ENCH281-13S2 (C) Semester Two 2013

Principles Of Biology For Engineers

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 8 July 2013
End Date: Sunday, 10 November 2013
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 21 July 2013
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 6 October 2013


An introduction to biology, bioprocessing and biotechnology for engineers.

The aim of this course is to introduce engineers to biology in a general way by providing a framework for understanding life at the cellular and molecular levels and introduce you to microbes and their central role in chemical and process engineering. The course is especially designed for Engineers and is a pre-requisite for ENCH323. An understanding of basic chemistry is assumed, but if at any stage you feel that you do not understand the basics of biology and chemistry, then seek help from the course lecturers as soon as possible.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learning Outcomes
  • An appreciation of the cell as a basic unit of life whether animal, plant or microbe and that
    the structure and functions of the cell impacts on all other levels of life including
    organisms, ecosystems and the biosphere.
  • An understanding that if engineers want to manipulate biological processes, then it is
    crucial that they understand their molecular composition and metaboliem.
  • The ability to analyse and interpret experimental data, as well as accessing and utilising
    literature on the molecular structure and biochemical interactions between the molecules
    of life.
  • An understanding of the importance of microbes in industrial biotechnology.


Subject to approval of the Dean of Engineering and Forestry.


Timetable Note

Lectures Monday 12-1pm, A2, Wednesday 10-11, A4, Thursday 12-1pm A6.
Students should note that in the Science Faculty the average student is responsible for approximately 3 hours of additional study for each hour of lecture at the 100 Level.

All but one lab class will be held in Room 137 in von Haast building of the School of Biological Sciences. Labs run on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons 2-5pm in the 4th Term of the second semester. You will need to come equipped with a lab coat and safety glasses.
The exception is the lab that runs in CAPE - this will run at a date and in a room to be announced in lecturers.

Course Coordinator

For further information see Chemical and Process Engineering Head of Department


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Test on Lectures 12 Aug 2011 15% Test on lectures 1 - 12, lasting 50 mins and consists of short answer Biochemistry questions.
Lab tests @ 5% each 35% Short lab test at the end of each lab.
Final Exam 50% Exam on lectures 13 - 36 lasting 3 hours and consists of a mix of short answer and essay questions held in official examination period.

Test on lectures 1-12, lasting 50 mins and consists of short answer Biochemistry questions to be held on August 12th (15%)
Short lab test at the end of each lab worth 5% each (35%)
Exam on lectures 13-36, lasting 3 hours and consists of a mix of short answer and essay questions held in official examination period (50%).

What is expected in assessments?
The expectations for assessment items relate to the learning out comes above. However, a general marking rubric is as follows:
A to A+: Evidence that the student has developed an individual conception of the subject from wide reading and reflection. This individual understanding will likely be applied to a novel situation.
B+ to A-: Evidence of strategic reading from a few sources and the ability to present lecture content in the student’s own words.
C to B : Reproduction of lecture content following the structure used by the lecturer.
D to C-: Reproduction of some lecture content without clear structure.
E : Confusion of content or no meaningful content presented beyond knowledge that would be expected at the start of the course.

Hint: To do well in exams, tests and assignments you need to demonstrate evidence that you have read outside the lecture material and understand this material additional to lecture and lab material.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $808.00

International fee $4,550.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Chemical and Process Engineering .

All ENCH281 Occurrences

  • ENCH281-13S2 (C) Semester Two 2013