EDEM656-21X (C) General non-calendar-based 2021

Tikanga and Rautaki Whakaako Reo

30 points

Start Date: Monday, 26 April 2021
End Date: Sunday, 18 July 2021
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 9 May 2021
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 27 June 2021


This course will explore, develop and critically assess communicative teaching and learning methodologies and strategies for a range of learners and learning styles in Maori bilingual and immersion settings. Students will explore and critique international models and practices in first and second language teaching and assessment. Students will design effective language programmes and assessments practices appropriate to age group and language experiences of learners, inclusive of Maori values and cultural practices. Note: This course will be taught through the medium of te reo Maori.

Learning Outcomes

  • By the end of this course participants will be able to:
  • Investigate and critically analyse international second language teaching methodologies in relation to the teaching of te reo Māori in bilingual and immersion settings from Early Childhood  through to compulsory schooling and adult education
  • Research and understand second language acquisition needs of a variety of learners and apply scaffolding approaches that move learners from conversational proficiency to more cognitively demanding language structures
  • Explore and evaluate language programmes which incorporate communicative second language teaching methodologies and principles, guided by relevant curriculum documents in a Te Waipounamu /Waitaha context
  • Identify and critically analyse aspects of tikanga Māori that underpin Māori teaching and language pedagogy
  • Assess and apply mātauranga Māori pedagogy including whakataukī, kīwaha, rotarota; pūrākau and waiata into language learning programmes using local iwi (Ngāi Tahu) content and contexts
  • Critically discern a range of language teaching programmes classifying age/level appropriate language teaching resources and applicable language assessment practices
  • Design and formulate language policies and language plans for targeted Māori medium programmes
  • Explore and critically assess a range of learning and teaching styles and approaches to meet the needs of multiple learners at different levels of language proficiency levels


Subject to approval of the Head of School



Timetable Note

Course Coordinator

Matiu Ratima


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Te Purongo mo te noho ki te kura 25 Jun 2021 100%

Textbooks / Resources

Required Texts and Readings
Required readings will be provided by the course coordinator.

Recommended Reading
Course Readings will be posted on the Course LEARN site and will also be available in a set of Course Readings.

Additional Course Outline Information

Academic integrity

All forms of cheating and dishonest practice are taken seriously and penalties will result. Students should refer to Regulation J of the General Course and Examination Regulations.

On submitting assignments, students must confirm that the work being handed in is original and their own work.

Assessment and grading system

Grading Scale
Grade    GPA Value        Marks

A+              9            90 – 100
A                8            85 – 89.99
A-               7            80 – 84.99
B+              6            75 – 79.99
B                5            70 – 74.99
B-               4            65 – 69.99
C+              3            60 – 64.99
C                2            55 – 59.99
C-               1            50 – 54.99
D                0            40 – 49.99
E               -1             0 – 39.99

A Pass is 50 marks or over


As this course is based on a collaborative learning and teaching model prepared participation by the student will be essential to meet the requirements of this course.

Grade moderation

Internal and external moderation will be consistent with the Master of Education degree Moderation Action Plan that is approved annually by the Postgraduate Board of Studies

Late submission of work

Work handed in after the due date with no extension granted is considered late.  Failure to submit work by the due date will result in the award of an E grade for that assignment.

Other specific requirements

This course will be taught in the medium of the Māori langauge

Requests for extensions

Under exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness, accident, bereavement or critical personal circumstances) individual students may be granted an extension of the due date for an assignment. There is, however, a limit to the length of time that an extension can be granted and this should be negotiated with the relevant lecturer in the first instance. Extensions will not normally be given for longer than one week from the due date, unless exceptional circumstances prevail.


Resubmissions of assignments will only be permitted once for each assignment. All assessments to be written in te reo and edited prior to submission and prior to the due date.

Special Considerations

Where for reasons beyond their control, students are prevented from completing an assessment or suffer significant impairment, they may apply for what is known as “special consideration”. University of Canterbury Special Consideration provisions may apply to impaired performance, non-completion of assessment items, and to late discontinuation (withdrawal) from a course.

A detailed description of special consideration and materials to support the applications process are available at: Special Considerations Process.  

Generally speaking, applications for special considerations should be lodged within five working days of the due date of that assessment item. For more details on this, please refer to the Special Considerations Regulations.

This information replaces any previous references to special consideration, Aegrotat or Backdated (Late) Withdrawal in the Course Information System, Learn or Course Outlines. If you are unclear about the implications or process please discuss with your Course Coordinator or contact the Student Advice team for assistance.

Course Website

As well as attending classes, it is essential that all students regularly access the course Learn site. All course information such as the course kaupapa, notices, assessment information, required and recommended readings, audio recordings of some lectures, and other teaching resources etc. will be available on this site

Where to submit and collect work

Students will be expected to submit their assessment via the online assessment system in the Learn class site by 5.00pm on or before the due date.  The lecturer may also ask students to submit assessment work through the software Turnitin, to check for plagiarism. If this option is available students will submit work through Turnitin and obtain a report, after submitting assignments for marking via the Learn site.

It is the responsibility of the students to check their Internet access and ability to submit their work via the online system.  Any technical difficulties should be notified well in advance of the due date so that assistance can be provided or alternative arrangements can be negotiated.  

For ICT help call our free call number 0508 UC IT HELP (0508 824 843) or on 03 369 5000. Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm (excluding public and university holidays)

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,905.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Teacher Education .

All EDEM656 Occurrences

  • EDEM656-21X (C) General non-calendar-based 2021