SPCO210-21A (C) Approved Start 2021

Practicum 2

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 19 July 2021
End Date: Sunday, 20 February 2022
Withdrawal Dates
The withdrawal dates for this course (both with and without fee refund) will be confirmed once a) the course start date and b) course length is confirmed. Students are advised to consult the department for further information.


This course provides further application of sport coaching theory to practice. Students will plan, implement and evaluate aspects of coaching pedagogy, sociology and sport science while coaching their selected sport. This occurs during coaching sessions with an Under 15 team, throughout a season of practices and interschool or club games/events.

In the second year coaching practicum courses students can work in pairs or alone to coach teams under the age of 15 years around the Canterbury area.
As juniors are the base of our sport participants, we endeavour to provide the community with quality coaches in the aid of junior development.
To develop coaching skills and critical thinking, students are required to perform self-reflective analysis of their coaching.

Learning Outcomes

1. Plan, implement and evaluate selected principles of sport science within the coaching practicum experience;
2. Plan, implement and evaluate selected aspects of pedagogical theory within the coaching practicum experience;
3. Identify and analyse a sociological and/or an ethical issue arising from the coaching practicum experience;
4. Critically evaluate ones’ own coaching effectiveness through the use of reflective practice


SPCO110 and approval based on police vetting.



Course Coordinators

Glenn Fyall and Piet Van Hasselt


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Coaching Portfolio 100% Evidence from planning, implementation & reflection on a series of personal coaching sessions that relate to the course content. To include supervisor debrief notes & reflective summaries as well as session plans & all coaching documentation as outlined on the SPCO Learn site (specific to major where relevant). This assessment will be graded as pass or fail.

Textbooks / Resources

Recommended Reading

Haff, Greg , Triplett, N. Travis, National Strength & Conditioning Association (U.S.); Essentials of strength training and conditioning ; Fourth edition; Human Kinetics, 2016.

Light, Richard; Game sense : pedagogy for performance, participation and enjoyment ; Routledge, 2013.

Metzler, Michael W; Instructional models for physical education ; Third edition; Routledge, 2017.

O'Donoghue, Peter; An introduction to performance analysis of sport ; Routledge, 2015.

Additional Course Outline Information

Academic integrity

All forms of cheating and dishonest practice are taken seriously and penalties will result. Students should refer to General Course and Examination Regulation J: Dishonest Practice and Breach of Instructions in the University of Canterbury Calendar and the Assessment Guidelines for Students: Assessment, Referencing and Written Assignment Preparation for Physical Education and BSpC Courses 2013 in the BSpC coursebook.

Assessment and grading system

This is a Pass/Fail course. Students are expected to complete ALL requirements outlined in the portfolio submission task to an appropriate level. The final pass/fail grade will be determined collaboratively by the course lecturers and the assigned associate teacher or mentor in the context that students are coaching.


Due to the close community relationship forged between UC and the sporting partners (e.g. schools, sports clubs), the integrity and sustainability of the course is dependent on students maintaining high standards of attendance and communication. Students are expected to attend ALL scheduled coaching sessions as well as all other meetings, forums and discussions set out in the Practicum portfolio submission requirements. In the case of absence you are expected to email the course lecturer outline the reasons for your absence. Illness should be accompanied by a medical certificate once this is able to be provided. Non-attendance, due to illness or unforeseeable circumstances will require communication with the course lecturer(s) and validity of the absence will be determined by the course lecturer. Distance students should watch recorded sessions, and interact with other material provided by their lecturer shortly after it is made available through LEARN or other methods. This will ensure that you do not miss vital information which will allow you to make sense of the course content.


Students will be asked to complete course and teacher evaluations, using the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring surveys.  Survey responses are conducted electronically and are confidential. The Faculty of Education will conduct regular graduate surveys.

Late submission of work

An assessment is late if it is handed in after the due date, without a formal extension.  If an assessment is submitted after the due date, 5% will be deducted from the final grade for every day the assessment is late.  No assessments will be accepted after a period of 3 days after the due date, unless an extension has been granted.

Other specific requirements

All written assessment tasks and presentations must be referenced according to APA convention. (Information relating to APA referencing can be obtained from both the Central and Education Libraries.)  Notes on APA referencing can also be found in the BSpC course handbook. Each assessment submission requires a completed cover sheet (available on-line).

Requests for extensions

Students who cannot complete assessments by the due date should discuss their situation with the course lecturer and complete the appropriate extension form. Where circumstances are known in advance, the student should discuss these with the course lecturer at least one week days prior to the assessment due date. In circumstances where this is not appropriate, the student should discuss their situation with the course lecturer as soon as possible.


This is a PASS/FAIL course. No resubmits are available for this course. This assessment procedure applies from 2015 onwards.

Aegrotat Considerations

Students should refer to General Course and Examination Regulation H: Aegrotat Consideration and Aegrotat Consideration: Procedures in the UC Policy Library.

Where to submit and collect work

Electronic Submission via LEARN (all on campus and distance students)
All students must submit their assessment via the online assessment system in the Learn (Moodle) class site, on or before the due date.  All submitted assessment work will be screened by the software Turnitin, to check for plagiarism.  There is opportunity for student to submit a draft report to monitor levels of plagiarism prior to the final submission for marking.

It is the responsibility of the students to check their Internet access and ability to submit their work via the online system.  Any technical difficulties should be notified well in advance of the due date so that assistance can be provided or alternative arrangements can be negotiated. For ICT help call our free call number 0508 UC IT HELP (0508 824 843) or on 03 369 5000.Monday to  Friday, 8am to 5pm (excluding public and university holidays).

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $785.00

International fee $3,500.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Health Sciences .

All SPCO210 Occurrences