EURO480-15W (C) Whole Year 2015

Research Topic

30 points

Start Date: Monday, 23 February 2015
End Date: Sunday, 15 November 2015
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 8 March 2015
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 6 September 2015


This core course in the EURO Honours programme will consist of two parts – the first semester will feature a course work in research training and methods and the second semester will cover more intensive individual research and writing of the Honours dissertation.

EURO480 Research Training and Methods course is a one year core course for Honours.  All NCRE MAs and PhDs are also asked to complete the first half a year -- the course work component of EURO480.

This course in Research Training and Methods has as its primary goal to increase and improve the students’ level of research skills.  The attainment of this aim will have the effect of more research competent students and a higher level of a quality research output.

This is a highly interactive course which introduces the basics of research practices, thus, could be deemed useful and interesting for the students of various disciplines.

It aims to assist post-graduate students when they initiate research in the area of European Union Studies.  The students who are attracted to this area of research often come from a diverse undergraduate background of disciplines, this course will provide skills on a non-discriminatory basis allowing students to participate in their Honours, Masters and PhDs degrees equally.

As a part of this course, all students are invited to participate in a two-day Post-Graduate Research Retreat sponsored by NZ EU Centres Network (this is optional but highly recommended).

The course seminars will occur during the first semester.  The second semester incorporates time for individual research, consultations and Honours Thesis writing (for Honours students).

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course students should be able to

1. Conduct research, present their knowledge accurately, and to construct well-reasoned, well-supported arguments, using the correct forms of referencing.

2. Demonstrate an ability to initiate research project following the“research frame” of research question/hypothesis formulation – literature review – theoretical framework -  methodology – empirical analysis -  theory-empirics dialogue

3. Demonstrate understanding of methodological paradigms, build their own theoretical framework, differentiate between different types of literature review, demonstrate knowledge of opportunities and limitations of a number of research methods (interview, survey, focus group, observation, case-study, content analysis, etc.), demonstrate awareness of qualitative and quantitative approaches.

4. Demonstrate research debate skills honed through a number of events within the course, including mid-year post-Graduate Research mini-Conference, the end of the year Viva and optional Research Retreat.

5. Demonstrate the continuing development of good inter-personal and communication skills widely recognised as important for all graduates.  This course specifically seeks to develop students’ abilities to participate in the class in critical constructive way and to write research informed outputs;

6. Demonstrate their capacity to critically engage with current issues of significance in the society and the chosen field of study;

7. Demonstrate commitment to high levels of academic scholarship.

8. Demonstrate an ability to think critically along the continuum “Knowledge-Comprehension-Application-Analysis-Synthesis-Evaluation”


Subject to approval of the NCRE Director.

Course Coordinators

Natalia Chaban and Martin Holland

Guest lecturers from European universities (in person or via video  link)


Attendance and participation in discussions - 5%

Assignment 1: “Mini Literature Review” - 10%

Assignment 2 “Conducting Interview” - 10%

Assignment 3: Presentation at the Post-Graduate Mini-Conference - 15%

Assignment 4: Viva - 20%

Assignment 5: Research Paper (9,000 words, following a journal article format) - 40%

Textbooks / Resources

There is no single text book for the course. The collection of selected readings will be available for the students prior to each seminar.  Students are strongly encouraged to form their own bibliographies.

Relevant material, which may be helpful, can be found at the Library Subject Guide for European Union Studies:
Information about European Union programme (EURO) at the post-graduate level can be found at the website of the National Centre for Research on Europe:

Course links

EURO480 Learn

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,690.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Language, Social and Political Sciences .

All EURO480 Occurrences