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Digital methods for modelling, designing, simulating and visualising buildings. Application of digital methods for developing integrated solutions to complex building design and construction challenges.
This course applies advanced knowledge of building systems and building information modelling (BIM) to the professional practice of integrated building design. The course covers strategies and processes for creating, managing, and applying building information models at different stages of the building’s lifecycle and how information is communicated using visualisation and other digital methods. The use of BIM as a building design tool to analyse construction costs, construction time and the performance of proposed building systems is examined.The course covers the following topics:• BIM and design coordination strategies.• Information and data sharing in building design and construction.• 4D and 5D BIM.• BIM and the lifecycle management of buildings• Parametric modelling.
Developing BIM strategies and communicating the value of BIM in building design and construction projects.Implementing BIM modelling, design and visualisation applications for integrated design.Managing data sharing, information exchange and digital collaboration in building design and construction projects.
Subject to approval of the Head of Department
The course runs over a period of eight weeks, with learning delivered through online lectures, forums and tutorials, a 2-day workshop and independent learning. There are approximately 150 learning hours in total, comprising:Lectures - 8 hoursWorkshop - 14 hoursIndependent learning - 120 hours (project work and reading)Final presentation
Larry Bellamy
Giuseppe Loporcaro
The assessment of this course is based on the completion of a BIM project. Each week you will be assigned an assignment. Each assignment is individual, however, there will be collaborations and students will form teams. Details will be discussed in class.
Suggested book:BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Designers, Engineers, Contractors, and Facility Managers (Third Edition), (authors: Rafael Sacks Charles Eastman Ghang Lee Paul Teicholz)Available at: references:• The New Zealand BIM Handbook• Research papers on the different topics discussed during the course. Students are encouraged to conduct independent researchWeek 1: Introduction to BIM and BIM workflow in New Zealand• NZ BIM Handbook + Appendixes• Chapter 1 “Introduction” and Chapter 2 “Core Technologies and Software”Week 2: Parametric design• Chapter 2 “Core Technologies and Software”• Chapter 5 “BIM for Architects and Engineers”• Chapter 10 “BIM Case studies” (search for BIM case studies that have adopted parametric modelling e.g. Foundation Louis Vuitton, Paris)Week 3: BIM in design and Engineering analysis• Chapter 5 “BIM for Architects and Engineers” and Chapter 10 “BIM Case studies”Week 4: BIM coordination• Chapter 3 “Collaboration and Interoperability” and Chapter 6 “BIM for contractors”Week 5: 4D and 5D BIM• Chapter 6 “BIM for contractors”Week 6: AR/VR applications• Chapter 5 “BIM for Architects and Engineers”• Chapter 6 “BIM for contractors”• Chapter 9 “The Future: Building with BIM”
Communication will be via email and Learn.
Domestic fee $1,197.00
International Postgraduate fees
* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.
For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering .