GEOL351-13S1 (C) Semester One 2013

Advanced Field Techniques

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 18 February 2013
End Date: Sunday, 23 June 2013
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 3 March 2013
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 19 May 2013


Extended field work and related exercises aimed at broadening geological experience in the understanding and interpretation of rocks at outcrop, field map, and regional scales.

The course is designed to integrate different types of geologic data to interpret a geologic history of a region through examination of sedimentary, metamorphic and volcanic rocks. Students will chose between one of two concurrently running field trips outlined below (West Coast or Oamaru). Both field trips have the same teaching goals and both support study in other 300 level courses. Each trip covers, with varying emphasis, metamorphic basement geology, New Zealand tectonic events and sedimentary depositional environments. Field teaching takes place off-campus and a reasonable degree of physical fitness is desirable.

Field trip options and dates – students to choose one only
West Coast (dates TBC – likely dates 2-9th April) - Bassett and TBA - This trip to Westport focuses on the Cretaceous history of Gondwana breakup the development of the New Zealand land by examining metamorphic core complex deformation and associated basin deposits leading up into the Tertiary sequence and coal basins.

Oamaru (dates TBC – likely dates 11-18th April) – Reid, Oze and Kennedy - This field trip focuses on Cretaceous to early Miocene geological history and facies patterns in response to tectonics through interpretation of basaltic volcanics, and siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary environments.

An information session in week one to brief students on the content of each field trip. Students will then get to choose their preferred field course option – however as the number of places on each trip is limited students may not get their preferred option, and we reserve the right to shift students to best manage field trip logistics. A compulsory meeting will be held on the Friday of the last week of term one to brief students on the equipment and logistics of each field trip.
NOTE – apart from these short meetings there are no weekly labs for this course.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students completing this course will learn how to
  • Gather quantitative volcanic or sedimentary composition data
  • Gather and interpret field structural data
  • Methods of collection and presentation of stratigraphic data
  • Appreciation of geographic and temporal geological variation
  • Present data and concepts in written form

    Summary of the Course Content
    The topics coved by this course are:
  • New Zealand basement geology
  • Cretaceous tectonic events
  • Tertiary sedimentation in active and passive tectonic settings


(1) GEOL230 or GEOL240 (2) GEOL231 or GEOL241 (3) 44-45 points from other GEOL 200-level courses.


15 points from GEOL331-338 offered in the same semester.

Course Coordinator

For further information see Geological Sciences Head of Department

For trip details contact Catherine Reid for Oamaru and Kari Bassett for Westport


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Field exercises 60% Field exercises (to be completed on the field trip)
Post field trip report 40% Post field trip report (Both Oamaru and Westport field trips will have assessed items to be completed on the field trip. Dates for the post-trip report will be advised when trip dates are confirmed.)

Field exercises 60%
Post-trip report 40%

Both Oamaru and Westport field trips will have assessed items to be completed on the field trip, as well as a post-trip report that will be due 2 weeks after the completion of the trip. Dates for this hand-in will be advised when trip dates are confirmed.

Examination and Formal Tests
There is no exam for GEOL351

Course links

Library portal


All students must read the Field safety guide and abide by it. You must complete and sign the final page of the field safety guide and return this page only to the office (Room 334) at the start of the course. Students must also attend the pre-trip meeting that will also be a field safety briefing. Students must abide by guidelines set out at that briefing and instructions of teaching staff and assistants whilst in the field.

While discussion within a pair or group is valuable, it is important that you form your own conclusions and can justify them. Whilst there may be a degree of collaboration in producing the field data, the interpretive maps and sections should be your own. Students are reminded that plagiarism (i.e. direct copying and submission of another's work) is unethical and will be penalised.

The cost of meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) is not included in course fees and will be charged separately at the rate of $15 per day.

Essential equipment
Students will be expected to have a geological hammer, safety glasses, hand lens, grain size comparator, a plastic bag to protect map board and note-book. All are available from the department. A personal first aid kit is essential for field safety. Boots and a sleeping bag are necessary as is adequate clothing for a range of weather conditions. A more detailed list will be issued during the pre-trip briefing.

A high standard of behaviour is expected on the field class. Intoxication, harassment of other students, damage to property etc will result in exclusion from the class and consequent failure of the course.

Additional Course Outline Information

Other specific requirements

Students will be expected to have a geological hammer, safety glasses, hand lens, grain size comparator, a plastic bag to protect map board and note-book. All are available from the department. A personal first aid kit is essential for field safety. Boots and a sleeping bag are necessary as is adequate clothing for a range of weather conditions. A more detailed list will be issued during the pre-trip briefing.

A high standard of behaviour is expected on the field class. Intoxication, harassment of other students, damage to property etc will result in exclusion from the class and consequent failure of the course.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $747.00

International fee $3,488.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Geological Sciences .

All GEOL351 Occurrences

  • GEOL351-13S1 (C) Semester One 2013