TEPP306-19T3 (Y) Term Three 2019 (New Plymouth)

Professional Practice: Pedagogical Threads

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 22 July 2019
End Date: Sunday, 25 August 2019
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): the Friday prior to the placement commencing
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): available only through a special consideration application for late discontinuation.


This course provides students with opportunities to progress towards the demonstration of appropriate competencies and professional qualities. The course is closely linked to The profession of Teaching - Te Umanga Ako - Tuia. Associate Teachers assist the College to assess students' developing competence as a teacher.

Learning Outcomes

By the conclusion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the teacher dispositions to a satisfactory level.

2. Demonstrate 100% of the Year 3 competencies to a ‘met’ level.

3. Demonstrate an ability to weave key documents, including the following, through practice:
* Treaty of Waitangi
* Tātaiako
* Māori Strategy and Pasifika Education Plan
* UNCROC and other relevant conventions
* Disability Strategy
* Human Rights Act, 1993
* Regulations and other legal obligations

4. Critically evaluate professional growth towards Graduating Teacher Standards and Our Code our Standards.


Course Coordinator

For further information see School of Teacher Education Head of Department


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Portfolio 26 Aug 2019 Report Book and Portfolio

Professional Practice documentation in Report Book and portfolio completed and requirements met to satisfactory or above standard.

Additional Course Outline Information

Academic integrity

All forms of cheating and dishonest practice are taken seriously and penalties will result. Students should refer to Regulation J of the General Course and Examination Regulations.

On submitting assignments, students must confirm that the work being handed in is original and their own work.

Assessment and grading system

The assignments are graded against the University scale A+ to E. Satisfactory completion of the course overall to at least a C- grade is required in order to pass the course. All parts of the assignment must be submitted.

Calculating the final grade: Final grades for the course will be calculated taking into account the weighting of each part of the assignment.  

The University of Canterbury grading scale is:

Grading Scale
Grade    GPA Value        Marks

A+              9            90 – 100
A                8            85 – 89.99
A-               7            80 – 84.99
B+              6            75 – 79.99
B                5            70 – 74.99
B-               4            65 – 69.99
C+              3            60 – 64.99
C                2            55 – 59.99
C-               1            50 – 54.99
D                0            40 – 49.99
E               -1             0 – 39.99

A Pass is 50 marks or over

An examiner's meeting will be held at the end of the course to confirm final grades and to ensure fairness and consistency.


Full attendance in an allocated early childhood centre for the duration of the practicum, from at least 8.00am - 4.00pm each day, is a requirement.  Students will attend a debriefing interview with their PP lecturer after the placement concludes.  This interview will be conducted at a University of Canterbury campus or via flexible delivery mechanisms.


Formal and informal evaluation will take place in accordance with the relevant Course Evaluation policy, to provide feedback to teaching staff about the relevance and validity of what has been learned as well as the quality of course delivery.

Grade moderation

he College undertakes a process of internal and external moderation of assessment.  This is to ensure that the assessment system is fair, equitable, consistent and manageable.

Late submission of work

Work handed in after the due date with no extension granted is considered late. Late work will be accepted up to one week after the due date. If, for any reason, you are having difficulty in keeping to the deadline for assignments, you must make contact via email with one of the course lecturers so that we can work with you as to what is possible and reasonable. Marks will be deducted for lateness. Lecturers reserve the right not to mark late work, and no work will be accepted after assignments have been returned.

Other specific requirements

Assignments must be word processed in Times New Roman, 12 point font with a 3cm left hand margin, 1.5 line spacing, and stapled in the corner. APA format is required for references. Keep a copy of all assignments. Students must attach a completed cover sheet to all work.

Requests for extensions

Under exceptional circumstances (eg illness, accident, bereavement or critical personal circumstances) individual students may be granted an extension of the due date for an assignment.  There is, however, a limit to the length of time that an extension can be granted and this should be negotiated with the course co-ordinator in the first instance.  Extensions will not normally be given for longer than one week from the due date, unless exceptional circumstances prevail. Extensions are not granted automatically to students. Requests for extensions should be emailed to the course co-ordinator at least two working days prior to the due date for the assignment. Relevant evidence such as a medical certificate or a letter from a counsellor may be required in order for the course co-ordinator to make a decision about whether or not to grant an extension. A copy of the course co-ordinator's email confirming the extension (if granted) and any supporting documentation must be attached to and submitted with the assignment. Extensions will not normally be granted because of pressure of University study, eg several pieces of work being due at the same time. Students are encouraged to plan their work in a realistic manner and in advance so they can meet their assessment deadlines.


Resubmissions are restricted to work that is originally submitted on or before the due date. Late assignments are not normally considered for resubmission unless there are exceptional circumstances. If the student’s assignment work meets most of the criteria required to pass, they may be given the opportunity to resubmit the assignment to bring it to a passing standard. Only one resubmission is possible within the course. Students will have one week from the return of an assignment, to resubmit their work. A resubmitted assignment that meets requirements will be awarded a minimum passing grade. A resubmitted assignment that does not meet the passing standard will be awarded a ‘D’.

Special consideration of assessment items

Students may apply for special consideration if their performance in an assessment is affected by extenuating circumstances beyond their control, where:
(a)  they have suffered an acute illness, injury, or other reasonably unforeseeable circumstances:
i.    which has prevented them from completing any major item(s) of work for assessment in a course; or
ii.   which has impaired their performance (including by interruption of pre-assessment revision) to the extent that the result(s) are likely to underestimate their true and evidenced level of mastery of the material in the course;
i.    they have been selected to perform, compete, adjudicate, or officiate as a national sporting representative at national or international competitions; or
ii.   they are members of a national cultural group on tour nationally or internationally.
Please note that applications must be supported by evidence.  Further details are available at the above link.

Applications for special consideration should be submitted via the Examinations Office website http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/exams/ within five days of the assessment.

Where an extension may be granted for an assessment, this will be decided by direct application to the Course Co-ordinator and an application to the Examinations Office may not be required.

Special consideration is not available for items worth less than 10% of the course and may not be available for some other items of assessment as specified in Course Outlines.  (Refer to specific Course Outlines for this information.)

Students prevented by extenuating circumstances from completing the course after the final date for withdrawing, may apply for special consideration for late discontinuation of the course. Applications must be submitted to the Examinations Office within five days of the end of the main examination period for the semester.

NB: This information replaces any previous references to special consideration, Aegrotat or Backdated (Late) Withdrawal in the Course Information System, Learn or Course Outlines. If you are unclear about the implications or process please discuss with your Course Coordinator or contact the Student and Programme Office for assistance.

Course Website

As well as attending classes, it is essential that all students regularly access the course Learn site. All course information such as the course kaupapa, notices, assessment information, required and recommended readings, audio recordings of some lectures, and other teaching resources etc. will be available on this site

Where to submit and collect work

Professional Practice Report Book:  New Plymouth students should submit their Professional Practice Report Book to Donna Williamson-Garner by the due date.

For ICT help call our free call number 0508 UC IT HELP (0508 824 843) or on 03 369 5000.  Monday to  Friday, 8am to 5pm (excluding public and university holidays).

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $761.00

International fee $3,188.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Teacher Education .

All TEPP306 Occurrences