MUSI227-14W (C) Whole Year 2014

Composition 2

45 points

Start Date: Monday, 24 February 2014
End Date: Sunday, 16 November 2014
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 9 March 2014
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 7 September 2014


Developing students' abilities to express their own creative compositional ideas in the most effective manner.

This course is designed to develop students' abilities to initiate and realise their own compositional ideas in the most effective manner.
A year's schedule, detailing projected work, will be mutually discussed and agreed upon by the teacher and each individual student at the beginning of the year.

Learning Outcomes

Students who pass this course will:
*  Have developed and acquired the language and understanding to discuss the creative process;
*  Be able to initiate and develop compositional ideas into effective works;
*  Have acquired the skill to identify and employ techniques in compositions.





Timetable Note

This course has two sections:
1.  Technical aspects of composition with Iain Brandram-Adams. Classes in Room 206, Thursday 11-12 noon.
2.  Composition project(s).  Each student will work on compositions for forces of their own choice (with guidance from the tutor).  Tutorials Room 206 (or in staff office).

Attendance and participation in Composition Workshops (Monday 3.30 - 5.00 pm) is essential.

Student workload (220 hours) will be allocated to:
*  36 hours attending workshops
*  12 hours attending lectures
*  12 hours attending tutorials
*  60 hours working on compositions
*  60 hours writing assignments
*  20 hours preparing work for performances, working with performers
*  15 hours attending concerts
*  5 hours participating in student composition concert.

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Christopher Cree Brown


Iain Brandram-Adams


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Technical Aspects 10 Apr 2014 10%
Technical Aspects 29 May 2014 10%
Technical Aspects 31 Jul 2014 10%
Technical Aspects 11 Sep 2014 10%
Technical Aspects 09 Oct 2014 10%
Portfolio of Works 17 Oct 2014 50%

All assessments are due at 12 noon on the specified date.  You should submit a hard copy to the assignment drop-box in the School of Music foyer.

Each student will be given informal feedback during tutorials with Chris Cree Brown.  A formal written appraisal will be given to each student around mid-year.  (This will include an indicative grade, but not count towards the final grade.)

A portfolio containing work(s), work(s) in progress and any other pertinent information must be submitted to the School of Music by 5 pm, Friday 17 October.

Course links

Library portal


Use of Technology
This course assumes that you have sufficient information and technology skills to confidently use a computer to access material for your course.  Your written work should be submitted typed, using standard word-processor software and/or using the Sibelius or similar note-writing programme.  The School of Music has iMacs you are able to use which have all standard software required for this course.
You will be required to access our learning management system - Learn - and to become familiar with its tools.  Learn provides easily-accessible information about the course and assessments, topics and deadlines, and supports the learning you will gain from attending all lectures and tutorials.  For help using Learn, refer to:

Additional Course Outline Information

Assessment and grading system

The following shows how to translate grades to numerical scores:

A+  90–100;    A   85–89;    A-  80–84;    B+   75–79;    B 70–74;    B-   65–69;     C+  60–64;     C  55–59;     C- 50–54;     D  40–49;   E  0–39
In a course at 100- or 200-level examiners may grant restricted credit (R) which will be equivalent to a pass for all purposes except as a prerequisite.

Late submission of work

All items of assessment must be submitted by the due date and time. In the case of illness or critical circumstance which might make it impossible for an item to be submitted in time, contact must be made with the Course Coordinator before the due date and application made for an extension of time. The application must explain the circumstances of the delay, and any extension will be at the discretion of the Course Coordinator.

Where to submit and collect work

All essay and assignment material must be firmly secured (stapled, or bound in a folder), and contain on the front page or cover the following information: Student name, Course number, Lecturer. Unless the class is instructed to the contrary, the assignment should be posted in the appropriate box at the School of Music counter by the due date.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $2,244.00

International fee $10,163.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Humanities .

All MUSI227 Occurrences

  • MUSI227-14W (C) Whole Year 2014