Sport, Exercise and Development

15 points


  • HSRV215-24S1 (C) Semester One 2024 - Not Offered
  • HSRV215-24S1 (D) Semester One 2024 (Distance) - Not Offered


This course provides the opportunity to explore socio-cultural constructions of sport and exercise. Students are introduced to key social theories to develop an understanding of the cultural, political and economic processes of sport and the role of sport in constructing dominant ways of thinking in relation to gender, ethnicity, sexuality, (dis)ability, class and nationality. We critically consider issues in the promotion of sport and exercise in areas of health, wellbeing and social development within local and global contexts. The inclusion of guest lecturers in specialist areas and current research from staff ensures that the course is cutting edge.


15 points at 100 level in HSRV AND 15 points from either Schedule V to the BA, Schedule C to the BSW(Hons), Schedules C or E to the BCJ; OR 60 points from the BA, BSW(Hons) or BCJ.