HLED122-13S2 (C) Semester Two 2013

Building Resilience

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 8 July 2013
End Date: Sunday, 10 November 2013
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 21 July 2013
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 6 October 2013


This course is designed as an introduction to the concept of mental health. It examines concepts of mental health and resilience and considers these in relation to the determinants of health. The course develops students' understanding of models of best practice in mental health education and promotion. Students will explore a range of mental health issues and demonstrate a range of strategies designed to enhance their own and others' mental health.

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify theoretical concepts, current research and best practices that underpin effective mental health education and promotion.
2. Demonstrate a variety of skills and strategies for the implementation of health promotion practices that focus on developing strategies that enhance lifelong mental health.
3. Analyse the risk factors and protective factors related to resiliency and demonstrate a range of strategies designed to strengthen resiliency skills.
4. Critically evaluate the impact of socio-cultural factors, including media influences, on the mental health of people across a range of cultures.
5. Identify and critique a wide range of health promotion strategies, including online health promotion tools and community agencies.

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Penni Cushman


Tracy Clelland


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Essay - Online Tools for Mental Health Promotion 40% Theoretical essay: applying and exploring the theoretical principles of building resilience to online/technology interventions, i.e., websites
Mental Health Promotion Project and Class Presentation 60% Due second half of the course with presentations at the end.

Textbooks / Resources

Cushman, P., Clelland, T., and Hornby, G. (2011) Health promoting schools and mental health issues: A survey of New Zealand schools. Pastoral Care in Education, 29(4), 247-260
Dickinson, P., and Tonkin, L. (2001). Loss and grief and their impact on children’s worlds. Social Work Now: The Practice Journal of Child, Youth and Family. p. 16-21
Fergus, S., Zimmerman, M., (2005). Adolescent resilience: A framework for understanding healthy development in the face of risk. Annual Review of Public Health. 26, 399.
Gluckman, P. (2011) Improving the transition- Reducing social and psychological morbidity during adolescence (Mental Health chapters). http://www.pmcsa.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/Improving-the-Transition-report.pdf
Government of South Australia. (2005). Resilience and optimism promote students learning. Virtually Healthy. 37(3).
Huppert, F., and So, T. (2009). What percentage of people in Europe are flourishing and what characterises them? Well-Being Institute, University of Cambridge: Prepared for the OECD/ISQOLS meeting “Measuring subjective well-being: an opportunity for NSOs?”.Florence - July 23/24, 2009.

Keleher, H & Armstrong, R (2005). Evidence based mental health promotion resource. Report for the Department of Human Services and VicHealth, Melbourne.
Mindmatters online resources. Building Resilience book 1 and 2. Accessed from: http://www.mindmatters.edu.au/resources_and_downloads/mindmatters/mindmatters_resource_kit_landing.html

Additional Course Outline Information

Academic integrity

All forms of cheating and dishonest practice are taken seriously and penalties will result. Students should refer to Regulation J of the General Course and Examination Regulations.

Assessment and grading system

Assessment items will be given a mark, and final grades will be calculated and reported using the UC Common Grading Scale.
Grading Scale:

Grade    GPA      Marks
A+       9      90 – 100
A        8      85 – 89
A-       7      80 – 84
B+       6      75 – 79
B        5      70 – 74
B-       4      65 – 69
C+       3      60 – 64
C        2      55 – 59
C-       1      50 – 54
D        0      40 – 49
E       -1       0 – 39

Students must submit and receive a passing mark for ALL assessment items to be eligible to pass the course. Assessment procedures will follow the policies of the UC College of Education Assessment Guidelines.


Attendance is required at all sessions.


Teaching and courses will be evaluated through use of current UC evaluative surveys. In addition, students are encouraged to provide ongoing formative evaluation to course lecturers.

Late submission of work

Late work will not be accepted for marking. Refer to http://www.education.canterbury.ac.nz/documents/brochures_2013/Assessment_Guidelines.pdf

Requests for extensions

Extensions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances (e.g. accident, bereavement, tangi, or critical personal circumstances), and are not granted automatically. Extensions will not be granted because of pressure of university study, e.g. several pieces of work being due around the same time. The procedure for extensions is fully outlined in the College of Education Assessment Guidelines (http://www/education.canterbury.ac.nz/documents/assessment_guidelines_for_students_13).


In order to pass this course students must have passed all assessment events with a C- grade or better. Students will have the opportunity to resubmit one failed piece of assessment that originally received a mark between 40% - 49%. The resubmission will receive a maximum pass grade of 50%. Resubmissions will not apply to any examinations held during the University of Canterbury examination periods.


Aegrotat considerations:  students should refer to Regulation H of the General Course and Examination Regulations.

Where to submit and collect work

On Campus Assignments submitted in Hard Copy - 2013
Where to submit and collect work
On campus students assignments are to be submitted with a cover sheet to the Assignments Room in Ōrakipaoa, accessed from the back doors closest to The Collective (the USCA Cafe), by 5.00pm, or time directed by course lecturer, on or before the due date. Please use the drop boxes placed at the back entrance to Ōrakipaoa.

Pick up Arrangements: It is your responsibility to pick each assignment up from the Academic Services Team. Lecturers will not follow up on resubmits and fails. This is your responsibility. Hours of operation of the Assignments Room for pick- ups are 11am-2pm weekdays.

On Campus Assignments submitted via Learn - 2013
Where to submit and collect work
Students will be expected to submit their assessment via the online assessment system in the Learn (Moodle) class site by 5.00pm on or before the due date.  The lecturer may also ask students to submit assessment work through the software Turnitin, to check for plagiarism. If this option is available students will submit work through Turnitin and obtain a report, after submitting assignments for marking via the Learn site.
It is the responsibility of the students to check their Internet access and ability to submit their work via the online system.  Any technical difficulties should be notified well in advance of the due date so that assistance can be provided or alternative arrangements can be negotiated. If you require assistance, please email ictservicedesk@canterbury.ac.nz, or phone 366 7001 ext 6060.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $647.00

International fee $3,488.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

Minimum enrolments

This course will not be offered if fewer than 25 people apply to enrol.

For further information see School of Health Sciences .

All HLED122 Occurrences

  • HLED122-13S2 (C) Semester Two 2013