Bioethics: Life, Death, and Medicine

15 points

Not offered 2021, offered in 2015, 2016

For further information see Language, Social and Political Sciences


Bioethics is the study of ethical problems in healthcare, medical research, and biotechnology. Bioethical problems arise every day, affecting non-human animals, people, and societies. This course covers a wide range of issues, including: research on human and non-human animals; reproductive technologies, such as surrogacy and genetic testing; and decisions about protecting, killing and letting die, including healthcare, abortion, and euthanasia. The course includes an introduction to ethical values and principles, ways of dealing with moral disagreements, and reflection on what it means for something to be worth moral consideration.


15 points in POLS at 100-level. Students not meeting the prerequisites but with at least a B average in 60 points in appropriate courses may be admitted to take Political Science and International Relations courses at the 200-level with the approval of the Department Coordinator.


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