HLTH465-16X (C) General non-calendar-based 2016

Professional Frameworks for Nursing Practice

30 points

Start Date: Monday, 15 February 2016
End Date: Sunday, 5 June 2016
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 28 February 2016
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 8 May 2016


This course will enable students to understand the responsibilities of nursing and the inter-professional team, to communicate professionally and to understand ethical, legal and regulatory frameworks for health care delivery and practice.

Indicative Course Outline
- The interprofessional health care team
- Therapeutic communication and group processes
- Self-awareness, sensitivity to others, critical reflection on practice
- Professional behaviour and boundaries
- Te Ao Māori and the Treaty of Waitangi
- Ethics, legalisation/regulations, cultural safety

Learning Outcomes

1. Define and articulate professional frameworks for registered nurse practice.
2. Analyse and interpret trends in nursing practice and health care, the role of the nurse and the inter-professional health team.
3. Critically analyse and evaluate healthcare policies, practices, and nursing theory, in the context of ethical, regulatory and legal frameworks applicable to the professional nurse.
4. Define and critique the principles of cultural safety that underpin interpersonal relationships in health care practice.
5. Analyse, evaluate and apply the principles of therapeutic communication to interpersonal relationships.
6. Explore and analyse the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/ the Treaty of Waitangi in the provision of health care services to Māori and as a partner in health care delivery


Subject to approval of the Head of School of Health Sciences



Course Coordinator

Isabel Jamieson


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Written Essay 21 Mar 2016 30% Outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 This assessment is designed to enable you to explore the role of the nurse against the milieu of issues that a nurse needs to consider when delivering care, including but not limited to; the concept of caring, the regulatory environment, cultural safety, therapeutic communication and interpersonal relationships, the Treaty of Waitangi and nursing theory
Written Essay 16 May 2016 45% Outcomes assessed: 1,2,3,4 This assessment item is designed to enable you to reflect upon an interview with a nurse.
Presentations x2 25% Presentation #1 (5%) 'Nursing as a regulated workforce' Presentation #2 (20%) 'New Zealand nursing response to critical issues' Outcomes assessed: 1,2,3,4,6

Assessment Information

Written assessments

The intent of these two written assessments is to develop your scholarship and academic writing skills for masterate level study.

Assessment 1 – Written Essay    
This assessment is designed to enable you to explore the role of the nurse against the milieu of issues that a nurse needs to consider when delivering care, including but not limited to; the concept of caring, the regulatory environment, cultural safety, therapeutic communication and interpersonal relationships, the Treaty of Waitangi and nursing theory.
• Due Date: Monday 21 March 8am
• Word Limit: 3000 words (excluding references)


Nursing is viewed by many as a ‘negotiated partnership’.

You are required to clarify this concept and critically discuss the implications of a negotiated partnership for the nurse, the receiver of care and their family / whanau or community.

You are expected to demonstrate an in-depth critique by the use of relevant literature.

You are required to:
• Use the APA 6th Edition referencing system (information is about this is available via the ARA and UC libraries).
o Note: Please  adhere to APA rules for the use of headings
• Include your search strategy as an appendix including:
o Data bases searched
o Key words used
• Submit your work, as a WORD document, to ‘Turn-it-in’ via the HLTH465 UCLearn Site on or before the due date.
• See page 10 re basic requirements for the layout of your assignment
Please refer to the marking guide at the end of this information booklet.

Assessment 2 – Written essay
This assessment item is designed to enable you to reflect upon an interview with a nurse.
• Due Date:  Monday 16 May 2016 8am
• Word Limit: 3500 words (excluding references)


You are required to interview someone who is, or has been, a Registered Nurse to find out why they chose to become a nurse and what was important to them in their nursing role.
After the interview you are required to reflect on what you have heard and select one theoretical concept that you will analyse and critically explore and relate to modern day nursing.
You are expected to demonstrate an in-depth analysis with critique using relevant literature.
You are required to:
• Include the process of accessing a participant and gaining informed consent.
o Include the UC Blanket Ethical Approval reference number which is UCPL-4-136.
o Complete the required UC Health & Safety form before the visit and hand to the course coordinator.  
o Use the APA 6th Edition referencing system (information about this is available via the ARA and UC libraries).
o Include your search strategy as Appendix A including:
Data bases searched
Key words used
• Submit your work to ‘Turn-it-in’, as a WORD document,  via the HLTH465 UCLearn Site on or before the due date


These assessment activities are designed for you to work with another student to investigate important nursing concepts.

Presentation one: ‘Nursing as a regulated workforce’

• Due Date: 18 February 2015 (during study block one)
• Time Limit: 10 minutes


For this presentation you will work with another student.

You are required to:

• Research a topic allocated to you both and together
• Present your findings, as a Power Point Presentation
o Your findings should focus on the key points related to nursing as a regulated workforce.
• Email a copy to of the Power Point slides the Course Coordinator who will post your slides the HLTH465 UC Learn site for all students to access.

Presentation two: ‘New Zealand nursing response to critical issues’

• Due Date: Monday 11 April 2016
• Time Limit:  20 minutes


For this presentation you will work with another student.
You will be allocated a specific decade of the New Zealand Nurses Organisations’ journal; Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand.
You are required to:
• Research the issues of the journal from your allocated decade
• Choose one critical issue, ensuring it is different if two pairs are allocated the same decade
o Explore it in-depth to examine and critique the New Zealand nursing profession’s response to that issue and together present your findings.
• Present your findings, as a Power Point Presentation
• Email a copy of your Power Point slides to the Course Coordinator who will post your slides the HLTH465 UC Learn site for all students to access.

Marking guides

Presentation one: ‘Nursing as a regulated workforce’
Relevant information located
Search strategies shared with other students / 1%
Key information disseminated to other students
Importance to nursing stated
Language used is culturally safe
A planned presentation was evident
/ 4%
The peer assessment process has been completed*
Time limit of 10 minutes adhered to Yes/No
Total /5%

Peer assessment process for presentation one
• *Students negotiate a plan to allocate tasks to enable the completion of the assignment.

Presentation two: ‘New Zealand nursing response to critical issues’
Relevant critical issue chosen and reasons for this stated
Clear and succinct dissemination of key information about this critical issue presented to other students
Language used is culturally safe and professional
A planned presentation was evident /4
Critique of the nursing profession’s response is evident and reasoned /10
Evidence of supporting literature and/or resources provided /3
The peer assessment work plan handed to the lecturer for recording /2
Power point slides emailed to the course coordinator  within 48 hours of the presentation /1
Time limit of 20 minutes adhered to Yes/No
Total /20

Peer assessment process for presentation number two.
1. Students negotiate and agree on a formal plan to allocate tasks to enable the completion of the assignment.
2. The formal work plan is documented, signed by both students.
3. Each student to rate their peer on a scale of 1-3* as to how well their peer adhered to the work plan and inform the other student of their decision.
4. Reasons for any deviation noted and explained.
5. All above documentation to be signed and handed to the course lecturer for recording.
6. If students can’t agree on the rating the lecturer will listen to concerns and make a final decision.
*1= Did not adhere to any of the agreed work plan.
2= Adhered to some of the agreed work plan.
3= Adhered to all of the agreed work plan.

Textbooks / Resources

New Zealand Nursing Journals
Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand (an NZNO publication)
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand

Resources from ARA library at section RT16-RT40 include:
• Freed to care, proud to nurse: 100 years of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation RT16OCO
• A nursing odyssey: An account of the beginning of registered nursing in New Zealand RT37GRE
• Grace Neill : the story of a noble woman RT37.N4NEI

Hester Maclean (Te Ara) http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/biographies/3m25/maclean-hester
Grace Neill (Te Ara) http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/biographies/2n5/neill-elizabeth-grace
Brief history of nursing (Te Ara) http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/health-practitioners/page-3

Papers Past http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast
• Go to ‘More search options’ (top right) to limit search to just Kai Tiaki, or just 1910-20, or just articles
• When searching Kai Tiaki, don’t limit to just articles – this usually gives no results.
• Useful search terms for Kai Tiaki and news articles in general: “Male nurses”, nurse AND hours (interesting stuff about 8 hour days and nurses).

NZResearch http://research.digitalnz.org/ has quite a few theses and journal articles that might be useful secondary sources.

Additional Course Outline Information

Other specific requirements

Assignment layout requirements and other writing considerations
• Page layout:
o Size 12 font: Times New Roman or Arial
o Left justify
o Double space
o Indent the first word each new paragraph (do not add an extra line between paragraphs)
o Headings: Please use the APA 6th edition referencing style for headings
o You are encouraged to use headings
o Number each page
o Add your name to the footer or header
• Referencing style
o Use the APA 6th Edition referencing system (information about this is available via the CPIT and UoC libraries)
• How to present the reference list:
o See:  APA referencing : A guide for CPIT students available via the CPIT library at http://www.cpit.ac.nz/services-and-support/lrc/study/referencing
Some points to consider:
• Please do not:
o Use & in the middle of sentence, this is not a word.
o & is a convention used  in the APA 6th edition referencing system when you are referring to two or more authors in brackets: (Brown & Smith, 2015)
o Use abbreviations such as e.g./i.e. or contractions:
o You are required to write in full: for example/ such as  
o Is not, rather than, isn’t
o Write in absolutes: Nurses must … All patients will …
• Please avoid using:
o Colloquialisms.
o Personal pronouns (unless you are asked to write a  reflection)
o Bullet points
o Foot notes
• Introduction:
o You need one!
o This is perhaps the most important section of your assignment because it tells the reader (marker) what your assignment is about.
o ‘It is equal to up to 10% of the total word count
• Conclusion:
o No references in the conclusion please
o It is equal  up to 10% of the total word count


• *One resubmission opportunity is available for assignment 1 if the minimum pass criteria is not met on the first submission.
• The maximum grade possible for the resubmitted assignment is C-.
• The resubmission date will be negotiated with the course coordinator.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $2,026.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Health Sciences .

All HLTH465 Occurrences

  • HLTH465-16X (C) General non-calendar-based 2016