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This course will prepare postgraduate students to supervise other professionals and monitor programmatic efficacy as administrators in speech-language settings.
Whakamahuki/Description SPSC605 provides students with administrative and research training in speech-language therapy clinical education. This course will prepare postgraduate students to supervise other professionals and monitor programme efficacy as administrators in speech-language therapy. Students will be required to supervise or contribute to the clinical education programme in speech-language therapy. As part of this research experience students will also complete a clinical research project or service project directed towards a specified area of communication disorders and/or clinical education. Students’ performance in the course will be based on the completion of the research project/service proposal and development of clinical teaching skills.
ObjectivesThis course provides students with administrative, supervisory and research training in the areas of clinical education and speech-language therapy. The course is delivered via practical experience in clinical education research and clinical supervision. In addition, tutorials, assessment seminars and peer learning will be utilised as teaching methods.Clinical Supervision experiencesStudents will have a variety of experiences in the clinical context. Each student will be paired with a clinical educator (CE), who will act as a supervisor and mentor for the student’s ongoing clinical development. The CE will organise the clinical load with their student and will vary according to the service delivery and setting of that therapist.The aim for each student is to build on previous clinical skills by continuing to practise SLT with clients, and introducing the area of clinical supervision–including being observed by BSLP/MSLP students, running reflective practise groups, and supervising individual BSLP/MSLP students.Mentor/Mentee RelationshipThe relationship between the CE and the student is one of equal responsibilities whereby each party states what the expectations are, meets regularly throughout the term, completes agreed upon tasks and raises issues were appropriate. If there are unresolvable difficulties for either party then the Director of Clinical Education should be contacted to discuss this.
Introductory meeting: Rāmere/Friday 25th February 11-12 noon Room: TakaheSeminar: Rāmere/ Friday 11th March 2022 11-12 noon Takahē RoomClinical Administration- review of course outlineIntroduction to clinical educationRoles and responsibilitiesModels of Clinical EducationClass Meeting Times: Every second Rāmere/Friday 11-12noon, commencing 11th March Takahē RoomReadings from the text or relevant clinical education research articles will provide the topic for class meetings. In addition, students will engage in reflection and peer-discussion of their clinical education practical experiences.
Gina Tillard and Tika Ormond
Kairuruku Akoranga/Course Co-ordinatorsGina TillardDirector of Clinical Education, School of Psychology, Speech and HearingTari/Office: Level 3 Room 327Waea/Phone: (03) 369 2051Īmēra/Email: OrmondClinical Educator, School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing Tari/Office: Level 3 Room 326Waea/Phone: (03) 369 4509Īmēra/Email:
Please contact the Clinical Educator allocated to each assessment or Gina Tillard should you have any questions. Marked scripts will only be returned once the whole class has completed an assignment.All assessments will be submitted electronically via the SPSC Learn site. Students must seek advice regarding online submission of assignments well in advance of due dates of assessment. Assessment briefings will be posted on Learn. Where possible assessments will be marked blinded to student’s identification.Aromatawai/Assessment 1 – Seminar: Clinical Education Presentation 35% Room Speech and Hearing Clinic Takahē 9.00am-1.00pm 10th June Briefing: Conduct a brief review of the literature for the topic you have been assigned (as a guide, no more than 10 relevant references are needed). You will find useful information in other health disciplines regarding clinical education – nursing and occupational therapy will be particularly helpful. You will be required to make a presentation to the group on your topic and to facilitate discussion on the topic. Discussion of each topic should include an outline of the key aspects as they relate to speech – language therapy and discussion and reflection of the clinician’s experience of supervision (as a supervisor or supervisee, in SLT or related experiences) in reference to the assigned topic. Grading will take into account the students ability to present information to the group and facilitate discussion as well as the content of the information. Each presentation, including discussion should take approximately 45 minutes.Topics for Aromatawai/Assessment 1:The Learning Model Teaching Strategies in Clinical EducationCritical Thinking Clinical ReasoningQuestioning Effective Clinical EducationAssessment of Clinical Skills The How and Why of FeedbackThe Learning Environment Failing StudentsMentoring Learning StylesSimulation-based learningAromatawai/Assessment 2 – Assignment 30%: Clinical Education Research Project or SLT Service Proposal 30% Due: 5 September 10pm Students can choose to create a proposal for a SLT service as if it were a proposal to a funding body e.g. DHB planning and funding committee, ACC, private insurer or bank. You can be working in a public or private hospital system or a private provider. Please see briefing on Learn for the major items that should be included in the proposal.Or Students will be provided with a range of clinical education research questions and will choose an area to investigate which interests them. Students may suggest their own question to research but must have this approved by the course coordinators. Students will be required to hand in the completed literature review and the description of the proposed research design. Please see briefing on Learn for further information, research questions and marking guide.Aromatawai/Assessment 3 – Seminar: Development of Clinical Supervisor Discussion 35% Room: Speech and Hearing Clinic Takahē TBC based on completion of students’ practical experience (tentative date 9th Dec)Briefing: This assessment focuses on the demonstration of development of skills as a Clinical Supervisor. To this end students should collate video or audio evidence of relevant components of their clinical education interactions with their supervisees. This may include briefing or clinical sessions or debriefing of supervisees. Discussion points can also include reflective practice group experiences, observations by others. Students are required to present to the group for discussion their video segments or other evidence that illustrate the development of their clinical education skills. The discussion should highlight the students learning and development as a Clinical Educator and the implementation of clinical education skills with their supervisees. Discussion should also focus on the integration of knowledge gained from the seminars presented for Assessment 1 and their understanding of their own development as a Clinical Educator. For example, as a developing Clinical Educator, how did skills in questioning improve over the experiences, and how did you shape your own learning to develop. In addition, students should include reflection on their own experience as a learner in relation to a Learning Model. Grading will take into account the students ability to present information to the group and facilitate discussion as well as the content/evidence base of the information. Each presentation, including video segments and discussion should take approximately 60 minutes.
McAllister, Lindy. , Lincoln, Michelle; Clinical education in speech-language pathology ; Whurr, 2004.
Domestic fee $1,158.00
International Postgraduate fees
* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.
For further information see School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing .