
Te Ao Marama: Maori Thought
The paper explores key aspects of Maori thought, philosophies and ideas through Maori history and culture. Topics include: oral traditions and iwi traditions, tikanga, customs and social life, whakaaro rapunga, philosophies and Maori thought leaders, gender and sexuality, identity and Maori art and writing, conservation, natural lore of land, ocean, taniwha, kaitiakitanga and resource management.
Summer Jan 2024
Summer Jan 2024 (Distance)
15 points
Any 15 points at 100 level from HIST, MAOR, or TREO, or any 60 points at 100 level from the Schedule V of the BA.

Te Tiriti: The Treaty of Waitangi
This course uses the Treaty of Waitangi to frame examinations of contemporary New Zealand society. We ask questions designed to highlight and emphasise the relevance of the Treaty of Waitangi to everyday New Zealanders. In addition, the course looks at the importance of this document in the maintenance of Crown and Maori relations. Topics covered range from the signing of the Treaty, and historical developments, to the protest movements and activism of the continuing Maori renaissance period, race relations and one law-for-all.
Semester Two 2024
15 points
Any 15 points at 100 level from CULT, HIST, HSRV, MAOR, POLS, SOCI, SOWK, or TREO, or any 60 points at 100 level from the Schedule V of the BA.
POLS218, POLS258, HIST268, SOCI209, HSRV207, CULT219

Pacific Sustainability and Climate Resilience
This course examines ways in which community-based and indigenous innovation have been used to build up strategies of adaptation and resilience in oceanic communities, focusing on the Pacific. Deconstructing the deficit narratives characterising the Pacific Islands as inherently susceptible and reconceptualising the concepts of resilience and sustainability for socio-ecological justice is a key component of this course. Through thousands of years of navigation around the largest ocean on the planet and adapting to extreme weather systems such as cyclones and other climate change induced calamities, Pacific peoples have developed a high level of human innovation and resilience, which have formed their cultural strategies for survival. Community and indigenous knowledge relating to buildings, adaptive social organization, food security, farming, environmental restoration, coastal management will be explored. The critical issues of sustainability, resilience and adaptation to climate change and other natural and human created challenges in the Pacific. The Pacific Islands are at the forefront of extreme weather patterns and the course examines the ways in which indigenous knowledge, humanities, science and technology can work together to respond to the expanding and deepening environmental and human impacts.
Semester Two 2024
Semester Two 2024 (Distance)
15 points
Any 45 points at 100-level

Te Ao Hauora Tangata: Maori Health Perspectives
A study of Maori health perspectives examining the current trends, issues, and challenges underpinning contemporary Maori health. The course draws from the experiences of Maori health practitioners, including those from Ngai Tahu and Maata Waka. Please note that this is an on-campus paper, which includes in-depth classroom discussion and debate on Maori health topics. There is also a group assessment and kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face) presentation.
Semester One 2024
15 points
Any 15 points at 100 level from HLTH, MAOR, or TREO, or any 60 points at 100 level from the Schedule V of the BA.

Ethnicity, Racism and Genocide
This course provides a critical introduction to the historical and anthropological study of ethnicity, racism, genocide and migration.
Semester Two 2024
15 points
Any 15 points at 100 level in HIST, ANTH, MAOR, PACS, or SOCI, or CLAS120, or any 60 points at 100 level from the Schedule V of the BA.
ANTH223, MAOR230, PACS204, SOCI223