EDUC412-09W (C) Whole Year 2009

Disorders of Childhood

30 points

Start Date: Monday, 23 February 2009
End Date: Sunday, 15 November 2009
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 8 March 2009
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 6 September 2009


This course looks at the nature, prevalence and causes of common childhood disorders and disabilities.

Disorders of childhood arise during the developmental period, pre-birth through adolescence. The course content will include readings, lectures, and videos contributing to the understanding and critical analysis of psychological and educational aspects of disorders arising during childhood.  The course will cover foundational processes in the development of children with disorders, including genetic, prenatal, antenatal and postnatal causes and risk factors. The diagnostic processes and characteristics, prevalence and incidence of the principle types of disorders will be considered, and theoretical foundations examined critically, from a transactional perspective.

Learning Outcomes

  • To develop an understanding of the causes, characteristics, diagnostic processes, diagnostic classifications, incidence, prevalence, and developmental course of children with different disorders, and skills in accessing appropriate and current information about these disorders.
  • To develop an understanding of the different theoretical perspectives underlying different approaches to the disorders of childhood.
  • To develop an understanding of an ecological transational model of impacts on children and adolescents with disorders arising in the developmental period.


Subject to approval of the Head of School.


Equivalent Courses

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Kathleen Liberty


Dean Sutherland


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
EDUC412 Research Summary 05 Jun 2009 20% Research Summary & Critique of Published Intervention Study (2000 words-about 7 pgs).
EDUC412 Research Essay 21 Aug 2009 35% Research Essay on Developmental Trajectory and Impact of Interventions (5,000 words-about 20 pgs).
EDUC412 Compulsory OpenBook 26 Oct 2009 45% Compulsory Open-Book & Open-Note Test covering Lectures and assigned readings

The assessment tasks for this course are described in the Course Outline available from the lecturers.

Textbooks / Resources

Textbook Batshw, M., Pellegrino, L., & Roizen, N. (2007). Children with disabilities (6th Edition) Paul Brookes, Pub.   (All chapters except Chapter 34)
Papalia, D., Olds, S. & Feldman, R. A Child’s World: Infancy Through Adolescence (11th edition).  International Edition:  McGraw Hill. OR SIMILAR textbook on child development.
Liberty, K (2007).  Introduction to Research (handout)
Liberty, K (2007). De-mystification of Quantitative Research in Psychology and Education. (handout)
Additional Readings: The Textbook will be supplemented by additional readings which will be handed out or will be posted in electronic form on Blackboard. Readings may be cited in assessed work (using APA style).

Course links

Library portal
Reading Research Articles This course requires that you read research articles and use this information in class discussions and assessments. Reading research articles related to children with disorders may require practice and thinking – it is not the same as reading a textbook. Information about how to read the research articles will be handed out and discussed in class. Research articles will be discussed in class to help in the acquisition of skills of critiquing research. For your assignments, you will be selecting intervention studies to read on your own. If you have difficulty understanding or interpreting a particular article, we suggest you might put it aside and see if you can find another, perhaps less technical article instead. However, if you do have trouble understanding an article, please do not hesitate to seek help.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,234.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Educational Studies and Leadership .

All EDUC412 Occurrences

  • EDUC412-09W (C) Whole Year 2009