ENGR409-24S1 (C) Semester One 2024

Design of Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 19 February 2024
End Date: Sunday, 23 June 2024
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 3 March 2024
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 12 May 2024


Project-based design for water and wastewater treatment. Water quality, design flows and loadings, physical primary treatment, biological secondary treatment, disinfection. Drinking water laboratories.

This course will introduce topics in the environmental engineering area of water and wastewater treatment. Successful students will demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes used in water treatment, and be able to produce a process design of municipal water and wastewater treatment systems. Those working in New Zealand on drinking water and wastewater engineering have a mixture of chemical and civil engineering BE degrees, and the mixture of backgrounds of students in this course will prepare students for the mixture they will encounter in the workforce.

The course is taught as two halves; with one half being on potable water treatment and the other half being domestic/industrial wastewater treatment plant design. The course will be taught through lectures and tutorials with laboratory exercises.

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to…

1. Analyse and solve problems in drinking water and domestic/industrial wastewater treatment using mass balances, reaction kinetics and separation process principles. (Washington Accord WA1), (UC EIE3)

2. Design drinking water and domestic/industrial wastewater treatment systems.  (Washington Accord WA1, WA3), (UC EIE3).

3. Measure, through laboratory experimentation, drinking water treatment design parameters.  (Washington Accord WA5), (UC EIE3).

4      Explain the function, mechanism of treatment and attributes in various water and wastewater treatment process units; (Washington Accord WA1), (UC GA2).

5.     Explain the importance of water from within a te ao Māori context and how this is relevant to design of treatment and disposal systems (Washington Accord WA3. WA6), (UC BBC7).


ENCN281 or completion of Year 2 of Chemical and Process Engineering degree requirements.



Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Hamish Mackey


Reuben Bouman (BECA) , Jamie Roverts (AECOM) and Ricardo Bello Mendoza


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Design Report. Drinking Water Treatment Plant Design 15% Learning Objectives 1,2
Wastewater treatment plant design report 25% Learning Objectives: 1, 2
Drinking Water Lab Report 10% Learning Objectives: 3
Mid term test ((Wastewater) 25% Learning Objectives: 1, 2, 4, 5
Exam: Drinking Water Treatment 25% Learning Objectives: 1, 2, 4

1. Late design or lab reports will be subject to mark reduction at 10% of available marks per 12
h overdue.
2. Students must score at least 40% in each of the mid-term test and final exam in order to pass
the course. In situations where a student narrowly fails to meet this requirement, but scores
very well in the other test/exam and assignments, the student may be eligible to pass at the
discretion of the course coordinator.

Textbooks / Resources

This course does not have a required text and instead provides notes and other resources on LEARN. However, students are also advised to consult the many good environmental engineering textbooks in the library and read in and around the subject areas during this course. These books cover many of the principles and processes that are discussed so that if you wish to do extra reading, have a look at the indexes and table of contents of the various books and you should be able to easily find more information about your subject of interest. Furthermore, a number of articles will be posted on the class LEARN site as recommended reading.

Lecture notes, assignments, lab session files and tutorials will be made available on LEARN. Please note that all lecture recordings, made available through LEARN, are copyright and are not for public dissemination.


For Chemical and Process Engineering students, the course relies on understanding of engineering chemistry, mass balance, and reactor kinetics covered in 200 level courses.

For Civil and Natural Resources Engineering students, the course builds on material in ENCN 281 Environmental Engineering.

Additional Course Outline Information

Assessment and grading system

Any student who has been impaired by significant exceptional and/or unforeseeable circumstances that have prevented them from completing any major assessment items, or that have impaired their performance such that the results are not representative of their true level of mastery of the course material, may apply for special consideration through the formal university process. The applicability and academic remedy/action associated with the special consideration process is listed for each assessment item below. Please refer to the University Special Consideration Regulations and Special Consideration Policies and Procedures documents for more information on the acceptable grounds for special consideration and the application process.

Special Consideration for Assignments
An extension will be granted for evidence-supported requests. Extensions will typically be for up to one week, but the duration will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students seeking an extension must contact the course coordinator as soon as possible with evidence of their situation, and preferably before the due date.

Special Consideration for Midterm Tests
Serious/Severe Impact: Students will be offered an equivalent alternative test that will replace their original test mark. This test will be held in the first weeks of Semester 2 at a date to be advised by the course coordinator.
Moderate Impact: A derived mark based on performance relative to the class on all assessment items will apply.

Special Consideration for Final Exam
Serious/Severe Impact: Students will be offered an equivalent alternative exam that will replace their original exam mark. This exam will be held in the week immediately following the exam period.

Moderate Impact: A derived mark based on performance relative to the class on all assessment items will apply.
Note: All communication associated with the arrangement of equivalent alternative tests/exams will be conducted using official UC email accounts. The offer to sit an alternative assessment will come with a list of potential dates/times. Students will have a clearly specified amount of time to respond to the offer to sit the alternative assessment and accept one of the listed dates/times. If the offer is declined or no response is received in the specified time frame, the original assessment mark will be used to compute the course grade.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $1,059.00

International fee $6,000.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Civil and Natural Resources Engineering .

All ENGR409 Occurrences

  • ENGR409-24S1 (C) Semester One 2024