SPSC671-22X (C) General non-calendar-based 2022

Applied Research and Clinical Practice 3

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 24 January 2022
End Date: Sunday, 19 June 2022
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 6 February 2022
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 8 May 2022


This course offers students the opportunity to develop clinical skills in speech-language pathology including overall client management, professional communication, team work and effective time management. The fundamental link between research skills and evidence-based practice is understood by applying the principles of designing, undertaking, analysing and reporting on research in a real life setting.


In this course students consolidate the links between theory and clinical practice. Students will develop advanced professional and clinical competency in managing a client caseload within a variety of cultural contexts; including Māori and Pasifika. Students will successfully apply research skills of planning and executing a case study that includes a critical appraisal of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, methods for data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Learning Outcomes

Goal of the Course

Students will further develop clinical skills in client management in a variety of settings. Students will consolidate the links between theory and clinical practice by applying the basic principles of designing, undertaking and analysing research in a real-life setting using a case study design.
There is an anticipation that some students may achieve entry level competency as measured by COMPASS® for the school aged population and/or adult population. For those that achieve entry level competency during this course re-testing may not be required in SPSC676 clinical paper.

Hua Akoranga/Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Intended learning outcomes represent what you should know and/or be able to do as a result of active engagement in the learning process. Below is a table that represents the intended learning outcomes of this course, along with the associated learning method(s) and assessment task(s).

Upon successful completion of the course, I will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an ability to apply relevant theory to evidence-based clinical practice.
       Generic competencies:
       1.1 – 4.5
       CBOS competencies:
        1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.1 – 5.6, 5.8, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1 – 7.4

2. Conceptualise, plan and implement within a case study design.
       Generic competencies:
        1.1 – 1.3, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 4.4, 4.5
       CBOS competencies:
         1.1 – 3.7, 4.2 – 4.6, 5.6 – 5.8, 7.1 – 7.4

3. Demonstrate progress in clinical competency to at least intermediate level as defined by
       COMPASS®. Generic competencies:
       CBOS Competencies: All

4. Discuss and demonstrate cultural and ethical awareness in a variety of settings and cultural
       contexts including Māori and Pacifica. Generic competencies:
       CBOS Competencies:
       1.1 – 1.4, 2.2, 2.5, 3.1 – 3.6, 4.2 – 4.6, 5.1, 5.4, 5.6, 6.1 – 6.3, 7.1 – 7.4

I will learn this by:

Reading and critically evaluating relevant research literature.
Applying evidence-based practice principles during clinical practice.
Participating in supervisory discussions with Clinical Educator. Participating in Reflective Practice peer discussions.
Employing the PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) format to a real-life client.
Analysing and synthesising existing research, collecting and analysing client data.
Participating in supervisory discussions with Clinical Educator.
Participate in clinical practice.
Reading and reviewing the Code of Ethics and other relevant literature.
Engaging with clients and their family/whanau.
Participating in supervisory discussions with Clinical Educator.
Peer discussions.

My learning will be assessed by:

Planning, implementing and evaluating therapy sessions.
Ongoing assessment of therapy outcomes.
Tasks within adult focused neurogenic clinic
Completion of a case study to a publishable standard. Practical assessment
Measurement of clinical performance using COMPASS®. Overall progress must be shown on summary rating.
Supervisor feedback.
Peer feedback.
Meihana Model Assignment


(1) SPSC664, (2) SPSC668. Entry subject to approval by the Head of School.


Timetable Note


Rāpare/Thursday 11 – 12 pm Weeks 2 – 7 with SPSC381 in A5 Lecture Theatre

Additional Labs
Rāmere/Friday 1pm        Week 1: Pūtangitangi UC Speech and Hearing Clinics                    
                               11 – 1 pm Week 3 &4: Pūtangitangi UC Speech and Hearing Clinics Case
                                                                 study lectures

Reflective practice groups weeks 6-12 – see learn lab page ‘Workshops’.
Students will engage in reflective practice groups that will cover a range of salient clinical topics as they arise within students’ clinical settings – attendance is a compulsory part of the course. The reflective practice groups will comprise of students from MSLP2.  Students within each group will be from different clinical placements. Students will facilitate and engage in reflective discussions integrating previous experiences and knowledge to assist with problem solving case management and team-based queries as they arise. Pertinent readings will be posted on Learn to facilitate robust discussions.

Clinical Placements
Students will be engaged in two clinical placements across the paper. Students must complete a minimum of 90 percent of clinical placement opportunities for this paper. Those who do not reach this amount will be required to meet with the Director of Clinical Education.

Placement 1: Adult focused Neurogenic Clinic
24th January – 18th February 2021. This is a full-time clinic in the hospital setting and you will be required to be available for clinical practice and related activities between 8.30 – 5.00, Monday through to Friday. Your last clinical experience at the hospital is Wednesday 16th February.

Placement 2: Child or Adult focused placement (21st Feb – 23rd June)
You will have clinical placements timetabled in the term break, during study week and exam period – please discuss with your assigned Clinical Educator. University of Canterbury is closed for Easter 15th – 19th April. You will have the remainder of the week off clinic and recommence on Tuesday 26th April.

Course Coordinator

Gina Tillard


Ruth Ramsay , Tika Ormond , Kate Cook , Katrina McGarr , Alex Weathersby , Ellen Nijhof and Charmain Moyle

Kairuruku Akoranga/Course Co-ordinator

Gina Tillard (She/Her)
Director of Clinical Education, School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing
Tari/Office: Level 3, Room 327
Waea/Phone: 03 369 2051
Īmēra/E-mail: gina.tillard@canterbury.ac.nz



Check carefully when work is due. Where possible all assignments/work is due at 10pm.

Please contact the Clinical Educator allocated to each assessment or Gina Tillard should you have any questions. Marked scripts will only be returned once the whole class has completed an assignment.

All assessments will be submitted electronically via the SPSC Learn site.  Students must seek advice regarding online submission of assignments well in advance of due dates of assessment. Assessment briefings will be posted on Learn. Where possible assessments will be marked blinded to student’s identification. A mark of 50% is required on each piece of assessment to pass the course.

1. Competency Assessment in Speech Pathology (COMPASSTM) – Pass/ Fail
This assessment must be passed in order to obtain a passing grade for this paper.
This assessment is completed, with your supervisor, at the mid-point and conclusion of Placement 2 only.

The student at mid placement should be at or above Intermediate for Professional Units 1-4 and CBOS 2011 Units 1-4 as specified in the Behavioural Descriptors and Exemplars. If they are not yet at that level the clinical educator and student should discuss strategies for supporting the student’s progress with the Clinical Education Coordinator.

By the end of the placement the student must be at or above Intermediate consistent with the Behavioural Descriptors and Exemplars for CBOS 2011 Units 1 – 4 and Professional Units 1-4 other assessable Units with no concerns noted in any area. There should be no major variability between competency ratings. Students who are identified as being “at risk” during their midway COMPASS meeting, will be required to meet with Gina Tillard or a delegated staff member. Students who do not demonstrate progress in the “Overall Rating of Competency” will not pass the COMPASS® assessment.

Students should refer to the COMPASS® Assessment Resource Manual regarding Behavioural Descriptors and Exemplars expected.

2. Adult focused Neurogenic Clinic – 15% – clinical skills, online learning, reflective practice, workbook and verbal case discussion– Final hand-in date is:  February 20 10pm
This assessment must be passed in order to obtain a passing grade for this paper.
This multi-step assessment is designed to assess students’ clinical competence during typical client session/s during placement 1.  Following the client session/s, students will be required to reflect on their performance, complete clinical documentation and identify salient features of future client management in both verbal and written communication contexts. Students will also complete an introduction to the palliative care setting via online learning.  Please refer to the neurogenic workbook and learn site for assessment requirements and combination of due dates during placement 1.
Assessment contact: Kate Cook

3. Meihana Model Assignment: 25% 20th April 10pm
The purpose of this assessment is to help you think about one of your clients in a holistic manner by applying the principles of the Meihana model. This process will assist you with future goal setting, case discussions and whānau/family meetings. You will consider your interactions with a current client, demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of Māori health models and tikanga Māori. You will apply this using the framework provided. Please refer to the briefing/marking guide on Learn for more information.
Assessment contact: Katrina McGarr

4. Practical Assessment:   30%     16th May – 27th May 10pm
This assessment is designed to assess students’ clinical competence during a typical client session.  Following the client session, students will be required to complete clinical documentation and identify salient features of future client management.
Assessment contact: Tika Ormond

5. Case Study Report:     30% 23rd June 10pm
This assessment requires students to design, apply, implement and evaluate a research project using a case study design. This will be conducted within your semester one clinical placement.  Please see the marking rubric on learn for more detail.
Assessment contact: Kate Cook

5.  Direct Contact (DC) Hours – daily/semester summary form       Hurdle 23rd June 10pm
Throughout the semester students will maintain a record of their clinical contact using the daily/semester summary form. It is compulsory for all students to collect DC hours. The Clinical Education team will review and audit this document. No feedback will be given unless a discrepancy is queried. Please see DC hours form on learn.
Assessment contact: Kate Cook


Breaches of client confidentiality are viewed seriously by the School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing and will result in a reduction of your grade for this paper. Serious or repeated breaches may result in failure of the paper. Client confidentiality applies to past and current clients and to any information included in interactive and/or written assignments.  Please refer to the Clinic Handbook for guidelines regarding the recording of client information.

Textbooks / Resources

Recommended Reading

Paul, Rhea , Simmons, Elizabeth Schoen; Introduction to clinical methods in communication disorders ; Fourth edition; Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., 2021.

COMPASS® Manual – available on COMPASS® On-Line

Supplementary Texts:
Moon Meyer, Susan, (2004) Survival Guide for the Beginning Speech-Language Clinician (2nd Edition), Pro-Ed: Austin

Rose, P.  (2013). Cultural Competency for the Health Professional, Jones and Bartlett Learning:  Burlington

Stanford, C. C., & Connor, V.  J. (2014).  Ethics for Health Professionals, Jones and Bartlett Learning:  Burlington

Clinical practice requirements

Students are required to have access a digital voice recorder and wired head phones for clinical practice.  Minimum specifications for the voice recorder are available on the Learn site.  The school has suitable voice recorders available for purchase for $105 in the UC Speech and Hearing Clinic reception.  Please see Marie Sutton (Clinic Administrator) to purchase one.



SPSC 664

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,127.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

Minimum enrolments

This course will not be offered if fewer than 10 people apply to enrol.

Limited Entry Course

Maximum enrolment is 30

For further information see School of Psychology, Speech and Hearing .

All SPSC671 Occurrences

  • SPSC671-22X (C) General non-calendar-based 2022