ENGR101-16S1 (C) Semester One 2016

Foundations of Engineering

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 22 February 2016
End Date: Sunday, 26 June 2016
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 6 March 2016
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 22 May 2016


This skills-based course will introduce students to the "engineering process". Through a series of lectures, exercises and projects, the students will gain experience in specific skills and activities that contribute to the engineering process. Examples include problem solving, technical sketching, team work and report writing. Additionally, the importance of sustainability, ethics and biculturalism in an engineering context will be introduced. Students will also gain a better understanding of the different engineering disciplines in regards to a career choice.

Learning Outcomes

1. Be able to describe and apply the ‘engineering process’ to problems/projects
o Technical skills
 Apply techniques to clarify ill-defined problems
 Apply formal problem solving strategies
 Generate a freehand engineering sketch
o Professional skills
 Prepare an engineering report
 Work successfully on a team project
 Identify and apply concepts of sustainability, risk, ethics and biculturalism to engineering solutions.

2. Be able to describe key activities of the different engineering disciplines taught at Canterbury

Timetable Note

3 lectures per week all lectures will be held in Lecture Theatre C1
o Stream 01:
Wednesday 4pm, Thursday 4pm, Friday 10 am

o Stream 02:
Wednesday 9am, Thursday 5pm, Friday 3 pm
(The two streams are identical. Students may attend any stream on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, at their convenience.)

Workshops (WS): One, 2-hour session per week, Monday to Wednesday at various times starting in Week 2.

A full list can be seen at www.canterbury.ac.nz/courses/
Upon enrolling for ENGR101, students will choose their workshop session time.  After the end of week 2, students will not be allowed to change their session time unless there is an unavoidable timetable clash.
Workshops provide opportunities for students to learn and extend skills taught in lectures, and to work on the group-based Major Design Project.

ENGR100 - Academic Writing Assessment (AWA):
The College of Engineering requires that ALL STUDENTS  (including New Zealand-born students) who wish to enter the First Professional Year of Engineering must pass ENGR100, the Academic Writing Assessment (AWA).  ENGR100 is managed within ENGR101.
A 30-minute written test will be sat in the Week 2 workshop. Each workshop will be given a different topic.  Students will be required to write about 300 words on that subject.  This test will be assessed to determine which students need help with their writing.  Students who do not meet the minimum requirement will be given a feedback form to indicate their area(s) of weakness.
Students who narrowly miss the minimum requirement on the AWA will be offered the opportunity to gain a pass without requiring re-assessment, by attending up to two compulsory writing workshops. Students offered this opportunity, who do not attend the required workshops, will have to re-sit the AWA and achieve a passing mark.
Students who significantly fall short of the minimum requirement for the AWA will be required to attend a writing skills workshop for up to two days. A further assessment of writing ability will then be carried out later in the semester. A passing mark must be achieved to pass ENGR100. This writing skills assessment is independent of ENGR101 assessment and will not affect the grades awarded for ENGR101 in any way.

Course Coordinator

For further information see Chemical and Process Engineering Head of Department

Students should contact the Senior Tutor for all matters pertaining to design studios, assignment submission and assessment issues, including late or missed work.

Senior Tutor
Dr Alfred Herritsch
Rm 540, Civil/Mechanical building
Ph 364 2987 ext 3571, engr101@canterbury.ac.nz

Students are welcome to contact the Course Coordinator to discuss issues pertaining to workload or course content. For matters to do with specific lectures, please contact the lecturer concerned.

Course Coordinator and Lecturer
Assoc. Prof. Peter Gostomski
Chemical & Process Engineering,
Rm E530, Civil/Mechanical building
Ph 364 2141,

Assistant Course Coordinators

Dr Alex Yip
Chemical & Process Engineering,
Rm 429b, Civil/Mechanical building
Ph 364 2534,

Dr. Volker Nock
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Von Haast 433
364 2987 ext 7539

Other Lecturers

Dr Kim Rutter
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Rm 441, Von Haast

Dr Shayne Gooch
Mechanical Engineering
Rm E504, Civil/Mechanical building


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Final Exam 25%
Major Design Project 20%
Assignment 1 21 Mar 2016 10% Technical Report on the Engineering Process applied to the flood risk the Christchurch estuary.
Mid-semester Test 31 Mar 2016 25%
Individual Design and Build 03 May 2016 15%
Engineering Sketching 23 May 2016 5%

The Academic Writing Assessment (AWA) which is the pass/fail component of ENGR100 will be delivered in Week 2 (Workshop A).

Any or all assessments may be scaled after you receive your raw mark.

Passing Grade: To achieve a pass in this course you must obtain:
• an overall mark of 50% or above
• a final exam mark > 35/100.

Assignment Submissions: All assignments must be stapled securely at the top left-hand corner and MUST have a completed cover sheet attached. Submissions without a completed cover sheet attached will not be marked.

Assignments must be handed in to the boxes provided on level 0 of the Erskine Building outside Computer lab 038 by 3.00 pm on the due date.  Please ensure that you hand in your assignment to the box corresponding to YOUR workshop stream.

Assignments due in a given workshop session must be handed in to the workshop tutor at the beginning of the session.

Late or Missed Coursework: ALL late work must be handed in directly to the Senior Tutor, Dr Alfred Herritsch, E540, Civil/Mechanical building as soon as possible and will be penalised 25% per day or part thereof (weekends will be counted as one day for this purpose).

Special Consideration: For assessment work worth 10% or more, students may apply for special consideration if their performance is affected by circumstances including, illness, bereavement, and some sporting events at a national level. For more information and procedures, please see www.canterbury.ac.nz/exams/ and find the “special consideration” link or ask the Senior Tutor.

For assessment work worth < 10%, students may contact the Senior Tutor for special consideration no later than 7 days after the due date.  Acceptable reasons will be the same as assessment worth 10% or more.  

Students prevented by circumstances from completing the course after the final date for withdrawing, may apply for special consideration for late discontinuation of the course. Applications must be submitted to the Examinations Office within five days of the end of the main examination period for the semester.

Disability Resource Services: For those students registered with Disability Resource Services and have a Learning Support Plan in place, please remember to contact the Senior Tutor Alfred Herritsch if special arrangements are required for the test or the exam at least 10 days before.

In regards to the Academic Writing Assessment (ENGR100), this is completed in your Week 2 workshop.  If your support plan allows for a special provision for this type of assessment, there is a mechanism to opt out of this occurrence on the day.  An appropriate, alternative assessment will be provided.  You may also contact the Senior Tutor directly prior to the assessment.


Course Website: Access via http://learn.canterbury.ac.nz   Note that you will only gain access to Learn once your enrolment is fully completed.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $901.00

International fee $4,863.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

Minimum enrolments

This course will not be offered if fewer than 10 people apply to enrol.

For further information see Chemical and Process Engineering .

All ENGR101 Occurrences

  • ENGR101-16S1 (C) Semester One 2016