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An introduction to process dynamics and process control technology.
Topics• Dynamic process modelling • Process dynamic elements such as resistive, capacitive, first-order, oscillatory and dead-time elements• Behaviour of systems of dynamic elements using MATLAB and Excel• Control hardware including controllers, sensors and valves• Basic feedback control concepts and the Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller• Closed loop stability and empirical tuning of controllers• Cascade, ratio and feed-forward control• Control of unit operationsThe course will be taught both via a real-time approach involving the hands on use of dynamic simulation and building on classical process dynamics knowledge developed in earlier years. (The course does not use the classical Laplace Transform approach).
To ensure that all students and graduates fully understand the need to name, date and clearly document all files, spreadsheets and computer programs.To understand the dynamics elements that affect the dynamics of a process such as first-order response, dead time, and capacity.To be able to simulate using Excel and Matlab, the dynamics response of systems made up of typical dynamic elements.To become familiar with some typical items of control hardware that are used in industry.To understand PID control well enough to be able to simulate and tune a real process.To be able to simulate more complex control including cascade, ratio and feed forward.To know which control loops might be suitable for a range of unit operations.
ENCH298 (from 2016)
Students must attend one activity from each section.
Ken Morison
ASSESSMENTAssignment 1. Dynamic systems with MATLAB, (6%) due Friday, 9 Aug, 5pmProcess Dynamics Lab weeks 5 & 6, (8%) due Wednesday, 11 Sept, 5pmAssignment 2 with computer test, (10%) Tuesday 17 Sept 6:30pm, Erskine 33,35,38Tuning lab completion, (2%)Assignment 3, (8%) due Wednesday, 2 Oct, 5pmAssignment 4, (8%) due Friday, 18 Oct, 5pmComputer Exam, (29%)Written Exam, (29%)The computer exam might require you to use Excel, Word and Matlab in an examination environment. You will need to know how to use these, how to save files, and how to upload these files into Learn. Inability in more than one of these may lead to failure. The test on 17 Sept will be conducted in the same way as the computer exam to enable you to get familiar with the system.Some of the assignments will be done in pairs. You may not choose to work with the same person twice (with the exception of the process dynamics lab which can be done with the same person as assignment 1).LABORATORIESProcess dynamics Lab, held in weeks 5-6 (12-23 August 2019). You will carry out experiments to determine the dynamics of the Spirax Sarco plate heat exchanger. Given that this is the first year we have used this equipment, your role will partly be as commissioning engineers.Controller tuning lab, held in weeks 8-9 (16 Sept – 4 Oct). In this short lab you get to change and test controller tuning on the heat exchanger.
Svrcek, William Y. , Mahoney, Donald P., Young, Brent R; A real-time approach to process control ; Third edition; Wiley, 2014.
ConcernsStudents with concerns about the course should contact the Course Coordinator, the 2nd Pro Director of Studies, or the Head of Department.General Policies of the DepartmentStudents may obtain the general policies of the University from the website. For example:Special considerations: Academic Appeals of Assessments: Students with concerns about assessment processes or grades should be advised to speak first with the relevant lecturer. If the matter cannot be resolved, then the student should meet and discuss the matter with the Head of Department/School and thereafter follow the procedures outlined in the University procedures and regulations of grades: If you are concerned that your final grade may be incorrect it is suggested (for CAPE) that you make an informal query to the course coordinator, but you may follow the official procedures: Disabilities:
Pre-requisite: ENCH298
Domestic fee $1,122.00
International fee $6,238.00
* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.
For further information see Chemical and Process Engineering .