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Topics covered: baseband transmission, signal space, digital modulation and reception, equalization, communications systems, error control coding and networking.
This course provides a basic understanding of modern digital communications systems (with an emphasis on wireless communications) and an introduction to the analytical tools to design systems and analyse their performance. The key topics covered are baseband transmission, signal space, digital modulation and reception, equalization, communications systems, error control coding and networking. The course will focus on the technical aspects of communication systems engineering and at times will be mathematical. It requires a good grasp of probability theory and random processes for both performance analysis and design.
At the conclusion of this course you should be able to:LO1: Appraise and analyse the application of key wireless communications and networking technologies (WA2, WA3, WA4).LO2: Apply analytical mathematical techniques to design and appraise communication systems (WA1, WA2, WA3, WA4).LO3: Communicate the design of communication systems in a variety of ways (WA10)LO4: Identify and reflect on socio-technical and environmental outcomes associated with communication systems (WA6, WA7, WA12).
This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:
Critically competent in a core academic discipline of their award
Students know and can critically evaluate and, where applicable, apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.
Employable, innovative and enterprising
Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers that can be used in a range of applications.
Philippa Martin
Graeme Woodward
Philippa Martin; ENEL422 Learn Page ; (There is no specific text for this course. However, you should do considerable reading outside of the lectures. The major recommended references are listed below. Copies of the lecture notes and recommended reading material will be posted on Learn).
Haykin, S; Communication Systems ; 4th; Wiley, 2001.
Lathi, B. P. , Ding, Zhi; Modern digital and analog communication systems ; 4th ed; Oxford University Press, 2009.
Leon-Garcia, Alberto. , Widjaja, Indra; Communication networks : fundamental concepts and key architectures ; 2nd ed; McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Contact HoursLectures: 36 hoursTutorials: 0 hoursWorkshops: 0 hoursLaboratories: 0 hours Independent studyReview of lectures: 54 hoursTest and exam preparation: 30 hoursAssignments: 30 hoursTutorial preparation: 0 hoursLaboratory calculations: 0 hours Total 150
Domestic fee $1,197.00
International fee $6,000.00
* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.
For further information see Electrical and Computer Engineering .