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The course objective is to provide the opportunity for students to apply the science and practice of clinical psychology in the context of practicum placements. The focus for the year 2 practicum is on students gaining further experience with psychological assessment and some experience with psychological intervention and therapy from your supervisor guided by the powhiri process, as well as gaining additional experience with psychological assessment. Additional emphasis is placed on the development of bicultural competence, delivered through a combination of teaching and opportunities to work with tangata whai ora through a kaupapa Maori service. Students will participate in two practicum placements. The first practicum placement is on campus in The Psychology Centre in Terms 1-2, students are expected to attend approximately two days a week of clinic work. The second practicum placement is in the community for two days per week for 16 weeks in Terms 2-4.
This course is limited to students selected into the Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology (PGDipClinPsyc).
This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:
Critically competent in a core academic discipline of their award
Students know and can critically evaluate and, where applicable, apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.
Employable, innovative and enterprising
Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers that can be used in a range of applications.
Biculturally competent and confident
Students will be aware of and understand the nature of biculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand, and its relevance to their area of study and/or their degree.
Engaged with the community
Students will have observed and understood a culture within a community by reflecting on their own performance and experiences within that community.
Globally aware
Students will comprehend the influence of global conditions on their discipline and will be competent in engaging with global and multi-cultural contexts.
Subject to approval of the Head of Department.
Students must attend one activity from each section.
Enrolled students are advised to consult the course outline available on AKO|LEARN for detailed timetable information.
Neil Thompson and Rikki Thompson
Martin Dorahy and Rikki Thompson
Enrolled students are advised to consult the course outline available on AKO|LEARN for detailed assessment information.
Beck, J.S; Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond ; Third edition; New York Guilford Press, 2021.
Friedberg, Robert D. , McClure, Jessica M; Clinical practice of cognitive therapy with children and adolescents : the nuts and bolts ; Second edition; Guilford Press, 2015.
Norcross, J. C., & Lambert, M. J; Psychotherapy relationships that work: Volume 1: Evidence-based therapist contributions ; Third Edition; Oxford University Press, 2019.
Seymour, F., Blackwell, S., Tamatea, A., & New Zealand Psychological Society; Psychology and the law in Aotearoa New Zealand ; Fourth edition; New Zealand Psychological Society, 2022.
Waitoki, Waikaremoana et al; Professional practice of psychology in Aotearoa New Zealand ; 3rd edition; The New Zealand Psychological Society, Te Ropu Matai Hinengaro o Aotearoa, 2016.
Wampold, B. E., & Norcross, J. C; Psychotherapy Relationships that Work: Volume 2: Evidence-Based Therapist Responsiveness ; Third edition; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019.
These Textbooks are required, you need to have access to them, but you do not have to own them.Additional readings are available on AKO|LEARN.
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Domestic fee $2,353.00
International Postgraduate fees
* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.
For further information see School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing .