MGMT207-18S1 (C) Semester One 2018

Principles of Human Resource Management

15 points

Start Date: Monday, 19 February 2018
End Date: Sunday, 24 June 2018
Withdrawal Dates
Last Day to withdraw from this course:
  • Without financial penalty (full fee refund): Sunday, 4 March 2018
  • Without academic penalty (including no fee refund): Sunday, 20 May 2018


This course covers the principles of human resource management (HRM) - its major functional areas and the major theories that are the basis for modern HRM practices.

This course examines the ways in which organisations can effectively manage their human resources. The course focuses specifically on the principles of human resource management (HRM).

MGMT207 provides students with an understanding of the theories that are the basis for modern HRM practices, as well as an overview of the major areas of HRM. These areas include job analysis, recruitment, selection, performance management and appraisal, training and development, rewards and remuneration, and strategic human resource management.  

This provides a basis that can be built on in MGMT308, which focuses on the application of human resource management strategies practices in real settings.

Course Topics include:
• An introduction to HRM and the development of the field
• Job analysis and design
• Recruitment
• Employee selection part 1 – issues of validity, reliability, utility and fairness
• Employee selection part 2 – selection methods and processes
• Performance management part 1 – performance planning
• Performance management part 1 – performance measurement
• Human resource development
• Remuneration and Reward
• Human resource planning and strategic HRM
• Occupational health and safety

Relationship to Other Courses
This course is one of the essential prerequisites for entry to 300-level courses in Human Resource Management and Management.
Restrictions: Students who have previously taken BSAD 311 or 307 or MGMT 307 are unable to enrol in this course.

Course Workload
The estimated workload breakdown for MGMT207 is provided below:
• Lecture/Tutorials 34 hours
• Lecture/Tutorial Preparation 23 hours
• Weekly quizzes 10 hours
• Assignment 50 hours
• Exam Preparation 30 hours
• Final Examination 3 hours
 Total 150 hours

Please note above that the largest amount of time is allocated to the MGMT207 assignment. It is a substantial piece of work and most likely more challenging than your 100-level assignments. Past experience has shown that students who attend the tutorials regularly and work consistently on the assignment throughout the semester find it enjoyable and rewarding. Those who left it to the last minute hated the assignment.

'Learn from the mistakes of others. Life is too short to make them all yourself’
Eleanor Roosevelt

Learning Outcomes

  • Having completed this course students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of human resource management and discuss the evolution of this field of management to its present integrated contemporary form (assessed in weekly quizzes and final examination);
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of the New Zealand and international context of human resource management (assessed in weekly quizzes and final examination);
  • Define the importance of workforce planning within the context of strategic human resource management and in relation to job analysis (assessed in weekly quizzes and final examination);
  • Understand and apply the major functional areas of human resource management, including job analysis, recruitment, selection and performance management. Application of this understanding will be assessed by means of a major individual assignment (assessed in weekly quizzes, assignment and final examination);
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how human resource development strategies can be applied at both the individual and organisational level (assessed in weekly quizzes and final examination);
  • Discuss the attraction, retention and motivation of employees through appropriate rewards and remuneration strategies (assessed in weekly quizzes and final examination);
  • Demonstrate an appreciation for the contribution that the HR function can make in creating healthy and safe workplaces (assessed in weekly quizzes and final examination);
  • Discuss strategic human resource management and the fit between human resource strategy and organisational strategy (assessed in weekly quizzes).

    BCom Graduate Profile
    MGMT207 addresses the BCom learning goals in the following manner:

    1.1. BCom graduates have an in-depth understanding of the body knowledge pertaining to human resource management. They are able to critically evaluate and, where applicable, apply this knowledge to topics/issues within the discipline.

    The assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate the application of advanced knowledge of HRM, in particular job analysis, employee recruitment, employee selection, and performance management. Recall, understanding, and application of advanced HRM knowledge are also assessed in the final exam.

    1.2. BCom graduates have a broad understanding of the key domains of commerce.

    MGMT207 builds on the broad understanding of commerce that you would have gained in courses such as MGMT100 and ECON104/105. For example, we draw on basic theories of human motivation to understand how reward and remuneration can be used to incentivise employee behaviour. We also draw on basic principles of economics such as supply and demand in order to understand dynamics within the labour market. This understanding is assessed in the weekly quizzes as well as the final examination.  

    2.1. BCom graduates possess key skills and attributes sought by employers which can be used in a range of applications.

    The assignment requires the use of analytical skills in interpreting a case study, and the application of HRM knowledge and problem-solving skills to address the problems presented in the case.

    2.2. BCom graduates can discuss the ethical implications of a situation from the perspective of relevant stakeholders.

    Although not specifically addressed in this course, key ethical and multicultural issues are discussed as part of employee recruitment, selection, and performance management.

    2.4. BCom graduates can write a report on a problem/issue/situation/scenario that (a) incorporates content at an appropriate level of detail; (b) is logically structured; and (c) is presented professionally using correct English, referencing and appropriate resources.

    Written communication is assessed in this course through the assignment. Verbal communication is not formally assessed in this course.

    3.1. BCom graduates are aware of and understand the nature of biculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand, and its relevance to their area of study and/or their degree.

    This learning goal is not addressed in MGMT207.

    4.1. BCom graduates will have observed and understood a culture within a community by reflecting on their own performance and experiences within that community.

    This learning goal is not addressed in MGMT207, however, students who are interested in connecting with the HR resource profession in Christchurch are encouraged to apply for the HRINZ student ambassador programme.

    5.1. BCom graduates can comprehend the influence of global conditions on their discipline and will be competent in engaging with global and multi-cultural contexts.

    This learning goal is not addressed in MGMT207.
    • University Graduate Attributes

      This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attributes specified below:

      Critically competent in a core academic discipline of their award

      Students know and can critically evaluate and, where applicable, apply this knowledge to topics/issues within their majoring subject.

      Employable, innovative and enterprising

      Students will develop key skills and attributes sought by employers that can be used in a range of applications.


(1) MGMT100; and (2) A further 15 points in MGMT or MKTG or MSCI or STAT

Timetable Note

Assignment support tutorials:  Five drop in sessions are scheduled throughout the semester. These are NOT compulsory to attend and are designed to assist you with completing the assignment for MGMT207.

NOTE: The first tutorial will start in the week of 8 March 2018.

Course Coordinator / Lecturer

Russell Wordsworth


Assessment Due Date Percentage  Description
Assignment 11 May 2018 40% Assignment
Weekly Quizzes 20% Weekly Quizzes
Final Examination 40% Final Examination

The marks for assessment work can be scaled before a final grade is determined. You should not regard a raw score of 50% as a pass mark.

Note: Holding of Student Work
For quality assurance purposes related to accreditation, the School is required to hold on
record a number of assessment pieces as examples of differing standards of work. If you
have any objections to the school holding a copy of your assessment for this purpose
please inform the course coordinator of this via email.

Late Submission
Late submission of assignments will be NOT be accepted without the approval of the course coordinator. Late submission is granted at the discretion of the course coordinator only and each application will be evaluated on its merit. The following guideline will be strictly applied by the course coordinator:

If an assignment is submitted in the first three days after the close-off time, then it will have 10% of the maximum possible grade deducted, for every 24 hours after the due date. No assignments will be accepted beyond 72 hours after the close-off time.
The only exception to the above is where formal aegrotat conditions are satisfied. Please note that an aegrotat application must be submitted within seven days of the due date for the assessment.

Textbooks / Resources

Stone, R.J. (2017) Human Resource Management, 9th Edition. Wiley Direct (please note that this textbook is only available via digital copy through Wiley Direct. You can purchase a copy of the book from )

All students are encouraged to purchase the textbook. For those students unable to purchase a copy, six electronic copies will be available through the library. Details on how to go about accessing these copies will be posted on the MGMT207 LEARN page under “FAQs”.

Additional readings will also be made available via LEARN.


Class Representative
A class representative may be asked to volunteer in the first few weeks of class. Any problems with the course can be raised with the class rep. Their email can be found at UCSA. The class representative will take up any issues raised by class members with the lecturer concerned as they occur.

Departmental Academic Policies The Department assumes that you have read this document.

You should also read the General Course and Examination Regulations

Students repeating MGMT207 are requested to get in touch with the Course Coordinator within the first two weeks of the semester to discuss their assignment and approach to the course.

Dishonest Practice
The University of Canterbury considers cheating and plagiarism to be serious acts of dishonesty.  All assessed work must be your own individual work unless specifically stated otherwise in the assessment guidelines. Material quoted from any other source must be clearly acknowledged. You must not copy the work of another person (student or published work) in any assessment including examinations, tests and assignments. Any person, who is found to have copied someone else's work, or to have allowed their work to be copied, will receive a fail grade for that piece of assessment and may face disciplinary action which may lead to a fine, community service or exclusion from the university.

IMPORTANT: Where there are concerns regarding the authorship of written course work, a student can be required to provide a formal, oral explanation of the content of their work.

Indicative Fees

Domestic fee $790.00

International fee $3,350.00

* All fees are inclusive of NZ GST or any equivalent overseas tax, and do not include any programme level discount or additional course-related expenses.

For further information see Management, Marketing and Tourism .

All MGMT207 Occurrences

  • MGMT207-18S1 (C) Semester One 2018