TECP112-14YC2 (C) Year C Second Half 2014

Theoretical Foundations of Literacy

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 21 July 2014
End Date: Sunday, 16 November 2014
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 3 August 2014
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 12 October 2014


This is a 100 level compulsory BTchLn (Primary) course which focuses on the assessment and facilitation of foundational skills for literacy success (oral language, phonological awareness and letter-sound knowledge) within the New Zealand classroom. Students will learn to apply their knowledge of these skills to the assessment and teaching of reading and writing. The course links the New Zealand Curriculum (2007), theoretical underpinnings and research base to the oral and written language assessment and teaching strategies explored. The knowledge and use of writing conventions within a professional context are also explored.

Learning Outcomes

  • On the successful completion of this course, participants will:

  • Be familiar with the foundations of early reading and writing success (including phonological awareness, letter-sound knowledge, oral language and contextual information)
  • Understand oral language structure (phonology, morphology, semantics and syntax) and its relationship to early reading, writing and spelling development
  • Understand how to assess children’s literacy skills in oral language, reading and writing within the classroom
  • Be familiar with the developmental progressions of learning to speak, read, write and spell
  • Understand and apply reading and writing approaches (to, with and by learners)
  • Appropriately assess children’s oral language, reading, writing and spelling skills in the classroom
  • Articulate prominent theories of oral language, reading, writing and spelling development and apply research and theoretical models to oral language, reading, writing and spelling instruction within the classroom

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Brigid McNeill


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Written Analysis 20 Aug 2014 50%
In Class Task 24 Sep 2014 50%

Textbooks / Resources

Required Texts

Ministry od Education; Effective literacy practice in years 5 to 8 ; Wellington, NZ: Learning, 2006.

Ministry of Education; Effective literacy practice in years 1 to 4 ; Wellington, NZ: Learning Media, 2003.

Additional Course Outline Information

Academic integrity

All forms of cheating and dishonest practice are taken seriously and penalties will result. Students should refer to Regulation J of the General Course and Examination Regulations.

Assessment and grading system

Grade    GPA      Marks

A+           9         90 – 100
A             8         85 – 89
A-            7         80 – 84
B+           6         75 – 79
B             5         70 – 74
B-            4         65 – 69
C+           3         60 – 64
C             2         55 – 59
C-            1         50 – 54
D             0         40 – 49
E            -1           0 – 39

A Pass is 50 marks or over


Students must participate in the course sufficiently to meet the learning outcomes.


Formal and informal evaluation will take place in accordance with the relevant Course
Evaluation Policy, to provide feedback to teaching staff about the relevance and validity of what has been learned as well as the quality of course delivery.

Grade moderation

The College undertakes a process of internal and external moderation of assessment. This is to ensure that the assessment system is fair, equitable, consistent and manageable.

Late submission of work

Lecturers reserve the right not to mark late work, and no work will be accepted after the
assignments have been returned to students.

Requests for extensions

Under exceptional circumstances (e.9. illness, accident, bereavement or critical personal circumstances) individual students may be granted an extension of the due date for an assignment. There is, however, a limit to the length of time that an extension can be granted and this should be negotiated with the relevant lecturer in the first instance. Extensions will not normally be given for longer than one week from the due date, unless exceptional circumstances prevail. Extensions are not granted automatically to students.
Requests for extensions should be emailed to the Course Lecturer at least two days prior to the due date for the assignment. Relevant evidence such as a medical certificate or a letter from a counsellor may be required in order for the lecturer to make a decision about whether or not to grant an extension. A copy of the lecturer's email confirming the extension (if granted) and any supporting documentation must be attached to and submitted with the assignment.
Extensions will not normally be granted because of pressure of university study, e.g. several pieces of work being due at about the same time. Students are encouraged to plan their work in a realistic manner and in advance so that they can meet their assessment deadlines.

Where to submit and collect work

On Campus Assignments submitted in Hard Copy
On campus students assignments are to be submitted with a cover sheet to the Assignments Room in Ōrakipaoa, accessed from the back doors closest to The Collective (the USCA Cafe), by 5.00pm, or time directed by course lecturer, on or before the due date. Please use the drop boxes placed at the back entrance to Ōrakipaoa.

Pick up Arrangements: It is your responsibility to pick each assignment up from the Academic Services Team. Lecturers will not follow up on resubmits and fails. This is your responsibility. Hours of operation of the Assignments Room for pick-ups are 11am-2pm weekdays.

On Campus Assignments submitted via Learn
Students will be expected to submit their assessment via the online assessment system in the Learn class site by 5.00pm on or before the due date.  The lecturer may also ask students to submit assessment work through the software Turnitin, to check for plagiarism. If this option is available students will submit work through Turnitin and obtain a report, after submitting assignments for marking via the Learn site.
It is the responsibility of the students to check their Internet access and ability to submit their work via the online system.  Any technical difficulties should be notified well in advance of the due date so that assistance can be provided or alternative arrangements can be negotiated. If you require assistance, please email ictservicedesk@canterbury.ac.nz, or phone 366 7001 ext 6060.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $670.00

International fee $2,850.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Teacher Education .

All TECP112 Occurrences

  • TECP112-14YC2 (C) Year C Second Half 2014
  • TECP112-14YC2 (D) Year C Second Half 2014 (Distance)