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Estimation of water demand and supply through measurement (in situ and remote sensing), statistical and stochastic analysis and modelling; optimisation of water allocation and costs in different contexts.
Water is critical to all forms of life, society, and the environment, and being able to manage water in a sustainable manner is essential. This requires a thorough understanding of the different demands for water and the available supply. This course aims to provide this understanding by looking at the regulatory framework (including policy and social/cultural/economic/ecological aspects), measuring available water, modelling demand and supply over time and optimising water allocation and costs when facing conflicting interests.
1. Understand the regulatory background of water demand and supply in the New Zealand context,2. Learn how to measure and/or estimate water demand and supply,3. Be able to statistically and stochastically analyse and model water quantity data,4. Be able to optimise water supply and allocation in different contexts.
Subject to approval of the Head of Department.
The course will be mostly taught online and via zoom. There will be a 1-day block of lectures on May 17th, 2023.Workload - Direct contact (lectures, workshops, etc.) 24hrsOnline study 50hrsAssignments 56hrsStudy and exam 20hrsTotal 150hrs
Tonny de Vries
David Dempsey and Mark Milke
Final exam - 45%Date TBAAssignment optimisation - 25%May 01Assignment measuring and modelling - 15%Date TBAAssignment time series analysis - 7.5%Date TBAAssignment 4 - 7.5%Date TBATotal 100%
ENCN648 will have a significant amount of online material, book chapters and other suggested readings. You will find an overview of all this material on Learn under the headings of the individual topics.
Te Whakapā Mai - Course communicationCommunication will happen via email and Learn. Students should use their university email to communicate with lecturers and each other. The use of personal email is strongly discouraged as messages often are flagged as spam and may not be delivered. Ngā Tikanga - Other policies and proceduresThis course follows all University of Canterbury regulations, policies, and procedures. Please refer to the following links for more information: Whakaauau - Repeating students and changes to the course this year There are no changes made from last year other than that there is now a in-person meeting (which was not possible in previous years due to COVID-related measures). If you are a repeating student, you will need to retake the course as a whole. You may be able to carry-over marks for individual assignments, but this will need to be discussed with the lecturer who set the assignment.
There are no specific pre-requisites for this course, however a background in engineering with a solid foundation in mathematics is recommended.
Domestic fee $1,164.00
International Postgraduate fees
* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.
This course will not be offered if fewer than 5 people apply to enrol.
For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering .