EDEM698-11S2 (D) Semester Two 2011 (Distance)

Emergent Research Methodologies

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 11 July 2011
End Date: Sunday, 13 November 2011
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 24 July 2011
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 9 October 2011


Emergent research methodologies address approaches to research where the researcher is active in the context of the research, as well as in the design and analysis of the research. In many cases other participants also become co-researchers and knowledge is generated iteratively. In some cases, knowledge is generated by the community with the researcher as their agent.

Learning Outcomes

  • By the end of this course successful students will have demonstrated their ability to:

  • Critically discuss a range of research approaches including Kaupapa Māori, action research, praxis-based research, arts-based research and research into the aesthetic, design-based research, research and development. They will be able to identify the commonalities of the approaches, describe their distinctive features, and validate the kinds of knowledge generated.

  • Identify and work within models of research that recognise and respect cultural diversity, group and individual expertise within authentic research settings where the focus of attention is on interests of the participants and/or community.

  • Identify, discuss, and address ethical principles, practice and issues that arise within such research.

  • Call on and utilise one or more philosophical construct(s) to justify selection of a research approach.

  • Develop a methodological justification for a research project that utilises an appropriate form of embodied research.


Subject to the approval of the Head of School

Course Coordinator

Niki Davis


Helen Clothier , Elaine Mayo , Niki Davis and Janinka Greenwood


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Portfolio 15 Aug 2011 40% A portfolio of reflections on a range of emergent research methodologies including Kaupapa Maori, action research, praxis-based research, arts-based research
A research approach 03 Oct 2011 60% A research platform showing a methodological justification and critique of a chosen research approach

Textbooks / Resources

Recommended Reading

Altrichter, Herbert; Teachers investigate their work : an introduction to action research across the professions ; 2nd ed; Routledge, 2008.

Bresler, L; International Handbook of Research in Arts Education ; Springer London, LimitedSpringer [Distributor], 2007 (part 2).

Carson, Terrance R. , Sumara, Dennis J; Action research as a living practice ; P. Lang, 1997.

Design-Based Research Collective; Design-based research:An emerging paradigm for educational inquiry ; 2003 (Educational Researcher, 32(1), 5-8).

Kappor,D. & Jordon, S. (Eds); Education, Participatory Action Research, and Social Change:International Perpectives ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Mattson, M. & Kemmis, S; praxis related research:serviving two masters ; 2007 (Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 15(2), 185-214).

Noffke, Susan E. , Somekh, Bridget; The SAGE handbook of educational action research ; SAGE, 2009.

Smith,L T; decolonising methodologies: Research and indigenous peoples ; Dunedin:University of Otago; 1999 ((or later edition)).

Required readings will be provided online through UC Learn and a printed copy of the Course Reader may be ordered through UC Electronic Media Services.

Course links

Library portal

Additional Course Outline Information

Academic integrity

All forms of cheating and dishonest practice are taken seriously and penalties will result. Students should refer to Regulation J of the General Course and Examination Regulations.

Assessment and grading system

Grading Scale
Final results for this course will be reported using:
A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D and E

Assessment procedures will follow the established policies of the College of Education Assessment Guidelines. Student work-load will be in line with other courses within the M.Ed.

The course is assessed according to the 5 generic assessment dimensions of the Masters programme. These are:

1. Depth and breadth of knowledge base and literature
2. Engagement in theoretical critique and debate
3. Engagement in reflective praxis
4. Active involvement in research
5. A high level of communication skills and overall coherence

The dimensions which apply to each assignment will be notified by the course lecturer with the details of the assignment topic. These five dimensions do not apply equally to every assignment. The rubric will show the relative application of each dimension.

You will receive a marking rubric for each assignment that will signal how the lecturer will grade your work.   


The final grade for the course as a whole will depend on factors such as evidence of particular insight, or flair and the surmounting of particular difficulties.


As this is course is online and the work is mainly asynchronous, the attendance requirements are met by regular particpation. Particpation in discussions, group activities and other tasks is expected and graded within the assignments set.


Teaching and the course will be assessed through the regular use of UC evaluative instruments.

Grade moderation

Where necessary grades will be moderated by another member of faculty.

Late submission of work

Work is late if it is handed in after the due date, without an extension having been granted.  Students will be advised of any penalties to be imposed for work handed in late without explanation. Penalties may range from a warning letter to the deduction of marks or grades.  Lecturers reserve the right not to mark work that is handed in late.  Students must check course outlines for details of policies on the submission of late work.


Web based and distance, plus one block on campus in Christchurch (but see note 1 below).

This course will require students to work in an online community of learners and to attend one block on campus in the first week of the course 10 am on Thursday 14th July – 4 pm on Friday 15th July (exceptions see note 1 below). The teaching will comprise discussions around readings and practical activities plus seminar presentations.  Students will be encouraged to ask probing questions, to read critically and broadly, and to reflect on their own practice (in the education profession or elsewhere) in the light of ideas considered in the course.  There will be a strong emphasis on structured, purposeful, rigorous dialogue.

Course content will comprise three strands, one for each broad strand of research namely: collaborative; Matauranga / Kaupapa Māori; and creative approaches. The three interlocking strands will draw out the principles of empirical and theoretical research, including ethical and socio-cultural understandings.
The course content will include:
• An overview of a range of a range of perspectives and their implications with a later focus on one: Practice-based, action research, and design-based research; Kaupapa Māori Research; Arts-based research and research into the aesthetic.
• An examination of concepts of knowledge including: relationship between ontology and epistemology; collective / cultural knowledge, accessible knowledge, aesthetics.
• Relationship between theory construction and evidence, plus issues of ‘rigour’, ‘credibility’, ‘value’ and ‘ethic’.    
• Application to each student’s professional context (or from which research may emerge from in future)

The course will enable participants to become critical analysts of research outputs, including those that have incorporated embodied research approaches. This critical element requires students to consider where they ‘stand’ in relation to the peoples of New Zealand including indigenous people.

In addition, this course enables participants to engage with one or more of the following broad forms of research:
• Kaupapa Māori research
• Practice-based research, action research, participatory action research, praxis-based research, self-study research, bricolage. Design-based research, research and development.
• Arts-based research and research into the aesthetic

1. In exceptional circumstances students may negotiate with one of the course lecturers to miss the on campus block, but this will require exceptional effort to fit with the rest of the class, including the use of additional technologies such as web conferencing during and after the on campus days.
2. Conduct as an educational professional is expected.
3. Students are advised to familiarise themselves with learning online including UC Learn before the course starts. For this purpose the following book is also recommended: Lynch, M. (2004). Learning Online: A Guide to Success in the Virtual Classroom (Routledge Study Guides). London: Routledge.

Other specific requirements

All work submissed in this course whould be completed using APA format where relevant.

Conduct as an educational professional is expected.

Students are advised to familiarise themselves with learning online including UC Learn before the course starts. The following book is recommended: Lynch, M. (2004). Learning Online: A Guide to Success in the Virtual Classroom (Routledge Study Guides). London: Routledge.

Requests for extensions

Requests for extension should go in the first instance in writing to the lecturer responsible for the course. Genearlly it is possible to have an extension of up to 2 weeks following the published date.


One resubmit is allowed for each assignment; however no grade higher than a C will be awarded to resubmitted work.  Work that is to be resubmitted will be due one week after being returned to the student unless other arrangements are requested and granted by the lecturer.

Aegrotat considerations

Aegrotats are not available and all assignments must be completed.

Where to submit and collect work

All work in this course will be submitted online in UC Learn as directed in the assignment guidance.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $722.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Educational Studies and Leadership .

All EDEM698 Occurrences

  • EDEM698-11S2 (D) Semester Two 2011 (Distance)