
Kapa Haka - Introducing Maori Performing Arts
Designed for Maori and non-Maori, performance competent and new learners, language and non-language students this course takes the class on a journey of exploration to a high level of performance. Course content includes study of the mythological and traditional origins and customs of performing arts from moteatea (traditional song), poi (ball dance), waiata a-ringa (action song), haka and the art of warfare and mau rakau (weaponry - ti rakau, titi torea, hapai rakau, taiaha, patu). The course also covers the role of male and female leaders, biographies of important composers and the renaissance of kapa haka and its place in Maori culture and society. Students learn a full performance bracket which includes a distinctive Ngai Tahu component as well as a selection of historical and sacred classic tribal anthems.
Semester Two 2024
15 points
Any 15 points at 100 level from MAOR or TREO, or any 60 points at 100 level from the Schedule V of the BA.
TREO282, MAOR265, MAOR382, TREO382, MUSA252


Reading between the lines: Leading the way with storying and picture books
This course provides an opportunity for students to critically examine storying as a vehicle for learning within an integrated, inclusive and holistic curriculum. There is a specific emphasis on looking beyond emergent literacy in isolation to include not only language and literacy skills, but also children’s dispositions, identities and working theories. The course also offers opportunities to display leadership through acknowledging and celebrating whanau funds of knowledge and their ability to promote rich storying and literacy experiences.
Year C Second Half 2024
Year C Second Half 2024 (Distance)
15 points
60 points from 200 level AKOE, AKOM or AKOT

Not Offered Courses in 2024


Rangahau Maori (Special interest research paper)
The Rangahau Maori, special interest paper encourages akonga to investigate a facet of tikanga Maori, te reo Maori or te ao Maori that they have a passion for or special interest in. This research paper empowers akonga to learn about kaupapa Maori theories and methodologies and embed these in their research. The delivery of this paper will be mostly self-directed, although two wananga (2x block days) will be a part of the course so that individual guidance and support can be offered to akonga pertaining to their research area.
Not offered 2024
For further information see EDMI317 course details
15 points

Engaging with Philosophies, Pedagogies, and Theories in Early Childhood Education
This course supports pre-service teachers to understand and critically engage with the complex relationships between philosophies, theories, and pedagogical practices within the context of bicultural Aotearoa New Zealand. Through an examination of the underpinning theories of Te Whariki and a range of historical and contemporary philosophical and theoretical positions, pre-service teachers will articulate connections and tensions, and apply this understanding to develop their own philosophical position with clear links to pedagogical practice.
Not offered 2024, offered in 2025
For further information see AKOE376 course details
15 points

Pedagogical inquiry for quality practice
This course provides pre-service teachers with the opportunity to plan, implement and evaluate a small-scale professional inquiry exploration based on an area of pedagogical interest in relation to early childhood education.
Not offered 2024, offered in 2025
For further information see AKOE377 course details
15 points

Wicked problem solving for education in Aotearoa
In this course students will develop design thinking inquiry skills that will enable them to collaboratively respond to a real life wicked problem posed by and for a bicultural New Zealand education sector.
Not offered 2024
For further information see AKOE378 course details
15 points