MSCI370-13S1 (C) Semester One 2013

Strategic Operations and Supply Chain Management

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 18 February 2013
End Date: Sunday, 23 June 2013
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 3 March 2013
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 19 May 2013


Practical approaches to managing operations: strategy, capacity, IT, networks and supply chains, operations improvement. A mainstream course for Operations Management majors.

In today’s business environment, organisations can no longer view their operations as isolated technical problems. In order to succeed, organisations need to identify their competitive advantages and develop their operations’ capabilities accordingly. This course focuses on the understanding of broader concepts of operations and strategy from the managerial perspective. The course is largely based on case studies from a range of industries (manufacturing, health, retail, etc.) in order to provide specifics and different approaches across a typical set of organisations. Topics covered will include: operations strategy, capacity strategy, vertical integration and outsourcing, operating networks, IT and operations improvement.

Preparation for classes
This course is discussion based – this is inevitable due the nature of the topic and the learning objectives. In order to succeed, you must be prepared for each lecture. This means not only reading the material but also thinking about it and conceptualising it prior to the lecture.

LEARN gives you all information about the topic of each lecture; what do you need to prepare and what questions we will debate (obviously, these are not all the questions but this should give you the backbone of our discussions). The reading is all either from the textbook by Hayes et al or it is available on Learn.

Preparation for each class is not overwhelming if you do it on a regular basis! Your reward will be continuous and enjoyable learning during the class hours and much less (or none) preparation for the test!

NOTE: If you miss a lecture, you are responsible for obtaining all notes or handouts. I will not require attendance in line with the University policy except for the APs – you must turn up to be assessed. You will be given your presentation date during Week 1 of the course.

Learning Outcomes

College Learning Goals
Goal 1: Graduates can demonstrate advanced knowledge of their selected subject major, informed by the broader context of Commerce.
Apply advanced Management Science and Operations Management theories, models and techniques to a previously unseen problem situation (Quiz and Test)

Discuss the implications of implementing a particular solution on an organisation as a whole(Assignment)

Goal 3: Graduates can understand issues from a range of ethical, global and multicultural perspectives.
Discuss the ethical implications of a decision when evaluating options (Assignment)

Goal 4: Graduates are able to communicate effectively both orally and in written form.
Write an essay on a given topic using an appropriate structure, correct spelling, correct grammar and correct referencing (Assignment)

Present a case and/or recommendation clearly using an appropriate presentation structure and visual aids (Article Presentation)


(1) MSCI220 or MSCI270 or MGMT270; (2) 22 points 200-level from MSCI, MGMT, ACIS or AFIS. RP: MSCI221 or MSCI271 or MGMT271


MSCI320, MGMT370

Equivalent Courses

Recommended Preparation

MSCI221 or MSCI271 or MGMT271

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Pavel Castka


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Article Presentation (Group) 15% Article Presentation (Grouup)
Mid-semester Quiz 15% Mid-semester Quiz (open between April 22-26)
Assignment 26 Mar 2013 30% Assignment
In-class Final Test 28 May 2013 40% In-class Final Test

Article Presentation (AP):
For AP, each student will be assigned to a group and each group will be asked to present one article during the course. You will have 10-12 minutes for your presentation (I will ask you to stop immediately once you will reach 12 minutes). Your presentation will be supported by powerpoint slides. You must email me your slides by 10AM on the day when you will present. Late submissions will carry a 10% penalty.

In general, your task is:
• To summarize the key points from the article/case and present it to the class. You should spend no more than 5 min on this task.
• To present the group’s viewpoint on the article/case. You may choose to agree/disagree with the article or debate when the argument from the article is applicable and when it is not. You should bring in examples from your workplace (if you have some) or cite additional literature to demonstrate your points.

However, each presentation has some specific instructions. Please see a full list of instructions below. Read the PA specific instructions carefully because you will be graded based on the instructions provided. The grading criteria follow below.

AP specific instructions:

AP1 Nohria et al What really works
Your task is (a) to summarize the key points from the article and (b) to present the group’s viewpoint on the 4+2 formula. In your presentation, you should debate pros and cons of the 4+2 formula and present your recommendations to the class.

AP2 Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp
Your task is (a) to provide the background of the case study organisations (industry, issues that face, etc) and (b) answer Q4 of the case. You should spend minimum time on Task (a) and rather focus on Q4. Your answer should provide a recommendation for one of the options. Your presentation will be at the end of the class after we go through the questions Q1-3.

AP3 Balanced ScoreCard (BSC)
Your task is (a) to summarize the key points from the article and (b) to present the group’s viewpoint on the BSC. In your presentation you should debate pros and cons of BSC and present your recommendations to the class.

AP4 Kolk and Pinkse Business Responses to Climate Change
Your task is (a) to summarize the key points from the article and (b) to present the group’s viewpoint on the article especially on the typology provided in Fig 1 - Strategic Options for Climate change. In your presentation you should debate pros and cons of Kolk and Pinkse’s work and present your recommendations to the class.

AP5 Ferdows et al - Rapid Fire Fulfilment
Your task is (a) to summarize the key points from the article and (b) to present the group’s viewpoint on the article. In your presentation, you may choose to agree/disagree with the article’s arguments or debate when the argument from the article is applicable and when it is not. You should study additional literature to substantiate your points.

AP6 When Outsourcing Goes Awry
Your task is to draw generic lessons about outsourcing based on the case. These lessons should serve you to discuss outsourcing from NZ perspective; i.e. do NZ companies outsource? Is there any evidence about the success of their effort? What a NZ manager should consider before outsourcing decisions? Your task is not to answer the case question – we will go through the questions after your presentation.

AP7 Narayaman et al (2004) Aligning Incentives
Your task is (a) to summarize the key points from the article and (b) to present the group’s viewpoint on the article. In your presentation, you may choose to agree/disagree with the article’s arguments or debate when the argument from the article is applicable and when it is not. You should bring in examples from your workplace to demonstrate your points and/or study additional literature to substantiate your points.

AP8 Butman (2002) A Pain in the Supply Chain
Your presentation should summarize key issues from the case and debate whether these issues are typical of most of the supply chains. You should study additional literature to substantiate your points.

AP 9 Carr – IT does not matter
Your task is (a) to summarize the key points from the article and (b) to present the group’s viewpoint on the article. In your presentation, you may choose to agree/disagree with the article’s arguments or debate when the argument from the article is applicable and when it is not. You should study additional literature to substantiate your points.

AP 10 Vandelay Industries
Your task is to answer Q4 and draw generic learning lessons about ERP (or other IT systems) in organizations. You should study additional literature to substantiate your points.

AP 11 McDonald’s Case
Your task is to answer question Q3. Overall, the presentation should focus on issues around environmental protection. We will follow your presentation with an analysis of McDonalds operations strategy and answer questions 1-2

AP 12 Philips Case
Your task is to provide a general overview of Philips Electronics and answer Q4.

Criteria for assessment:
• Quality of presentation: your presentation has to be well organized; i.e. the flow of the argument needs to be natural, slides need to be engaging and innovative and they need to provide additional value to your talk (pure reading of the slides is a bad practice), the team members need to contribute more or less equally, you need to maintain the 10-12 minutes window (I will ask you to stop your presentation once the time is over); presenters must not read the material and their presentation style needs to be engaging
• Ability to communicate your ideas: Your presentation has to communicate well your ideas; you need to be able to present the key points without oversimplifying the argument. At the same time, you must not overwhelm the class with a lot of (less important) details. Your talk will also demonstrate that you clearly understand what you talk about. Your argument will make sense and you will be able to substantiate your arguments by a reasonable amount of examples.
• Preparation: your presentation will clearly show that you have prepared well for this task. If you are presenting a case study, your talk will show that you conducted an in-depth analysis of the case and that you have considered the ways to present it as clearly as possible. If you present an article, it will be clear that you have put an effort in researching the topic and your questions(s).

Textbooks / Resources

Required Texts

Hayes, Robert H; Operations, strategy, and technology : pursuing the competitive edge ; Wiley, 2005 (Other readings are available on Learn).


Departmental Academic Policies
The Department assumes that you have read this document.

You should also read the General Course and Examination Regulations

Dishonest Practice
The University of Canterbury considers cheating and plagiarism to be serious acts of dishonesty.  All assessed work must be your own individual work unless specifically stated otherwise in the assessment guidelines. Material quoted from any other source must be clearly acknowledged. You must not copy the work of another person (student or published work) in any assessment including examinations, tests and assignments. Any person, who is found to have copied someone else's work, or to have allowed their work to be copied, will receive a fail grade for that piece of assessment and may face disciplinary action which may lead to a fine, community service or exclusion from the university.

IMPORTANT: Where there are concerns regarding the authorship of written course work, a student can be required to provide a formal, oral explanation of the content of their work.

Coversheets - Group and Individual

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $682.00

International fee $3,000.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Management, Marketing and Tourism .

All MSCI370 Occurrences

  • MSCI370-13S1 (C) Semester One 2013