TECP313-20YC1 (C) Year C First Half 2020

Literacy and Mathematics Education for All

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 10 February 2020
End Date: Sunday, 28 June 2020
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Friday, 21 February 2020
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Friday, 29 May 2020


This course provides pre-service teachers with a final compulsory opportunity to extend their learning about the theory, and pedagogy of literacy and mathematics education in the New Zealand primary school context. The course extends previous knowledge about planning, teaching and evaluating programmes for the literacy and mathematics classroom. The English and Mathematics and Statistics learning areas of the New Zealand Curriculum (2007) are studied in congruence with available resources, assessment tools and planning formats to meet the needs of all diverse learners in the New Zealand primary school setting. The course will complement learning in other courses in the Bachelor of Teaching and Learning, including Professional Practice.

Learning Outcomes

On the successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Critically examine the characteristics of an effective teacher of literacy and mathematics for all learners
2. Identify and examine effective strategies to support and engage priority learners in literacy and mathematics
3. Identify and explore how effective pedagogical practices in literacy and mathematics meet the professional obligations of the Treaty of Waitangi (partnerships, participation and active protection)
4. Demonstrate familiarity with assessment practices used by teachers in literacy and mathematics
5. Identify and explain how to meet the literacy needs of children who have dyslexia.
6. Critically examine the phonological intervention strategies, particularly for low progress readers and writers
7. Demonstrate and articulate knowledge and skills in the use of a range of digital technologies that engage students and advance their learning in literacy and mathematics
8. Identify critical factors that enhance home-school partnerships in the literacy and mathematics classroom.




Equivalent Courses


Timetable Note

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Susanna Wilson


Jo Fletcher


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Mathematics 08 May 2020 50%
Literacy 22 May 2020 50%

Textbooks / Resources

Binks-Cantrell, E., Washburn, E., Joshi, M., & Hougen, M. (2012). Peter effect in the preparation of teading teachers. Scientific Studies of Reading, 16(6), 526 - 536.

Cremin, T., Mottram, M., Collins, F., Powell, S., & Safford, K. (2009). Teachers as readers: building communities of readers. Literacy, 43(1), 11-19.

Fletcher, J Parkhill, Faye, Gillon, Gail T; Motivating literacy learners in today's world http://ipac.canterbury.ac.nz/ipac20/ipac.jsp?menu; NZCER Press, 2010.

Gillon, G. T. (2004). Phonological awareness: from research to practice. New York: Guilford Press.

Glasswell, K., Parr, J., McNaughton, S. & Carpenter, M., (2003). Four ways to work against
yourself when  conferencing struggling writers. Language Arts, 80(4), 291.

Oakhill, J., & Cain, K. (2012). The precursors of reading ability in young readers: Evidence from a four-year longitudinal study Scientific Studies of Reading, 16(2), 91- 121.
https://doi.org/ 10.1080/10888438.2010.529219

Pressley, M. (2002). Children who experience problems in learning to read. In Reading
Instruction that works: The case of balanced teaching. (2nd ed.). (pp 66- 93), New York:

Ruddell, R. (2004). Researching the influential literacy teacher: characteristics, beliefs, strategies, and new research directions. In R. Ruddell & N. Unrau (Eds.), Theoretical models and processes of reading (5th ed., pp. 979-997). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Soter, A. O., Wilkinson, I. A., Murphy, P. K., Rudge, L., Reninger, K., & Edwards, M. (2008). What the discourse tells us: Talk and indicators of high-level comprehension. International journal of educational research, 47, 372-391.

Required readings: These readings are posted on the LEARN site in Section three: maths readings and discussion. These need to be read for the mathematics assignment.

Abercrombie, C. (2015). Teaching mathematics through a mixed ability approach. In R. Averill (Ed.), Mathematics and statistics in the middle years: Evidence and practice (pp. 99-115). Wellington, New Zealand: NZCER Press.

Anthony, G., & Walshaw, M.(2007). Effective pedagogy in mathematics/pangarau.Best evidence synthesis iteration [BES]. Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Education.pp.113- 120.

Askew, M. (2012). Transforming primary mathematics. London: Routledge.pp 128- 145.
Averill, A., & Anderson, D.(2010). In R. Averill,& R. Harvey (Eds), Teaching primary school mathematics and statistics: evidence- based practice (pp. 167- 180). Wellington, New Zealand: NZCER press.

Drake., M. & Enoka., S. (2015). Orchestrating whole-class discussion in  mathematic s.·In  R. Averill (Ed. ), Mathematics and statistics in the middle years: Evidence and practice (pp. 99- 115). Wellington, New Zealand: NZCER Press.

Hunter,R. & Anthony,G. (2010). Developing mathematical inquiry and argumentation. In R. Averill,& R. Harvey (Eds), Teaching primary school mathematics and statistics: evidence- based practice (pp. 197- 206). Wellington, New Zealand: NZCER press.

Sharma, S., Young - Loveridge,J., Taylor, M., & Hawera, N. (2011). The views of Pacifica students in New Zealand about communicating mathematically. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 31(4),503-519. DOI:10.1080/02188791.2011.621685

Walshaw, M., & Anthony, G. (2006). Classroom arrangements that benefit students. In M. Chinnappan,
P. Grootenboer, & R. Zevenbergen, (Eds.), Identities, cultures and learning spaces. (Proceedings from the 29th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Adelaide, pp. 527 - 534). Adelaide: MERGA.

You will be given a copy of:
Alton-Lee, A., Hunter, R., Sinnema, C. & Pulegatoa-Diggins, C. (2012). BES Exemplar 1. Nga kete raukura - He Taiura. 1. Developing communities of mathematical inquiry. Wellington. Ministry of Education

You will also need the following texts from previous mathematics education courses:

Anthony, G & Walshaw,M. (2009). Effective pedagogy in mathematics. Educational Practices series
19. Geneva. The International Academy of Education.

Averill, R. & Harvey, R. (2010) (Eds). Teaching primary school mathematics and statistics: evidence based practice. Wellington. Ministry of Education.

Numeracy project book 1 - 9

Tataiako - Cultural competencies for teachers of Maori learners. You are required to download a copy of this document from www.minedu.govt.mz/the Ministry/Educationlnitiatives/Tataiako.aspx

Recommended reading
Askew, M; Transforming primary maths; Routledge, 2012.

Averill, R (2015) (Eds). Mathematics and statistics in the middle years: Evidence and practice. Wellington. NZCER Press

Boaler., J, & Munson., J, & Williams., C. (2018). Mindset mathematics, visualising and investigating big ideas, Grade 3. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Boaler., J, & Munson., J, & Williams., C. (2018). Mindset mathematics, visualising and investigating big ideas, Grade 4. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Boaler., J, & Munson., J, & Williams., C. (2018). Mindset mathematics, visualising and investigating big ideas, Grade 5. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Chapin, S., O'Connor, C. & Anderson, N. (2009). Classroom discussions: using maths talk to help students learn (Grades K-6), 2nd ed. Sausalito, C: Maths Solutions Publication 5.

Smith., M. & Stein., M.(2011). 5 practices for orchestrating productive mathematics discussions. Thousand Oaks, CA: NCTM, Corwin.

Sullivan, Peter; Challenging maths tasks: unlocking the potential of all students; Oxford University Press. 2018

Sullivan, Peter,1948-, Lilburn, Pat; Open-ended maths activities :using 'good' questions to enhance learning; Oxford University Press, 2017.

Additional Course Outline Information

Academic integrity

All forms of cheating and dishonest practice are taken seriously and penalties will result. Students should refer to Regulation J of the General Course and Examination Regulations. Work submitted may be analysed by the software Turnitin, to check for plagiarism. Where there is evidence that cheating or plagiarism has occurred students will be awarded an X grade and the matter will be referred to the year level coordinator, and/or the Head of the School of Teacher Education.

Assessment and grading system

Assessment procedures will follow the established policies of the UC College of Education Health and Human Development Assessment Guidelines.

Grading Scale
Grade    GPA      Marks
A+          9      90 – 100
A            8      85 – 89.99
A-           7      80 – 84.99
B+          6      75 – 79.99
B            5      70 – 74.99
B-           4      65 – 69.99
C+          3      60 – 64.99
C            2      55 – 59.99
C-           1      50 – 54.99
D            0      40 – 49.99
E           -1       0 – 39.99

The score for each assessment item will be aggregated for the final grade. Normally a student will need to pass all assignments in a course. However, at the time of the examiner’s meeting when one of the grades for an assignment is just below the passing grade and the other grades are at a satisfactory level, the examiner may also consider factors such as attendance, engagement and the tertiary literacy standard of the assignment. In consultation, the examiner may decide to award the aggregated scores/grades. Assessment procedures will follow the policies of the UC College of Education Health and Human Development Assessment Guidelines. Final grades will be calculated and reported using the UC Common Grading Scale.


This BTchLn qualification is designed to prepare you for entry into the teaching profession.  Attendance enables you to demonstrate key aspects from the Code of Professional Responsibility/Standards for the Teaching Profession (Teaching Council, New Zealand; 2017), specifically your commitment to the teaching profession and your commitment to learners.  Subsequently attendance and participation at all scheduled course sessions, and independent engagement with associated course content, is a course requirement.  Students must notify lecturers prior to their absence (via email) with an explanation.  Extended absence must be accompanied by a medical certificate or similar.  

Students with less than 80% attendance are at risk of not meeting the criteria for seeking credit in the course.  The Course Lecturer may require evidence that they have actively engaged with the content and activities of the missed sessions.  Please note: It is the students responsibility to view lecturer recordings and to complete LEARN workshop tasks if they are absent from an on campus session.  Evidence may include attendance and active participation at lecturers, workshops, Adobe Connect (Webinar) sessions, lecture recordings, forum tasks, participation in educational setting/school visits and other requirements specified by the course coordinator.  Lecturer may also ask to evaluate work completed in the Professional Mathematics Education workbook.


Formal and informal evaluation will take place in accordance with the relevant Course Evaluation Policy, to provide feedback to staff about the relevance and validity of what has been learned as well as the quality of course delivery.

Grade moderation

The courses will be internally moderated in accordance with the processes adopted by the College of Education Health and Human Development.   An examiners’ meeting will be held at the end of the course to determine the final grades and to ensure fairness and consistency.

Late submission of work

All assignments must be submitted on or before the due date. If an assignment is late (without a prior arranged extension) then it will normally not be marked. However, if the course lecturer is notified within 24 hours of the due date and there is a genuine issue, for which evidence must be given, it may be considered but the assignment grade is usually restricted to a minimum passing grade (50%) for that assessment. If the assessment is late it is automatically excluded from a resubmission opportunity unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Other specific requirements

Tertiary literacy standard
Assignments that do not meet a tertiary literacy standard will be marked but that mark will be sanctioned. The student will be given one opportunity to correct the assignment so that it demonstrates tertiary technical writing skills. These skills include the correct use of spelling (including the appropriate use of macrons when spelling Māori words), sentence structure, punctuation, paragraphing and the appropriate use of APA referencing. The corrected work must be resubmitted within seven calendar days.
Once the work is at an appropriate tertiary literacy standard the sanction on the mark will be removed.

Requests for extensions

Extensions are reserved for exceptional circumstances only and are not granted automatically. The course lecturer responsible for the assessment must be contacted by email a minimum of two working  days before the due date, and the application must be supported by relevant evidence (e.g. medical certificate, letter from counsellor). The student’s course lecturer will then make a recommendation to the course coordinator who will make a final decision. If an extension is granted there will normally be no resubmit given for that assignment. An extension will normally be for no more than two weeks and the date of the extension must be provided to the student in writing.

Extensions will not be granted because of pressure of university study, e.g. several pieces of work being due around the same time. The procedure for extensions is fully outlined in the College of Education Health and Human Development Assessment Guidelines.


The decision to grant a resubmission will be made by the course lecturer in consultation with the course coordinator and will be subject to the student concerned having demonstrated a satisfactory level of course attendance and participation.   Normally a resubmit will only be considered for assignments which meets most of the pass criteria and meets the tertiary literacy standards and which is within the ‘D’ range (40.00 – 49.99%).

Assignments which have been resubmitted are restricted to a minimum passing grade (C- or 50%) for that assessment. Students may only be granted one resubmission per course.

The timeframe for students resubmitting work will normally be no more than two weeks and the date of the resubmission must be provided to the student in writing.

Special consideration of assessment items

Students may apply for special consideration if their performance in an assessment is affected by extenuating circumstances beyond their control, where:
(a)  they have suffered an acute illness, injury, or other reasonably unforeseeable circumstances:
i.    which has prevented them from completing any major item(s) of work for assessment in a course; or
ii.   which has impaired their performance (including by interruption of pre-assessment revision) to the extent that the result(s) are likely to underestimate their true and evidenced level of mastery of the material in the course;
i.    they have been selected to perform, compete, adjudicate, or officiate as a national sporting representative at national or international competitions; or
ii.   they are members of a national cultural group on tour nationally or internationally.
Please note that applications must be supported by evidence.  Further details are available at the above link.

Applications for special consideration should be submitted via the Examinations Office website http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/exams/ within five days of the assessment.

Where an extension may be granted for an assessment, this will be decided by direct application to the Course Co-ordinator and an application to the Examinations Office may not be required.

Special consideration is not available for items worth less than 10% of the course and may not be available for some other items of assessment as specified in Course Outlines.  (Refer to specific Course Outlines for this information.)

Students prevented by extenuating circumstances from completing the course after the final date for withdrawing, may apply for special consideration for late discontinuation of the course. Applications must be submitted to the Examinations Office within five days of the end of the main examination period for the semester.

NB: This information replaces any previous references to special consideration, Aegrotat or Backdated (Late) Withdrawal in the Course Information System, Learn or Course Outlines. If you are unclear about the implications or process please discuss with your Course Coordinator or contact the Student and Programme Office for assistance.

Course Website

As well as attending classes, it is essential that all students regularly access the course Learn site. All course information such as the course kaupapa, notices, assessment information, required and recommended readings, audio recordings of some lectures, and other teaching resources etc. will be available on this site

Where to submit and collect work

Normally, assignments will be submitted and returned via the Learn site. It is the responsibility of the students to check their emails at least twice a week and ensure Internet access and ability to submit their work via the online system is functioning.  Any technical difficulties should be notified well in advance of the due date so that assistance can be provided or alternative arrangements can be negotiated.  

For ICT help call our free call number 0508 UC IT HELP (0508 824 843) or on 03 369 5000. Monday to  Friday, 8am to 5pm (excluding public and university holidays).

It is a student’s responsibility to uplift marked work and feedback in a timely manner. It is strongly recommended that students retain a back-up copy of all submitted work.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $777.00

International fee $3,375.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Teacher Education .

All TECP313 Occurrences

  • TECP313-20YC1 (C) Year C First Half 2020
  • TECP313-20YC1 (D) Year C First Half 2020 (Distance)