ENCH241-17S2 (C) Semester Two 2017

Engineering Chemistry 2

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 17 July 2017
End Date: Sunday, 19 November 2017
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 30 July 2017
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 15 October 2017


Organic, inorganic, analytical and physical chemistry.

This course is part of the First Profession Examination for the BE (Hons) degree in Chemical and Process Engineering

The goal of the course is to provide students with the chemistry background needed to better understand industrial chemical processes. The material will be related to industrial processes implemented in New Zealand and internationally.

Summary of the Course Content:
Lecturer: Dr Vladimir Golovko
Lecturer: Dr. Samantha Bodman.
Lecturer: Dr Chris Fitchett
• TOPIC: CHARACTERISATION METHODS FOR R&D AND QA - (6 lectures, 2 tutorials)
Lecturer: Dr Marie Squire

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the functioning of catalytic systems for chemical synthesis, with particular emphasis on catalysis at surfaces as it pertains to industrial reactions.
  • Develop detailed understanding of selected industrial catalytic processes.
  • Have a working understanding of the fundamental organic chemistry underlying many industrial synthetic processes.
  • Understand how the basics of chemistry can be applied in the industrial production of polymers.
  • Develop understanding of the theory and basic application aspects of a variety of characterisation methods (chromatography, mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance and other selected spectroscopic techniques) relevant to R&D and QA.

    Summary of the Course Content

    Catalysis is crucial to the majority of industrial chemical processes.  Examples that will be used as case-studies in this lecture block are the Haber–Bosch process (ammonia synthesis, vital for fertilisers etc.) and the natural gas to liquid fuel process which was implemented industrially for the first time in NZ (current Methanex).
    The discovery of novel catalysts has been critical to the quest to feed and heal the world’s growing population, to produce new materials and energy sources and to fight pollution. The importance of catalysis is exemplified by recent awards of Nobel Prizes in Chemistry in 2001, 2005 and 2007. Course will start with a brief introduction into catalysis, with particular stress on contrast and comparison between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Brief revision of bonding and nonbonding interactions will undertaken in order to understand chemical interactions at the surfaces. Physical chemistry of adsorption processes will be discussed in detail. This material will be applied to the understanding of selected industrial reactions such as refinery-related processes, the Haber-Bosch and Methanex processes.

    Learning outcomes (specific)
    By the end of this course, students should have basic knowledge of surface science and catalysis, the chemistry behind them, and how they can be applied to solve major industrial chemical problems. Specifically they should be able to:
  • Develop appreciation of the importance of catalysis for our civilization
  • Explain role and mode of action of the catalyst and discuss its key properties
  • Compare and contrast heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts
  • Compare and contrast strong and weak chemical interactions and comment of their role in physisorption and chemisorption
  • Explain the importance of the adsorption processes in enabling heterogeneous catalysis
  • Describe assumptions behind models used in derivation of adsorption isotherms
  • Explain how selected isotherms could be used for measurement of surface area of materials or in rationalization of catalysis (dissociative adsorption, mechanisms)
  • Reflect on the evolution of knowledge about active sites in heterogeneous catalysts
  • Discuss modern approaches to fabrication of model heterogeneous catalysts and contrast these with a simpler ones used in industry
  • Explain, giving examples, what is meant by various geometric effects in the case of heterogeneous catalysts
  • Classify porous materials and discuss in detail properties, synthesis and applications of two major classes of microporous materials (zeolites and aluminophosphates)
  • Discuss in detail selected industrial process enabled by a heterogeneous catalyst

    This part of the course will introduce you to the important fundamentals of organic chemistry. You will learn how to represent the structures of organic compounds in three dimensions, how molecules can exist in different conformations and as different stereoisomers. The common functional groups found in organic chemistry will be discussed along with the general types of reactions that they undergo. A basic introduction to the way we represent reaction mechanisms will also be covered.  

    Learning outcomes (specific)
    At the end of this lecture block you should be able to:
  • Draw organic molecules in three dimensions using appropriate representation.
  • Describe the effect of rotations about carbon-carbon single bonds assess the relative stabilities of different conformers. Draw the different conformations of cyclohexane and its derivatives.
  • Describe the different types of isomerism that are possible for organic molecules.
  • Understand the importance of electron delocalisation, resonance, acidity and basicity in organic molecules.
  • Describe the important functional groups commonly found in organic and biological molecules.
  • Classify organic reactions into specific reaction types.

    TOPIC: FUNDAMENTALS OF INDUSTRIAL POLYMERS - (6 lectures, 2 tutorials) (CF)
    Organic molecules make up many of the materials that are essential for modern society. The concept of non-biological materials available through modern chemical synthesis has been a significant development of the post industrial world. This course will investigate the chemistry of polymer synthesis from petrochemical and other feedstocks, using the examples (among others) of polyethylenes, polyesters and polyamides. We will also examine how the physical properties of polymers can be related to their structure, using examples such as Teflon, Kevlar, cling film, polyvinylacetate (PVA) and epoxy resins.

    Learning outcomes (specific)
    At the end of this lecture block you should be able to:
  • Understand the relationship between monomers structure and the properties of polymers for selected industrially-important polymers such as Teflon, Kevlar, cling film , polyvinylacetate (PVA) and epoxy resins.
  • Understand the mechanisms for addition and condensation polymerisations.
  • Identify stereoisomers of addition polymers.

    TOPIC: CHARACTERISATION METHODS FOR R&D AND QA - (6 lectures, 2 tutorials) (MS)
    Characterisation methods enable chemists, biochemists and chemical engineers to unravel the mystery of complex molecules and their mixtures, whether of natural or synthetic origin. These methods are commonly used in many industrial, environmental and forensic laboratories. Basic understanding of the fundamentals behind such methods, and simple practical aspects of their application to solving chemical problems relevant to R&D and QA is an important component of training of engineering professionals in these areas.

    Chromatography is an important technique used in the separation and analysis of molecules. Mass Spectrometry can be used for the identification of the molecular mass, isotopic and fragmentation profiles of molecules. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and a variety of other spectroscopic techniques help to provide a plethora of information on the functional groups and connectivity with intact molecules. These lectures will introduce the principles of these characterisation methods, relevant instrumentation and outline selected applications.

    Learning outcomes (specific)
    At the end of this block, you should be able to:
  • Describe how chromatography can be used for the separation of analytes
  • Understand basic principles of Mass Spectrometry
  • Understand basic principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy
  • Interpret basic characterisation spectra
  • Identify unknown molecular structures using complementary data provided by several characterisation methods.


Subject to approval of the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.

Timetable Note

Correct at the moment of update of the course outline; it is advised to double-check it on ‘My Timetable’ and the Web in the case of any changes to the timetable.

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Vladimir Golovko


Christopher Fitchett , Samantha Bodman and Marie Squire

Lab Technician

Alistair Duff


Assessment Due Date Percentage 
Exam 50%
Laboratory Assessment 20%
Test 30%

Each student must attend a total of 6 laboratory classes (timetable will be available on Learn and in the lab). There will be TWO streams for attending labs on alternate weeks.
The laboratory classes are on Fridays 14:00-18:00, unless advised otherwise.
Department of Chemistry, Rutherford Labs 543 and 436, computer suite 542 (optional)

Students must come prepared for the laboratory experiments – lack of preparation will result in penalty (10% of the mark for the lab). Lab manual is available on Learn and a printed copy will be provided free of charge.
For the first lab you must download (from Learn) and read, in detail, laboratory manuals (general introduction to the lab course and specific brief for your experiment).
Remember to print out and fill out corresponding safety forms prior to start of the experiment – work in the lab will not allowed without completed and signed safety forms.
Students are required to have two laboratory notebooks (so that one could be using in the lab while another one is submitted for marking), laboratory coats and safety glasses/goggles before attending the first laboratory class.

The deadline for submission of the lab report is two weeks from the completion of a given experiment, while earlier submissions are encouraged.

Laboratory Supervisor: Dr Vladimir Golovko (Rutherford 840, phone +6433695942 or internal ext. 95942, e-mail: vladimir.golovko@canterbury.ac.nz)
Technical lab support     Alistair Duff (Rutherford 540; Phone: +6433695365 or
internal ext. 95365, e-mail: alistair.duff@canterbury.ac.nz)


Various learning resources (lecture material, reference links, quizzes, discussion forums etc.) for this course are available via the University of Canterbury’s Learn web site -- http://learn.canterbury.ac.nz/.  This site will also be used regularly as a means of communication and information distribution for all of your Canterbury courses.  You should familiarise yourself with Learn as soon as possible.


Chemistry Department Policy on ‘Dishonest Practice’
The University has strict guidelines regarding ‘dishonest practice’ and ‘breach of instructions’ in relation to the completion and submission of examinable material. In cases where dishonest practice is involved in tests or other work submitted for credit a department may choose to not mark such work.  

The Department of Chemistry upholds this policy. It considers plagiarism, collusion, copying, and ghost writing to be unacceptable and dishonest practices:

• Plagiarism is the presentation of any material (text, data or figures, on any medium including computer files) from any other source without clear and adequate acknowledgement of the source.
• Collusion is the presentation of work performed in whole, or in part, in conjunction with another person or persons, but submitted as if it has been completed by the named author alone. This interpretation is not intended to discourage students from having discussions about how to approach an assigned task and incorporating general ideas that come from those discussions into their own individual submissions, but acknowledgement is necessary.
• Copying is the use of material (in any medium, including computer files) produced by another person or persons with or without their knowledge and approval.
• Ghost writing is the use of other person(s) (with, or without payment) to prepare all or part of an item of work submitted for assessment.

Additional Information
Aegrotat applications: If you feel that illness, injury, bereavement or other critical circumstances has prevented you from completing an item of assessment or affected your performance, you should complete an aegrotat application form, available from the Registry or the Student Health and Counselling Service.  This should be within seven days of the due date for the required work or the date of the examination.  In the case of illness or injury, medical consultation should normally have taken place shortly before or within 24 hours after the due date for the required work, or the date of the test or examination.  You have the right to appeal any decision made, including aegrotat decisions.  For further details on aegrotat applications, please refer to http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/exams/aegrotats.shtml.

Missing of tests: In rare cases a student will not be able to sit a test.  In such cases, the student should consult with the course co-ordinator to arrange alternative procedures.   This must be done well in advance of the set date for the test.

Past tests and exams:  these can be found on our website using the link below:

Submission of reports and assignments:  Reports (including lab reports) and assignments should be handed in on time. Extensions will be granted only in exceptional circumstances (such as illness or bereavement). If an extension is required, as early as possible you should request it from the lecturer concerned.
Note: If you do not submit an assignment for assessment, you will be allotted zero marks, which will affect your final result.  You should ensure that you pick up marked assignments and keep them until the end of the course as evidence that the work was completed and marked in the case that either is disputed.  To guard against accidental loss, it would be prudent to keep photocopies or electronic copies of anything submitted.

Late Work:  It is the policy for this course that late work is not accepted.

Marks and Grades:  The following numbers should be considered as a guide to the expected grades under normal circumstances.  The Department reserves the right to adjust mark/grade conversions, if necessary.  
Reconsideration of Grades:  Students who are concerned that an error has occurred in marking or grade setting should, in the first instance, speak to the course coordinator.  If they cannot reach an agreeable solution, or have further questions about their grade in the course, students should then speak to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Alison Downard, Rutherford 660, phone: +6433694228 or internal Phone: 94228; e-mail:
alison.downard@canterbury.ac.nz. Students can appeal any decision made on their final grades.  They can apply or reconsideration of the final grade within four weeks of the date of publication of final results according to instructions at http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/exams/results.shtml.  Be aware that there are time limits for each step of the appeals process.

Students with Disabilities:  Students with disabilities should speak with someone at Disability Resource Service (http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/disability/, Phone: +64 3 369 3334 or ext 93334, email disabilities@canterbury.ac.nz).

Academic Advice: Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Alison Downard, Rutherford 660, phone: +6433694228 or internal Phone: 94228; e-mail:
alison.downard@canterbury.ac.nz.  Her interest is in the academic performance and well-being of all such students.  Anyone experiencing problems with their undergraduate chemistry courses or requiring guidance about their BSc in Chemistry should get in contact with Andy.

Staff-Class Rep Liaison: Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Alison Downard, Rutherford 660, phone: +6433694228 or internal Phone: 94228; e-mail:
alison.downard@canterbury.ac.nz. is in charge of liaison with students in Chemistry courses.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $919.00

International fee $5,000.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Chemical and Process Engineering .

All ENCH241 Occurrences

  • ENCH241-17S2 (C) Semester Two 2017