TEPP361-23A (C) Any Time Start 2023

Professional Practice 1

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 2 January 2023
End Date: Sunday, 31 December 2023
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): the Friday prior to the placement commencing
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): available only through a special consideration application for late discontinuation.


This course provides students with opportunities to progress towards the demonstration of appropriate competencies and professional qualities. The course is closely linked to TEPI361, TECE359, TECE362 and TECE364. Associate Teachers assist the College to assess students' developing competence as a teacher.

Learning Outcomes

  • On the successful completion of this course, students will show competencies to progress their teaching and will have begun to :

    1. Discuss and apply practice that is aligned with tangata whenuatanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand.
    2. Use teacher inquiry, collaborative problem solving and professional learning to establish professional capability in supporting children’s wellbeing, belonging, communication, contribution and exploration.
    3. Establish and maintain professional relationships and teacher dispositions focused on the learning and wellbeing of each learner.
    4. Begin to apply practice that is focused on ongoing learning, and characterised by respect, inclusion, empathy, collaboration and safety for learners
    5. Teach and respond to learners in a knowledgeable and adaptive way to progress learning at an appropriate depth and pace

    Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): the Friday prior to the placement commencing
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund) – available only through a special consideration application for late discontinuation.
    • University Graduate Attributes

      This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:

      Critically competent in a core academic discipline of their award

      Students know and can critically evaluate and, where applicable, apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.

      Employable, innovative and enterprising

      Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers that can be used in a range of applications.

      Engaged with the community

      Students will have observed and understood a culture within a community by reflecting on their own performance and experiences within that community.


Course Coordinator

Andrea Delaune


This is a competency-based course and will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis.

Due date: end of placement

Professional practice documentation is recorded in an e-portfolio to provide evidence that practice requirements are met to satisfactory or above standard, progressing towards becoming a professional teache

Additional Course Outline Information

Academic integrity

All forms of cheating and dishonest practice are taken seriously and penalties will result. Students should refer to Regulation J of the General Course and Examination Regulations.

On submitting assignments, students must confirm that the work being handed in is original and their own work.

Assessment and grading system

This course is competency based. All learning outcomes must be met to pass the course. Final results are reported on the University Grading Scale as a Pass or Fail.

A student will receive formative assessment feedback during their professional practice. Formative assessment will include informal verbal feedback, and formal written feedback on the teaching observation forms and mid-placement report form in the Professional Practice Record Book. The final report in the Professional Practice Record Book will be summative. A balance of evidence approach is used by the Professional Practice lecturer to assess the learning outcomes for summative assessment which includes an appraisal of all aspects of student’s submitted Professional Practice documentation, the formative and summative assessment information included in the Professional Practice Record Book and their debriefing meetings with the student during and after placement.

All Professional Practice documentation must be submitted to the PP visiting lecturer on the first Monday following placement.  Students must attend a debriefing meeting with the PP visiting lecturer once the PP documentation has been assessed.


Students will be expected to conduct at least one pre-placement visit at their allocated centre prior to the first day visit.

Full attendance in the centre for the duration of the practicum. Further details about times for attendance are outlined within the Professional Practice Portfolio Guidelines handbook, which is distributed at the first Professional Practice Placement briefing.

Students will attend a debriefing interview with their PP lecturer after the placement concludes. This interview will be conducted at University of Canterbury campus or via flexible delivery mechanisms.


Teaching and the course will be assessed through the regular use of UCTL evaluative instruments.

All Professional Practice documentation must be submitted to the PP visiting lecturer on the first Monday following placement.  Students must attend a debriefing meeting with the PP visiting lecturer once the PP documentation has been assessed.

Grade moderation

Work is assessed and moderated by course lecturers and other senior academics.

Late submission of work

Work handed in after the due date with no extension granted is considered late.

All assignments must be submitted on or before the due date. If an assignment is late (without a prior arranged extension) then it will normally not be marked. However, if the course coordinator is notified within 24 hours of the due date and there is a genuine issue, for which evidence must be given, it may be considered but the assignment grade is usually restricted to a minimum passing grade (50%) for that assessment.

Other specific requirements

All work submitted in this course would be completed using APA format and a high standard of academic writing is expected.

Conduct as an educational professional is expected. Students are advised to familiarise themselves with learning online including UC Learn before the course starts.

Requests for extensions

Requests for extension must be sent to the Course-Coordinator and the assigned Professional Practice Lecturer via email. Requests for extensions will only be accepted up until 48hours before the due date.


There are no re-submissions in this course

Special Considerations

Once a placement has started, if for reasons beyond their control, students are prevented from completing a placement or suffer significant impairment, they may apply for what is known as “special consideration”. University of Canterbury Special Consideration provisions for this course will apply only to late discontinuation (withdrawal) from a course.

A detailed description of special consideration and materials to support the applications process are available at: Special Considerations Process.  

This information replaces any previous references to special consideration, Aegrotat or Backdated (Late) Withdrawal in the Course Information System, Learn or Course Outlines.

If you are unclear about the implications or process please discuss with your Course Coordinator or contact the Student Advice team for assistance.

Course Website

As well as attending classes, it is essential that all students regularly access the course Learn site. All course information such as the course kaupapa, notices, assessment information, required and recommended readings, audio recordings of some lectures, and other teaching resources etc. will be available on this site

Where to submit and collect work

Students will be expected to use OneDrive for their portfolio documentation.  

Students will need to give access to their main OneDrive folder for TEPP361 to their Associate Teacher and Professional Practice Lecturer, and Course Coordinator by the student. Students will be supported to develop this folder in the OSI week.

It is the responsibility of the students to check their Internet access and ability to submit their work via the online system.  
Any technical difficulties should be notified to the Associate Teacher, Professional Practice Lecturer and Course Coordinator as soon as noticed.

Students are expected to seek assistance from UC ICT Support. For ICT help call our free call number 0508 UC IT HELP (0508 824 843) or on 03 369 5000.  Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm (excluding public and university holidays).

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $821.00

International fee $3,750.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Teacher Education .

All TEPP361 Occurrences