internationally (especially Europe). Students will also be able to interact confidently and appropriately with persons from a background different from their own as well as the ability to understand their selves and how this impacts engagement with others, tangata tū tangata ora.

The teaching approach is designed to maximise student learning objectives. Combining formal lectures with more informal tutorials and online discussion forums, strong student interaction and analytical thinking is highly encouraged. Multiple lecturers ensure a broad scope of topics covered, with each lecturer introducing students to world-class research on the processes of European integration. Because of the strong online component, necessary resources are available to students at all times, and there are clear goals and tasks set each week.



Timetable Note

Note: Tutorials start in week 2 !!

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Serena Kelly


Martin Holland and Natalia Chaban

Other contributing lecturers: Dr John Hopkins, Dr Antonio Viselli, Dr Nicholas Ross Smith, Thomas Gillman, Jeff Willis.


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Weekly tasks 10% Best ten out of twelve
Oral presentation 25%
Research report 30%
Essay 35%

Textbooks / Resources

Although there is no set text for the course, supplementary readings are provided by the lecturers to be discussed in that week’s tutorial. Readings will be made available to students via the course page on LEARN. In addition, students are encouraged to keep up to date with what is happening in the EU on a day to day basis, particularly through a news feed from

Course links

Library portal
LEARN The full Course Outline is available on LEARN (only for students enrolled in this course).

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $732.00

International fee $2,975.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Language, Social and Political Sciences .

All EURA101 Occurrences

  • EURA101-17S1 (C) Semester One 2017
  • EURA101-17S1 (D) Semester One 2017 (Distance)