MPAC603-17T1 (C) Term One 2017

Advanced Management Accounting

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 30 January 2017
End Date: Sunday, 9 April 2017
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 12 February 2017
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 19 March 2017


To prepare and critically evaluate management accounting information for planning, budgeting, costing, controlling and decision-making by applying contemporary theory, research and practice.

The objective of MPAC603 is to prepare and critically evaluate management accounting information for planning, budgeting, costing, controlling and decision-making by applying contemporary theory, research and practice.

By the end of MPAC603: Advanced Management Accounting, students will be able to:

1. Discuss the nature of management accounting and role of management accountants in organisations.

2. Critically evaluate contemporary theories, research and practice in management accounting, particularly with respect to planning, budgeting, costing, and controlling.

3. Critique the nature, purpose, and process of budgeting and costing, including technical and behavioural issues.

4. Analyse the nature, purpose and implementation of performance management systems.

5. Critically evaluate the concepts of financial management and strategic management.

6. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of how strategy is formulated, implemented and controlled from a management accounting perspective.

In attaining these learning outcomes, students will gain an advanced understanding of theory, research and practice in management accounting, as well as be able to critique these aspects of management accounting.

Recommended preparation: (1) MBAZ601: Managerial Accounting; and (2) MPAC606: Management (or equivalent).

Learning Outcomes

By the end of MPAC 603: Advanced Management Accounting, students will be able to:

1. Discuss the nature of management accounting and role of management accountants in organisations.

2. Critically evaluate contemporary theories, research and practice in management accounting, particularly with respect to planning, budgeting, costing, and controlling.

3. Critique the nature, purpose, and process of budgeting and costing, including technical and behavioural issues.

4. Analyse the nature, purpose and implementation of performance management systems.

5. Critically evaluate the concepts of financial management and strategic management.

6. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of how strategy is formulated, implemented and controlled from a management accounting perspective.


Subject to approval of the Director of Postgraduate Management Development

Course Coordinator

Neil Crombie

Dr Neil Crombie
Room 511, Business & Law Building
Phone: 3693769



(a) Preparation for Seminars and Tutorials

Preparation for seminars and tutorials is worth 10% of the course grade. Except in the first and last week of the course, you will be asked to complete a study plan in preparation for each seminar. You should submit your notes via Learn; it is expected that your notes will be 2-3 pages (single line spacing, 12-point type font). Further, you should submit your answers to the homework problems for each tutorial via Learn. Note that the homework problems are available from Learn. The deadline for submitting your work via Learn is 11:55pm on the day prior to each seminar or tutorial.

(b) Case Study Assignment

The case study assignment is worth 30% of the course grade. The case study assignment will be distributed in the second week of seminars. The assignment is to be completed in teams of two or three people. Teams are self-selected, although the course supervisor can change the composition of any team. The assignment is due by 5pm, Monday 27 March 2017. One team member must upload a copy of their team’s assignment to Learn. Accompanying the assignment should be an Executive Development Programmes Cover Sheet, which has been signed and dated by all team members (this may be scanned and then uploaded separately as a PDF file). Further, each team member must also complete and upload an Executive Development Programmes Group Performance Evaluation Sheet. If there is a significant imbalance in the reported contributions of team members, then team members with low contributions may have their marks decreased as a result.

(c) Term Test

The term test will be 2 hours in duration and is worth 20% of the course grade. Students will be notified via Learn by the end of the second week of seminars of the date, time and location of the term test (but is likely to be held in early-to-mid November). The term test may examine all material covered in the first six weeks of the course. It will be an open book test. You may bring any written materials (e.g. books, journal articles, hand written notes, etc.) into the test room provided that they do not take up more than one desk space and will not distract others taking the test. Any calculator can be used. No other electronic devices are permitted.

(d) Final Examination

The final exam will be 3 hours in duration and is worth 40% of the course grade. Students will be notified via Learn by the end of the fourth week of seminars of the date, time and location of the final exam. The final exam may examine all material covered in the course. It will be an open book exam. You may bring any written materials (e.g. books, journal articles, hand written notes, etc.) into the exam room provided that they do not take up more than one desk space and will not distract others taking the exam. Any calculator can be used. No other electronic devices are permitted.

(e) Course Grade

Course marks will be awarded on the following basis:
Preparation for Seminars and Tutorials 10%
Case Study Assignment 30%
Term Test (2 hours) 20%
Final Examination (3 hours) 40%

(f) Oral Examinations

Lecturers reserve the right to orally examine students on any submitted piece of work, including the final examination.

(g) Forty-five Percent Rule

There is a general requirement that students are required to average not less than 45% in the invigilated component of their assessments in order to pass the course as a whole. ‘Invigilated’ means ‘formally supervised under exam conditions’

Textbooks / Resources


(a) Course Materials

Learn ( will be used to deliver readings, seminar material and other materials to students. Material such as study plans, readings, etc. should be printed and reviewed prior to attending classes. Also, important information such as test hints will be detailed on Learn. Further, students will have the opportunity to discuss course-related issues with the lecturer and other students using the message board. It is advisable that students become familiar with Learn as soon as possible and log on to it regularly.

(b) Useful (But Not Required) Texts

There is no required text for this course. However, there are plenty of useful texts in the Central Library including:

Anthony, R. N. and V. Govindarajan (2007), Management Control Systems, 12th ed., Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin (call no. HD 31 .A628 2007).

Atkinson, A. A., R. S. Kaplan, E. M. Matsumura and S. M. Young (2007), Management Accounting, 5th ed., Upper Saddle River N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall (call no. HF 5657.4 .M2661 2007).

Eldenburg, L. G., A. Brooks, J. Oliver, G. Vesty, and S. Wolcott (2011), Management Accounting, 2nd ed., Milton Qld: John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd (call no. HF 5657.4 .M266 2011).

MPAC 603 T1 2017 Course Outline Page 3

Merchant, K. A. and W. A. Van der Stede (2012), Management Control Systems: Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives, Harlow U.K.: Financial Times/Prentice Hall (call no. HD 31 .M3972 2012).

You do not need to purchase a copy of these texts.

Course links


Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,147.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

Minimum enrolments

This course will not be offered if fewer than 10 people apply to enrol.

For further information see Business Taught Masters Programmes .

All MPAC603 Occurrences