MBAM603-21T1 (C) Term One 2021

Innovation Driven Customer Value

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 15 February 2021
End Date: Sunday, 9 May 2021
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 28 February 2021
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 18 April 2021


Design Thinking is a people centric, collaborative, optimistic and experimental way of working to drive innovation and create customer value. It is a pragmatic approach that aims to nurture deep curiosity about an issue, unleash creativity in how to approach it, and ensure clarity when it comes to implementing solutions. In these sessions we introduce a process that can be used to approach problems with this new perspective. We work with a lot of new tools and techniques that will help teams collaborate in more creative ways. And we use these to address live business/organisational issues to show how this method can be practically applied.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

1. Describe and apply the principles that underpin a design approach to innovation: people centric, diverse collaboration, growth mindset and experimental.
2. Create desireable, feasible and viable customer value by:
  a) Nurturing deep curiosity about a problem by using discovering and understanding tools
  b) Unleashing creativity through the creating and testing phase with appropriate techniques
  c) Having clarity when it comes to resourcing and implementing innovative solutions
3. Critically reflect and report on the design thinking process as a means of creating customer value.

University Graduate Attributes

This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:

Employable, innovative and enterprising

Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers that can be used in a range of applications.


Subject to approval of the MBA Director.

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Christian Walsh

Dr. Christian Walsh,
Office: Meremere 366
Phone: +64 3 369 4781


Christian Walsh, Carl Davidson (Research First), Richard Hamilton (CDHB)

Project workshop coaches: Dorenda Britten, John Hattrick-Smith

Textbooks / Resources

Required Readings
• Kelly T, Kelly D. Creative Confidence. William Collins 2014:

• Kolko J. 2015. Design Thinking Comes of Age, Harvard Business Review, Sept
• Liedtka J. 2015. Linking Design Thinking with Innovation Outcomes through Cognitive Bias Reduction, Journal of Product Innovation Management;32(6):925–938
• Brown T. 2008. Design Thinking, Harvard Business Review, June
• Liedtka J, King A and Bennett K. 2013. Design Thinking in Action. Rotman Management, Fall
• Brown T, Wyatt J. 2010. Design Thinking for Social Innovation. Stanford Social Review.

Recommended books
• Chip & Dan Heath, (2010), Switch, How to change when change is hard. London: Random House
• Bowmast, N (2018), USERPALOOZA – A Field Researcher’s Guide,
• Brown, T. 2009. Change by design: How design thinking transforms organizations and inspires innovation. New York: Harper-Collins.
• Roger Martin, 2009, Opposable Mind, Winning Through Integrative Thinking, Harvard

Web resources
• Design Kit:
• Stanford dSchool:

Course links


Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $3,033.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Master of Business Administration Programme .

All MBAM603 Occurrences

  • MBAM603-21T1 (C) Term One 2021