TECM201-24YC1 (D) Year C First Half 2024 (Distance)

Te reo me nga ahuatanga Maori 2

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 12 February 2024
End Date: Sunday, 23 June 2024
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 25 February 2024
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 26 May 2024


This course builds upon your growing competence and confidence in becoming an ethical bicultural teacher in Aotearoa New Zealand. Te Tiriti o Waitangi plays a significant role within the teaching profession; this course provides akonga with opportunities to navigate the relationships of our country's founding document, Tangata Whenuatanga pedagogies and their relevance to Early Childhood Education and Primary teaching contexts. The continual strengthening of te reo Maori applications and Tikanga Maori articulations are essential features of this course; these provide robust foundations towards implementing bicultural curricula for the early childhood and primary sectors. Ways of doing or Tikanga Whakaako in language learning allows akonga to reflect on their own language acquisition strategies and make relevant associations to key theories and/or principles of Second Language (L2) Acquisition.

*Please note this course is only available to initial teacher education students. To enrol in this course you need to be accepted and enrolled in one of our Initial Teacher Education programmes.

Learning Outcomes

On the successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

1. Demonstrate appropriate use of words, phrases, sentences, karakia, whakataukī, kīwaha and waiata suitable for early childhood settings, the primary classroom and beyond.
2. Participate in and reflect on a noho marae experience in terms of Māori pedagogy, language and cultural values underscoring their significance for early childhood and primary educational settings.
3. Examine research and literature related to the teaching and learning of te reo Māori me ngā tikanga Māori including iwi and hapū based knowledge to strengthen the early childhood and primary sectors.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of kaupapa Māori pedagogies appropriate for teaching approaches and methods that support the learning of te reo Māori as a second language.



TEPI220 and TEPI221

Timetable Note


Students enrolled in TECM201-24YC1(D) are required to attend compulsory face-to-face session at an On-Site Intensive (OSI) in Christchurch

Any costs, including travel, accommodation, childcare etc. associated with attendance at the On-Site Intensive are met by the student.

Course Coordinator

Ngaroma Williams


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Quizzes x 4 50% Quiz One: Te reo Maori - Nga Huinga Reo: Vocabulary Building. Due between 6-9pm Wednesday: 28/2/24. Weighting 10% Quiz Two: Te reo Maori - Toku Whanau and A & 0 categories. Due between 6-9pm Wednesday 20/3/24. Weighting 10%. Quiz Three: Te reo Maori - Nga Kupumahi/He Wataka. Due between 6-9pm Wednesday 22/5/24. Weighting 10% . Quiz Four: Te reo Maori, L2 Acquisition Principles and Audio. Due between 6-9pm Wednesday 19/6/24. Weighting 20%.
Te Reo Maori Language Learning Planning 50% Theory, resources, support, and evaluation Due by 6pm on Wednesday 5 June 2024

Additional Course Outline Information

Assessment and grading system

There are two pieces of graded assessment for this course, each assignment is weighted 50% each. Satisfactory completion of each assignment to at least a pass grade (C-) is required to pass the course.    Students must also complete a noho marae to pass this course.

Requests for extensions

Extensions are reserved for exceptional circumstances only and are not granted automatically. The course coordinator responsible for the assessment must be contacted by email a minimum of two working days before the due date, and the application must be supported by relevant evidence (e.g. medical certificate, letter from counsellor). The student’s course coordinator will then  make a final decision. If an extension is granted there will normally be no resubmit given for that assignment. An extension will normally be for no more than two weeks and the date of the extension must be provided to the student in writing.

Extensions will not be granted because of pressure of university study, e.g. several pieces of work being due around the same time. The procedure for extensions is fully outlined in the Te Kaupeka Ako | Faculty of Education Assessment Guidelines

Important Course Information

Aratohu Ākonga | Guide for Students

Course Attendance and Participation

General Requirements
This qualification is designed to prepare you for entry into the teaching profession. Attendance enables you to demonstrate key aspects from ‘Our Code, Our Standards’ (Education Council, New Zealand, 2017); specifically, your commitment to the teaching profession and your commitment to learners.  
The UC General Conditions for Credit Regulations (general-regs-general-conditions-for-credit-regulations.pdf (canterbury.ac.nz) section 3 a) states “A student seeking course credit must engage satisfactorily in all required course-related activity, work and assessment specified in the course outlines.”
Subsequently for all students (campus or distance), attendance at all scheduled course sessions, and independent engagement with associated course content (online), is a course requirement.  

Attendance Distance
All students are expected to attend On-Site Intensive events in every year of their programme, unless excused by the Programme Coordinator.  
To meet the learning outcomes and the UC General Conditions for Credit Regulations, distance students are expected to attend and participate in all distance intensive sessions indicated in the timetable.  
Attendance and course engagement will be taken into account when students apply for Extensions and Special Consideration.  

As outlined in the ‘Attendance’ section, students are expected to attend and participate in course activities. Where a student is unable to attend scheduled sessions, it is a professional courtesy to notify the course lecturer (via email) with an explanation as soon as possible. Extended absences must be accompanied by a medical certificate or similar. Absent students may be required to complete and submit tasks that demonstrate engagement with the content from missed classes to meet the course requirements.

Course Assessment  
Students are encouraged and expected to plan their work so that deadlines are met. Extensions are not granted automatically. Under special circumstances (e.g. illness, accident, bereavement, tangihanga, or critical personal circumstances) a student may be granted an extension to the due date for an assignment. 
The course coordinator concerned must be contacted in writing (normally by e-mail) before the due date of the assignment for which an extension is sought. 
Normally it is expected to notify 48 hours before the assessment is due, but in extenuating circumstances this may be up to the submission time.  

If requesting an extension, you may be required to submit evidence of work completed on the assessment.  
Applications for extensions must be supported by relevant reasons and students may be asked to provide evidence of special circumstances (e.g. medical certificate).

Late work:  
Work is considered late if it is handed in after an assignment due date, without an extension having been applied for and granted. Late work will be accepted for marking up if it is submitted up to 24 hours late. A penalty of 1 grade step will be applied to late work. Lecturers will not mark work that is more than 24 hours late and without an extension having been sought and granted. No work will be accepted after assignments have been returned.  

One resubmission is permitted where work for an assignment received a failing (D) grade. Work that received a passing grade (C- or higher) cannot be resubmitted. The highest grade that a resubmitted assignment can be awarded is a C-.  Work that is to be resubmitted will normally be due one week after being returned to the student. Only one resubmission is available for the course.  

Assessed work in te reo Māori:  
Recognising that Māori is an official language of New Zealand, the University provides for students who may wish to use the Māori language in assessment.  
If a student wants to submit work that is written in te reo Māori, they will need to advise the course coordinator in advance of their intention. This is to allow the University sufficient time to make arrangements for translation and marking.  

See Assessment in Te Reo Māori Policy, which states:
A student should inform the Course Coordinator of their intent, or potential intent, to complete an assessment item(s) in te reo Māori:
• No later than 10 working days after the commencement of a course which is 5 or more weeks in duration;  

Thereafter, for each piece of written and/or oral work, a student should notify the Course Coordinator of their intention to submit a specific piece of assessment in te reo Māori and the possible need for marking and/or translation no later than 15 working days before the due date of the assessment or date of the examination.

Course coordinators will notify the registry of the need for support for assessment of course work in Māori, and the Office of the AVC Māori works with students to support them with the process and ensure fair and appropriate assessment procedures are in place.  

Special consideration of assessment items:  
Where circumstances mean that students cannot submit assignment work on time, they should apply for an extension to the assignment due date in the first instance.  

Where an extension may be granted for an assessment, this will be decided by direct application to the course coordinator (in writing, e.g. by email, and in advance of the due date) and an application to the Examinations Office will not be required. 

Special consideration may be a relevant alternative when extensions cannot be granted and the student meets the criteria for a special consideration (need to add link here).  

Special consideration for late discontinuation:   
Special consideration for late discontinuation of the course is available. Students prevented by extenuating circumstances from completing the course after the final date for withdrawing, may apply for special consideration for late discontinuation of the course. Applications must be submitted to the Examinations Office within five days of the end of the main examination period for the semester. 

Applications for special consideration should be submitted via the website – see https://www.canterbury.ac.nz/study/special-consideration/how-to-apply/ 
For more information see Special Consideration Regulations. 

Final grade: 
Assessment for this course relates to defined standards and learning outcomes. Assignments are graded against the UC Common Grading Scale A+ to E. The marks for the assignments will be aggregated for the final grade, based on the assignment weightings. 

Final grades will be determined at an examiners’ meeting at the end of the course and reported using the UC Common Grading Scale. 

Pass grade:  
A Pass grade is C- or over for the course.
UC common grading Scale 
Grade    GPA Value        Marks 
A+              9            90 – 100 
A                8            85 – 89.99 
A-               7            80 – 84.99 
B+              6            75 – 79.99 
B                5            70 – 74.99 
B-               4            65 – 69.99 
C+              3            60 – 64.99 
C                2            55 – 59.99 
C-               1            50 – 54.99 
D                0            40 – 49.99 
E               -1             0 – 39.99 

Academic and professional integrity: 
Honesty and integrity are important qualities for teachers. Students must maintain good character through the programme, including time in university-based study and professional practice in schools. They must act in ways consistent with the UC Student Code of Conduct and the Code of Professional Responsibility for teachers. 

All forms of cheating and dishonest practice are taken seriously and penalties will result. Students should refer to UC's Academic Integrity page. 

Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. Students need to be familiar with the risks of plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) and how to avoid these. The UC Library has useful information on plagiarism and how to avoid it - see FAQ | University of Canterbury and Library link.  
Students may be tempted to use AI text generators like ChatGPT, please be aware that using such text in assignments may amount to academic misconduct, unless course lecturers have stated that this is allowed, in which case students are expected to follow these instructions as to how to do this.  

Please refer to the post in Tūpono | The Insider’s Guide to UC which can be found here: Can I use AI (like ChatGPT) in my UC work? - Tūpono | The Insider's Guide to UC (canterbury.ac.nz) and the Misconduct Procedures - Guide for Students for more information. 

Visit UC's policy library to access the official assessment policy document 

For additional information on assessment requirements and procedures, see the course outline in Qualifications and Courses.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $844.00

International fee $3,950.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Teacher Education .

All TECM201 Occurrences

  • TECM201-24YC1 (D) Year C First Half 2024 (Distance)