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Fluid Properties. Hydrostatics. Mass, energy and momentum fluxes. Applications to hydraulic systems. Hydrological processes. Design storms and flows.
Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology is the first compulsory course on fluid mechanics in theundergraduate curriculum for civil and natural resources engineering students.The course is split into two self-contained sections that reflect a general philosophy of the course.The course aims to provide undergraduate civil and natural resources engineers with anunderstanding of, and an ability to solve, standard hydraulics problems that a practising hydraulicsengineer might encounter. This includes the determination of hydrostatic forces on structures, themodelling of single pipe systems and the determination of surface runoff from storm events. Atthe same time the course aims to provide you with an understanding of the fluid properties andfluid flow principles that underpin all types of fluid motion. The conservation laws of mass, energyand momentum will be the foundation upon which more complex behaviour such as shockwavesin pipes, effluent dispersion and gravity currents are built. Fluid mechanics and hydraulics coursesin the third professional year, and at graduate level, extend on these principles, providing studentswith experience and problem solving ability in a range of typical applications.
At the conclusion of this courseYou (the students) have an appreciation of the role of fluid mechanics and hydrology in Civiland Natural Resources Engineering.You understand fluids properties and their importance to modelling fluid behaviour.You can model (and hence predict) the impact of stationary fluids on associated boundaries.You can extend these concepts to deal with issues of object stability under submerged andfloating conditions, and in addition fluid bodies subject to accelerations.You can qualitatively describe fluid flow phenomena in such a way that assumptions, whichaid the modelling of flow behaviour, become obvious.You can apply the conservation laws (mass, momentum and energy) to model fluid flows,making effective use of control volumes and the integral forms of these laws.You can employ the conservations laws to model and design single pipeline systems andunderstand how to use energy concepts in the selection of pumps and turbines. You candemonstrate this knowledge in a real laboratory pipe system.You can use historical flood flow data and/or rainfall data to estimate the design flood flowfor a catchment of known physical properties.Most importantly you can apply the concepts above to model a broad range of relativelysimple hydraulic and hydrological problems (including those that you may not have seenbefore).Each of these learning objectives will contribute to the Employable, innovative, and enterprisinggraduate attribute defined by UC and the Engineering knowledge (WA1) graduate attribute definedby the Washington Accord.
Subject to approval of the Dean of Engineering and Forestry
Mark Davidson
Tonny de Vries and Shuen Law
The assessment for this paper will comprise largely of regular tutorial submissions, a laboratoryreport, a mid-semester test and the final exam. The coverage of the test as well as the timing of the test will be provided within term 3.The internal assessment for the course has two aims. The first is clearly for us to obtain information about how well you understand the material being taught. Such assessment is known as summative assessment. However the assessment also plays a second more important role, in that it provides you with feedback on your progress, and highlights things that you haven’t completely understood.This is called formative assessment. Make sure you do all internal assessments for the courseconscientiously and reflect on your work after it has been marked.Test and Exam: The test and exam are worth 80% of the final grade. The test will consist of a fewproblems and student solutions will be provided after the test session. These problems will bemarked and returned to the students within approximately 3 weeks. The test will be conductedunder conditions normal for an examination.The solutions prepared by the students must be legible and well presented. Poorly presentedmaterial will be given 0 marks. If you suspect there is an error in the test or exam, you must make a reasonable assumption and proceed with the question. If there was indeed an error, you will not be penalised. Applications for aegrotats or special consideration based on errors in the test/exam questions will not be accepted.Tutorials: Weekly tutorial submissions provide an opportunity for students to implement the ideaspresented during lectures, with support from staff and tutors. They normally take the form of aproblems class, where one or two questions are set and solutions are collected at the end of thetutorial session. Each tutorial is worth two marks. Students who are unable to complete thequestion, but are able to make a reasonable attempt at the question(s) will receive one mark forthe tutorial session. The tutorials also provide an important opportunity for students to discussdifficulties associated with the material presented in the lectures directly with the lecturer.As with the test, the solutions prepared by students must be legible and well presented; poorlypresented material will be given 0 marks.Note:1. You cannot pass this course unless you achieve a mark of at least 40% in each of the mid-semester test and the final exam. A student who scored 35-40% in either the test or exam, but performs very well in the other, may be eligible for a pass in the course.2. All assignments must be submitted by the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted. If a student is unable to complete and submit an assignment by the deadline due to personal circumstances beyond their control they should discuss this with the lecturer involved as soon as possible.3. All assignments can be done individually or in pairs. If done in pairs a single submission for marking is required and both students receive the same mark. It is important that both students play an equal role in completing the assessment as the internal assessment is designed to prepare you for the formal assessments.4. All laboratory reports must be done individually."
Domestic fee $1,030.00
International fee $5,750.00
* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.
For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering .