HLTH465-18X (C) General non-calendar-based 2018

Professional Frameworks for Nursing Practice

30 points

Start Date: Monday, 12 February 2018
End Date: Sunday, 3 June 2018
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 25 February 2018
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 6 May 2018


This course will enable students to understand the responsibilities of nursing and the inter-professional team, to communicate professionally and to understand ethical, legal and regulatory frameworks for health care delivery and practice.

Indicative Course Outline
- The interprofessional health care team
- Therapeutic communication and group processes
- Self-awareness, sensitivity to others, critical reflection on practice
- Professional behaviour and boundaries
- Te Ao Māori and the Treaty of Waitangi
- Ethics, legalisation/regulations, cultural safety

Learning Outcomes

1. Understand, explore and analyse trends in nursing practice and health care, the role of the nurse and the interprofessional team.
2. Describe, evaluate and analyse healthcare policies, practices, as well as ethical and legal frameworks applicable to the professional nurse.
3. Define and critique the principles of cultural safety that underpin interpersonal relationships in health care practice.
4. Explore the principles of therapeutic communication and interpersonal relationships.
5. Evaluate the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/ the Treaty of Waitangi in the provision of health care services and as a partner in health care delivery.


Subject to approval of the Head of School of Health Sciences



Timetable Note

(M, Tu, W): Feb 19, 20, 21
(Tu, W, Th): Mar 26, 27, 28

Course Coordinator

Isabel Jamieson


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Assignment 1: Written Essay 25 Mar 2018 35% Outcomes assessed: 1, 2. This is due by 5pm on Sunday 25 March 2018. This assessment item is designed to enable you to analyse and critique health related issues from a nursing perspective and to produce a position statement about your allocated topic.
Assignment 2: Written Essay 07 May 2018 45% Outcomes assessed: 3,4, 5. This is due by 5pm on Monday 7 May 2018. This assessment is designed to enable you to; a) critically examine the profession of nursing and, b) critically explore nurses contribute to the inter-professional team.
Presentations x2 20% Outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Presentation #1 (5%) Contemporary nursing issues. This is due on 20 February 2018. Presentation #2 (15%) Analysis and critique of a health related issue from a nursing perspective. The due date is to be confirmed.

Assessment 1 – Written essay
This assessment item is designed to enable you to analyse and critique health related issues from a nursing perspective and to produce a position statement about your allocated topic.  

Due Date:  Sunday 25 March 5pm 2018 Word Limit: 3500 words +/-10%, (inclusive of a position statement, excluding references).

You will be allocated one topic to explore from the list below. You are expected to demonstrate an in-depth analysis and critique using of relevant literature.

Assessment topics:
1.  In 1988, the then president of the International Council of Nurses, Amelia Mangay-Maglacas writing in the Nursing Times stated, “A two-hour global strike supported by all the world’s nurses may be the only way to focus attention on the profession’s problems”.
• Write a critical analysis of the arguments for, and against, registered nurses undertaking industrial action. Include their support, or non-support, of other members of the interprofessional health care team in proposed industrial action.
• Include a position statement about registered nurses undertaking industrial action based on your critical analysis.

2. The 2014 report of the National Nursing Organisations to Health Workforce New Zealand anticipates that by 2035, New Zealand Aotearoa will be faced with a significant shortage of nurses.
• Describe the factors which have led to this developing situation and critically discuss the strategies which have been proposed to alleviate the potential nursing shortage.
• Include a position statement about managing the New Zealand nursing workforce   based on your critical analysis.

3. The New Zealand Nurses Organisation has expressed concern that there has been a proliferation of unregulated workers providing ‘nursing’ care in secondary care, residential care and home based services.
a. Write a critical analysis about the regulation or non-regulation of the nursing workforce. Include an outline of the mechanisms by which nursing is regulated in New Zealand Aotearoa
b. Provide a position statement on the regulation of nursing based on your critical analysis.

4. During the 2015 outbreak of Ebola in West Africa a nurse working for the charity, International Medical Corps, contracted the disease and died. Should nurses, as healthcare professionals, have the right to refuse to care for a patient if it places them at physical harm, or potentially conflicts with personal beliefs and values?
• Provide a critical analysis of the question posed above.
• Provide a position statement about conscientious objection to provide nursing care based on your critical analysis.

5. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) argues that “the nursing profession worldwide recognises the vital role the natural environment plays in global health and acknowledges the real threat posed by health care waste” (ICN, 2010, p 1).
International Council of Nurses. (2010). Health care waste: role of nurses and nursing. Geneva, Switzerland: Author.
• Outline the significance of this issue at both the global and national level and critically discuss the role of nurses with respect to the issue of sustainability.
• Provide a position statement, set in the New Zealand context, about the role of nurses in reducing health care waste and the promotion of sustainable practice based on your critical analysis.

6. Numerous studies have described patient outcomes sensitive to nursing and these studies inform arguments for the introduction of mandated nurse: patient ratios, and appropriate skill mix.
• Describe what is meant by the terms ‘mandated nurse-patient ratio’ and ‘skill mix’ and critically discuss the arguments that are put forward in support of these concepts as essential to safe patient care.
• Provide a position statement about the introduction of mandated nurse: patient ratios based on your critical analysis.

7. For several decades it has been predicted that there would be a global shortage of nurses; however, a number of High Income Countries (HIC) (including New Zealand Aotearoa) have been able to defer the shortage through the importation of nurses from Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC).
• Outline the factors driving the global movement of nurses, and discuss the potential outcomes for the health care of the source nations and critically discuss the ethics of HICs recruiting nurses from LMICs.  
• Provide a position statement about the recruitment of nurses and other health care workers from LMICs based on your critical analysis.

Assessment 2 – Written Essay    
This assessment is designed to enable you to; a) critically examine the profession of nursing and, b) critically explore nurses contribute to the inter-professional team
Due Date: Monday 7 May 2018, 5pm Word Limit: 3500 words (excluding references)

What is nursing and how does it contribute to the inter-professional healthcare team?

To answer these questions, you are required to:
1. Provide an in-depth analysis of nursing’s role in healthcare and a critical examination of how it differs from other health professions;
2. Critically examine the contribution of nursing to the interprofessional healthcare team.

It is expected that you will draw upon a range of relevant literature to support your critical analysis of the topic. 

Assessment 3 – Presentations (x2)
These two assessment activities are designed for you to work with other students to investigate important nursing concepts.

Presentation one: Contemporary nursing issues

• Due Date: 20 February 2018
• Time Limit: 15 minutes


For this presentation you will work with another student(s).

You are required to:

• Research the topic allocated to you
• Present your findings, as a Power Point Presentation
o Your findings should focus on the key points related to nursing as a regulated workforce.
• Email a copy to of the Power Point slides the Course Coordinator who will post your slides to the HLTH465 UCLean for all students to access.

Presentation two: Analysis and critique of a health related issue from a nursing perspective

• Due Date:    Second study block: TBC
• Time Limit:  20 minutes


For this presentation you will work with other students who have been allocated the same topic for written assessment #1.
You are required to:
• Prepare a group presentation of your combined findings, thoughts and critique from written assessment #1.

Textbooks / Resources

New Zealand Nursing Journals
Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand (an NZNO publication)
Nursing Praxis in New Zealand

Resources from ARA library at section RT16-RT40 include:
• Freed to care, proud to nurse: 100 years of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation RT16OCO
• A nursing odyssey: An account of the beginning of registered nursing in New Zealand RT37GRE
• Grace Neill : the story of a noble woman RT37.N4NEI

Hester Maclean (Te Ara) http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/biographies/3m25/maclean-hester
Grace Neill (Te Ara) http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/biographies/2n5/neill-elizabeth-grace
Brief history of nursing (Te Ara) http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/health-practitioners/page-3

Papers Past http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast
• Go to ‘More search options’ (top right) to limit search to just Kai Tiaki, or just 1910-20, or just articles
• When searching Kai Tiaki, don’t limit to just articles – this usually gives no results.
• Useful search terms for Kai Tiaki and news articles in general: “Male nurses”, nurse AND hours (interesting stuff about 8 hour days and nurses).

NZResearch http://research.digitalnz.org/ has quite a few theses and journal articles that might be useful secondary sources.

Additional Course Outline Information

Other specific requirements

Assignment layout requirements and other writing considerations
• Page layout:
o Size 12 font: Times New Roman or Arial
o Left justify
o Double space
o Indent the first word each new paragraph (do not add an extra line between paragraphs)
o Headings: Please use the APA 6th edition referencing style for headings
o You are encouraged to use headings
o Number each page
o Add your name to the footer or header
• Referencing style
o Use the APA 6th Edition referencing system (information about this is available via the CPIT and UoC libraries)
• How to present the reference list:
o See:  APA referencing : A guide for CPIT students available via the CPIT library at http://www.cpit.ac.nz/services-and-support/lrc/study/referencing
Some points to consider:
• Please do not:
o Use & in the middle of sentence, this is not a word.
o & is a convention used  in the APA 6th edition referencing system when you are referring to two or more authors in brackets: (Brown & Smith, 2015)
o Use abbreviations such as e.g./i.e. or contractions:
o You are required to write in full: for example/ such as  
o Is not, rather than, isn’t
o Write in absolutes: Nurses must … All patients will …
• Please avoid using:
o Colloquialisms.
o Personal pronouns (unless you are asked to write a  reflection)
o Bullet points
o Foot notes
• Introduction:
o You need one!
o This is perhaps the most important section of your assignment because it tells the reader (marker) what your assignment is about.
o ‘It is equal to up to 10% of the total word count
• Conclusion:
o No references in the conclusion please
o It is equal  up to 10% of the total word count


• *One resubmission opportunity is available for assignment 1 if the minimum pass criteria is not met on the first submission.
• The maximum grade possible for the resubmitted assignment is C-.
• The resubmission date will be negotiated with the course coordinator.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $2,108.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see School of Health Sciences .

All HLTH465 Occurrences

  • HLTH465-18X (C) General non-calendar-based 2018